The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2460: Traction formation

Of course, this action planned by Meng Zhang did not come out of nothing.

The so-called intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, but inadvertently planting willows and willows will make shade.

Although they were not able to capture the Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate and completely control the north of the Junchen Realm, the addition of the Moon God and his followers to the Taiyi Gate system was an important supplement to this system.

Meng Zhang needed many gods to stabilize the world of Taiyimen.

But in a short period of time, not so many suitable objects can be canonized as gods.

On the issue of canonization of gods, Meng Zhang has always adhered to the principle of “prefer to lack rather than abuse”.

In the current Taiyimen system, there are not many gods that can be used.

Taimiao and her subordinates follow the gods, and the main energy is still on the underworld.

Before the Junchen world completely collapses, they must ensure that key parts of the underworld can be saved.

For a complete world, the underworld is essential.

In the Yang World, Taiyimen lacked enough available gods.

The Moon God is an ancient aboriginal **** in the Junchen Realm, with rich experience in all aspects.

With the addition of Luna, it can make up for the weak link of Taiyimen.

After the Moon God's injury is healed, he will lead his subordinates to stabilize the Taiyimen territory.

In this way, even if there is no mountain gate that can capture the Ziyang Shengzong according to the original plan, it can barely keep the existing territory of Taiyimen.

Of course, before accepting Mengzhang's canonization, Luna received a solid promise from Mengzhang.

The Luna Club has always maintained a high degree of freedom and will still have a channel for advancement.

In addition, there are several old acquaintances of Meng Zhang, such as the old monster from Xihai, Qiu Gangfeng, etc., who have turned to the aboriginal gods in the Junchen world before.

After the secret base of the indigenous gods of the Junchen world was destroyed by the cultivators, they completely fell to the moon god.

Now that Luna has joined the Taiyimen system, the Taiyimen will send people to persuade and win them over and let them join the Taiyimen as guest ministers.

No faction, including Taiyimen, will never dislike the great power of returning to the void too much.

After completing the canonization of the Moon God, Meng Zhang also made adjustments to the original plan.

If you can't capture the Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate in a short period of time, you must find a way to make up for it.

Taiyimen dispatched many high-level monks to set up more magic circles and restrictions in various places to reinforce the leylines above the Taiyimen territory.

When the Junchen Realm completely collapsed, Meng Zhang was ready to take the risk of putting more pressure on the Sun and Moon Blessed Land of Taiyimen, trying to ensure the integrity of Taiyimen's territory.

It is too wonderful in the underworld, and he actively leads his subordinates to get busy.

The Junchen world has entered into destruction, and the underworld will naturally not be spared.

Compared with the yang world, the spatial structure of the underworld is more fragile.

At this time, in the underworld, various natural disasters that were far more frequent and violent than those in the Yang world broke out.

Unprecedented earthquakes have occurred in many places in the underworld.

Collapse of mountains and cracks in the ground have become common occurrences.

In some fringes of the underworld, large chunks of land sank, and then disappeared completely.

A violent space storm swept from everywhere, stirring up the underworld.

If there is no accident, the underworld will be collapsed faster by the Yang world.

Tai Miao has withdrawn the army of ghosts scattered all over the underworld and recalled it to the vicinity of Youdu City.

Around Youdu City, with the help of Taiyimen monks, Taimiao's ghosts, gods and ghosts built a large number of magic circles and restrictions to consolidate this land.

Taimiao and his subordinate Cong Shen have been dispatched many times to move some valuable mountains in the underworld to the vicinity of Youdu City.

In the territory of Youdu City, with Youdu City as the core, a huge traction formation was built.

When the underworld collapses, this pulling formation will play a role, and move more surrounding land to the area where Youdu City is located.

On the Taiyimen territory of Yangshi, a similar arrangement has long been established.

The soul sea in the underworld is the most important place in the underworld.

The underworld without the sea of ​​souls is simply not complete.

The soul sea is located in the depths of the underworld, and it is relatively stable at present.

Too wonderful power, temporarily unable to move Soul Sea to Youdu City.

Tai Miao led a group of men to the vicinity of Soul Sea.

They set up a giant magic circle near the sea of ​​​​souls, which was used to echo with the pulling circle of Youdu City.

When the collapse of the Junchen Realm becomes more and more serious, and the underworld is completely unstable, the area where the soul sea is located will also be shaken.

At that time, Tai Miao Hui and his subordinates will drive the large formation and try to pull the soul sea to the vicinity of Youdu City.

In the collapsing underworld, the various natural disasters that erupted are not without benefits.

Tai Miao knew for a long time that the extraterritorial ghosts built a secret refuge in the underworld.

The extraterritorial ghosts hide in the shelter, not only can they perfectly hide their own deeds, but also allow themselves to avoid the exclusion and suppression brought about by the rules of the Junchen world.

Due to the extraterritorial ghost clan making troubles several times, Taimiao wanted to find it out and destroy it long ago.

Taimiao had been in the underworld several times before, almost in the heaven and the earth, and she was unable to find these extremely secret refuges.

This made Tai Miao, the lord of the underworld, feel a great disgrace.

At the same time, he also developed a great interest in the hiding techniques of the foreign ghosts.

The natural disasters that are breaking out in the underworld are completely irregular.

In an accidental situation, a sudden earthquake exposed a secret refuge of the ghost tribe outside the realm. UU Reading

During a major earthquake, the mountains in the area where the shelter was located collapsed and the land sank.

In order to stabilize the sanctuary, the extraterritorial ghosts in the sanctuary had to make every effort, thus exposing their breath.

During this time, Tai Miao was running around with her subordinates, trying to move the valuable land in the underworld.

After the aura of the sanctuary was exposed, it was quickly sensed by Tai Miao.

Tai Miao rushed to the shelter in person and arrested one of these extraterritorial ghosts.

The extraterritorial ghosts in the sanctuary are the strongest, but they are not at the level of returning to the void, and they are vulnerable in the face of Taimiao.

In the end, the sanctuary was completely destroyed, and some of these extraterritorial ghosts died in battle, and some became too wonderful prisoners.

Tai Miao took the captured foreign ghosts back to Youdu City, and spent time slowly interrogating them, trying to get more information.

Under the wonderful means, these prisoners have revealed all kinds of information.

Due to the rapid disintegration of the underworld, the refuges of the foreign ghosts began to be exposed one after another.

Taimiao used the information obtained from the captives to follow the clues, and destroyed several secret shelters of foreign ghosts in succession, capturing more captives.

More and more information about the extraterritorial ghosts appeared in Tai Miao's hands.

Many years ago, the foreign ghosts infiltrated the Junchen world, trying to invade this big world.

The teams sent by the extraterritorial ghosts to the Junchen Realm are limited in strength, and they emphasize the secrecy and concealment of their actions.

Instead of cooperating with other extraterritorial invaders, they acted alone.

They gradually penetrated into the Junchen world by supporting puppets like the Dali Dynasty.

With the demise of the Dali Dynasty, the infiltration of the Junchen Realm by the extraterritorial ghosts came to an abrupt end.

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