The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2452: pass information

Meng Zhang is not guessing randomly, his guess has many basis.

He was confident in his guesses, believing it was very close to the truth.

After the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm was wiped out, the Heavenly Secrets of the Junchen Realm began to be disordered.

All the celestial masters in the Junchen world began to gradually lose their ability to deduce celestial secrets.

As the Junchen Realm entered into destruction, the secret of heaven became more and more chaotic.

In this case, not to mention the local celestial masters of Junchen Realm, even the foreign celestial masters, after entering the vicinity of Junchen Realm, it is difficult to perform the celestial mysteries.

If a celestial master of Meng Zhang's level is willing to pay enough price, he can still forcibly cast the celestial secret technique and perform some deductions.

Of course, it is unknown how much information can be inferred.

Although the secrets of Junchen Realm have been disordered, the secrets of the entire void are still running.

Meng Zhang really wants to fight for his life, and there is still a few chances to surpass the chaotic secrets of the Junchen world and peep into higher-level secrets.

However, there is no need for this now, and the situation is far from the level that Meng Zhang desperately needs.

Although he did not use the Heavenly Mystery Technique for the deduction, Meng Zhang's own spiritual sense continued to play a role.

Many times, some of the guesses he made based on the guidance of spiritual sense, or purely based on intuition, were still very reasonable and credible.

The purpose of the six true immortals has always been clear.

Everything they do is for the treasure of the gods.

Meng Zhang believed that the rumors he let the Taiyimen monks spread secretly were close to the truth, if not the whole truth.

Only such rumors that seem to be very true can impress the powerhouses from all sides.

Of course, it is far from enough to completely impress the high-level foreign invaders and restart the war just by relying on some rumors. Meng Zhang still needs to do some other work.

Taiyimen monks quickly spread these rumors according to Meng Zhang's instructions.

During this process, the Taiyi Sect cultivator who was in charge of the execution was very cautious and did not reveal his identity and concealed the source of the rumors.

Meng Zhang's rumors were not aimed solely at the Ziyang Sect, but dragged all five Sacred Land Sects into the water.

The foreign invaders captured Jiutian and destroyed the Tiangong. In the entire Junchen world, there were not many forces that dared to confront it head-on.

The remnants of the Tiangong were hidden, and the sects of the major holy places shrank in an all-round way, barely able to protect themselves.

In this case, in addition to the dark alliance and other forces that have long been colluding with foreign invaders, there are many comprehension forces secretly moving closer to it.

Now the foreign invaders did not completely occupy the Junchen world, but completely controlled Jiutian and confronted the major holy land sects.

In addition to its own intelligence system, many cultivators in the Junchen world took the initiative to provide intelligence to foreign invaders.

The rumors spread by the Taiyimen monks soon spread throughout the Junchen world, and spread to the invaders from outside the territory.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to see any response from the high-level foreign invaders.

Through the restraint in his body, Meng Zhang contacted Zhenxian Xianyun and conveyed these rumors in detail.

Xianyun Zhenxian attaches great importance to the latest information provided by Meng Zhang.

He has been waiting hard outside the Junchen Realm for all these years, because it is not the treasure of the gods.

If the six true immortals succeeded, his hard work over the years would be in vain, and he would also lose the chance to attack the heavenly immortals.

Hearing that the Six True Immortals are about to succeed, Xianyun True Immortal can't wait to kill Junchen Realm immediately.

But he quickly calmed down and overcame this urge.

Whether it is the six true immortals or the extraterritorial invaders, their strength is far superior to him.

These are two powerful groups, and even if he joins forces with Fairy Yue'e, an ally who is not particularly trusted, he will not be able to confront either group head-on.

Only when these two groups fought fiercely, preferably both, could he take advantage of it.

His biggest advantage now is that he is hiding in the dark with Fairy Yue'e, and has not been exposed so far.

Meng Zhang knew that Xianyun Zhenxian was cautious, and he could also guess what he was thinking.

He also told Xianyun Zhenxian that he used to have a close relationship with Taiyi Sect and had cooperated with many ghosts and gods in the underworld. He was promoted to True God not long ago.

Due to the good relationship between the two sides, after Taiyimen paid enough price, Taimiao was willing to continue to protect Taiyimen.

Xianyun Zhenxian felt a bit of vigilance when he heard that Meng Zhang had caught up with a true god.

He sensed carefully, and after realizing that there was no problem with the restraint in Meng Zhang's body, he relaxed.

Like all immortals, Xianyun Zhenxian has a sense of superiority in the face of gods.

Generally speaking, the Taoist cultivation system is superior to the Shinto system.

A newly promoted **** in Taimiao District, or a **** **** from a remote country like Junchen, how could he have the ability to decipher his brilliant immortal methods?

As long as there is no problem with the restraint in Meng Zhang's body, he can continue to control Meng Zhang and let it work for him.

However, Taiyimen was actually able to catch a true god, which is really good luck.

Xianyun Zhenxian beat Meng Zhang.

Don't think that when you catch a new true god, you think that your wings are hard and you can get out of your control.

Xianyun Zhenxian is located in the void near Junchen Realm, and the distance from Meng Zhang, who is located in Junchen Realm, is too far. Many methods are not easy to use.

Otherwise, he will continue to warn Meng Zhang, and even make a deeper impression on Meng Zhang.

Now that the six true immortals are about to obtain the relics of the heavenly immortals, the true immortal Xianyun urgently needs more information from Meng Zhang.

Xianyun Zhenxian still hopes that Meng Zhang will serve him sincerely, and the effect will be better.

He thought about it for a while, and continued the old way of coercion and seduction.

Besides beating and warning Meng Zhang, he also gave Meng Zhang more favors.

He gave some pointers to Meng Zhang's practice, told many key points when the virtual immortals broke through the true immortals, and introduced many skills that the true immortals possessed.

Many of the things that Xianyun Zhenxian said are recorded in the Taiyimen inheritance, but there are also some unique things.

In particular, Xianyun Zhenxian's own cultivation experience and understanding are of great reference value to Meng Zhang.

Although the inheritance of Taiyimen is high-end and perfect, there are still many differences compared with the appearance of a true immortal.

Xianyun Zhenxian knew what a cultivator like Meng Zhang needed most.

He didn't mind giving Meng Zhang a little sweetness to make him more motivated.

Xianyun Zhenxian, who is proficient in the way of the emperor, understands that he cannot blindly intimidate Meng Zhang.

Only by fully mobilizing Meng Zhang's enthusiasm can Meng Zhang play a greater role.

When he achieves his goal in the future, Meng Zhang loses its use value.

All the benefits he gave Meng Zhang would be taken back.

What happens to Meng Zhang depends on his own mood.

For the sweetness given by Xianyun Zhenxian, Meng Zhang accepted all the benefits.

When he settles with Xianyun Zhenxian in the future, he will not show mercy.

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