The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2446: Void and Viper

The popular envoy said it nicely, but Niu Dawei just listened with a smile and didn't express any opinion.

In the realm of self-cultivation, and even in the entire void, the strong are respected.

In the eyes of outsiders such as Hunling Zunshen, Taimiao is the true god, and the strongest in Taiyi Sect is the imaginary immortal Meng Zhang. The relationship between the two parties is definitely not equal.

Tai Miao lived in the underworld all year round, and it was difficult to completely control the Taiyi Sect, so that the Taiyi Sect guaranteed a certain independent status.

In the relationship between Taiyimen and Taimiao, Taimiao should maintain a leadership position, and Taiyimen asks for more from Taimiao.

Most of Taiyimen are Taimiao's vassals, who receive Taimiao's protection and are attached to Taimiao's existence.

The temptation conditions offered by Hunling Venerable God are difficult for any indigenous god, especially a new true **** like Taimiao to refuse.

The only thing Hunling Venerable God is worried about is that Taiyimen has blocked information on Taimiao for its own interests, and has not conveyed his goodwill to Taimiao.

Therefore, in addition to sending the popular envoy to visit Taiyimen on the bright side, and turning to the **** of mixed spirits.

The Hunling Venerable God also arranged another messenger to go directly to the underworld to meet Tai Miao.

The foreign invaders have penetrated the Junchen world for many years, and have collected a lot of information about the Junchen world. They still have a good understanding of the underworld.

As the Junchen world is entering destruction, the rules of the underworld are constantly weakening the suppression of outsiders.

Outsiders with the level of returning to the virtual world, after entering the underworld, restrain their breath and do not take the initiative to take action. Generally, they will not cause too much rejection and suppression in the underworld.

After Tai Miao unifies the underworld, the original chaos in the underworld has changed a lot.

Various ghosts and ghosts have stopped fighting each other, and various areas have lost many unnecessary fights and become much safer.

Even though there are frequent natural disasters in the underworld and turmoil in various places, but under the powerful suppression of too wonderful, the underworld has maintained a minimum order and has not fallen into the chaos of the world.

The team of messengers sent by Zunling God, without encountering any danger on the road, successfully arrived at Youdu City.

On the side of Taiyimen in Yangshi, the **** of Fengxing conveyed the kindness of Hunling Zunzi to Taimiao, and tried to win over Taiyimen.

Although Meng Zhang was hostile to all kinds of foreign invaders, there was no need for Taiyi Sect to openly struggle with Hunling Zunshen at this time.

Niu Dawei promised to convey the kindness of Hunling Zunshen to Taimiao, and he did not expressly refuse the envoy of Fengxing.

However, Niu Dawei adopted the strategy of delaying the request of the envoy of Fengxing to visit Taimiao and did not immediately agree to it.

As the messenger of Hunling Zunzi, Fengxing Divine Envoy has rich experience in mission.

He thought he saw through the mind of Taiyimen.

Taiyimen cut off Taimiao's connection with the outside world and wanted to profit from it.

The popular envoy did not insist on his request, but only expressed a friendly intention and left Taiyimen.

On the other side of the underworld, after going through a lot of twists and turns, the team of messengers sent by the Hunling Venerable God finally saw the wonderful.

In a broad sense, the ghosts and gods in the underworld of the Junchen world also belong to the indigenous gods of the Junchen world.

No matter what system of practitioners, no matter what race, as long as they embark on the path of cultivation, they will be somewhat motivated, hoping that their cultivation will be higher and stronger.

If Tai Miao is really just a true **** who has been promoted from the underworld, he will definitely be moved by the **** of mixed spirits.

Whether it is the Junchen world or the Shenchang world, the spiritual achievements of the indigenous gods are limited.

Being able to cultivate to the realm of true gods seems to be the limit.

Not to mention gods, high-level true gods have never been born.

Although the Hunling Venerable God is not a god, he is the top powerhouse among the true gods.

Not all gods can be crowned with the title of Revered God.

Hunling Zunshen has an extraordinary origin and a profound background.

With his cultivation realm, he is fully qualified to point out a new true god.

As long as he is willing, it is not impossible to provide a way to the gods.

The reason why the top aboriginal gods in the Shenchang world are full of vigilance against the mixed spirit gods.

It is because they are worried that the Hunling Venerable God Dove will occupy the magpie's nest and take advantage of their own advantages to replace their position and become the new ruler of the Shenchang Realm.

Tai Miao is the incarnation of Meng Zhang, and the first **** enshrined by Meng Zhang.

Since Taiyi Jinxian established such a system, divided the three realms, and canonized gods, he naturally did not forget to leave a way for the canonized gods to improve.

According to the inheritance left by the ghosts and gods born in the underworld, after cultivating to the true god, there is indeed no way to go.

But the inheritance from Taiyi Jinxian is at least enough for Taimiao to cultivate all the way to the realm of gods.

What's more, how could Tai Miao disobey Meng Zhang's orders.

Taimiao did not refuse to win over the Hunling Venerable God, but looked very tempted, but full of precautions.

According to Meng Zhang's orders, Taimiaohui and Hunling respect Shenxu and Wei Snake.

In addition to trying to get some benefits from the **** of chaos, the most important thing is that the current situation in the Junchen world is chaotic. Having more influence on the situation in Junchen Realm will make those who try to attack him even more afraid.

For Hunling Venerable God, Taimiao, as an indigenous **** promoted by Junchen Realm, has a geographical advantage in Junchen Realm.

If you can use Tai Miao as your own, not only will you have an extra helper in the next war, but it will also be like driving a nail into the Junchen world.

Under the circumstances of your love and my wishes, the relationship between Taimiao and the Hunling Zunshen quickly warmed up.

Of course, out of safety concerns, Taimiao refused to leave the underworld to visit the Hunling Venerable God.

Hunling Zunshen understands Taimiao's cautious attitude.

Although the Junchen world is entering into destruction, the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld have not completely collapsed, and it is difficult for the gods and gods to enter the underworld directly.

Hunling Venerable God can only send messengers to visit and convey his meaning.

Taimiao is willing to stay friendly with the Hunling Venerable God, but has been dragging her unwillingness to form an alliance with the Hunling Venerable God.

Newly promoted gods, especially the indigenous gods who have no are basically this cautious and very conservative mentality.

Hunling Zun has seen more and understood it very well.

He was not in a hurry, as if there was a patient fisherman, it was wonderful to hang slowly, tempting him little by little.

At least in a short period of time, Hunling Venerable God will not lose patience.

Hunling Zunshen took advantage of the fact that he was also a Shinto practitioner, trying to win over it was wonderful, and Shenchangjie was not idle.

Meng Zhang and Shenchang Realm had a lot of grievances and grievances. When Meng Zhang entered the Shenchang Realm and slaughtered, the damage to the Shenchang Realm was not small.

One of the true gods who ruled the realm of Shenchang, the son of the true **** Shengyang, the son of Rihua, died indirectly in the hands of Meng Zhang.

Although the true **** of rising sun has more than one **** child, Rihua **** child is his most optimistic **** child, and the death of sun **** child Rihua is also related to his dignity.


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