The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2471: risk one's life

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Meng Zhang, who had regained consciousness, was about to cast the fairy talisman, but hesitated again.

The enemy has not yet officially appeared, and he can't even determine the true face of the enemy, and he has not found a fixed target.

In this case, to cast the immortal talisman, one can only blindly launch a large-scale attack, relying on the spirituality of the immortal talisman to search for the enemy.

Originally, with his cultivation, he could not exert the full power of the fairy talisman.

Don't waste the power of the immortal talisman, let's not talk about it, can the immortal talisman really help him get out of this predicament?

As a former true immortal-level powerhouse, the enemy's means are so strange and powerful. Is there no way to deal with the immortal talisman?

If he used this hole card rashly and failed to get out of the predicament, Meng Zhang would basically be powerless in the next battle.

Meng Zhang hesitated, but the battle did not stop.

The strange spiritual power released by the other party entangled Meng Zhang's whole body, constantly wearing down Meng Zhang's protective power, and constantly attacking his body.

Meng Zhang had another idea in his mind.

He is proficient in reading minds and is good at reading people's hearts, and he suspects that his mind has long been seen through by his opponents.

Perhaps, the opponent already knows his hole cards, and unknowingly affects his mind and prevents himself from making the right choice.

As Meng Zhang hesitated, his situation took a turn for the worse.

He was uneasy in his heart, unable to make a decision for a long time.

At this critical moment, Meng Zhang's spiritual sense once again warned him.

There was a sense of impending catastrophe in his heart, and he knew that he could no longer delay.

If you continue to be so hesitant, I am afraid that you will destroy your only life.

Due to the stimulation of his spiritual sense, Meng Zhang's mind maintained a certain clarity.

He slammed his heart and made a major decision.

He did not rashly cast the fairy talisman, but seized the time and secretly used the Heavenly Mystery Technique Dayan Divine Calculation, trying to deduce the Heavenly Mystery.

The Junchen world has entered into destruction, and the whole world is in chaos.

Meng Zhang was not spying on the secrets of the Junchen world.

Some top-level celestial masters know that they are beyond the great worlds, covering the entire void and myriad worlds, and there are higher-level rules of heaven and earth in operation.

If you want to spy on the secrets of this level, even the top secret masters have to pay a huge price.

The current Meng Zhang deduces this kind of high-level celestial operation.

When Meng Zhang was living in the void, he had a similar experience and gained a way of life by deriving the secret of heaven.

He was supposed to be familiar with it, but he encountered a lot of difficulties.

When the celestial masters use the celestial secret technique to deduce the celestial secrets, they must be calm, keep their minds pure, and their minds clear enough.

But at this moment Meng Zhang, due to the influence of the enemy's spiritual power, although he has not completely fallen into the state of chaos and confusion, the situation is not very good.

Meng Zhang tried several times in a row, but he couldn't get into a calm state of mind.

There are always cluttered thoughts in his mind that prevent him from concentrating and emptying his mind.

At this time, Meng Zhang's years of experience, extraordinary talent, and indomitable Taoism finally began to play a role.

Time was running out, but Meng Zhang knew that at this time, he couldn't be in a hurry and couldn't be in a mess.

He tried to stabilize his mood, first wiping lightly, trying to wipe away the dust on his mind.

But the more he is like this, the more dust seems to be on his heart, and the heavier his heart becomes.

Meng Zhang quickly reacted and made adjustments immediately.

He gradually relaxed, and he couldn't think of anything, as if he had forgotten everything.

He forgot the impact on his soul, the fatal crisis he faced...

It didn't take long for Meng Zhang's mind to enter a special ethereal state.

At this time, Meng Zhang reacted almost instinctively, and unconsciously performed the Great Evolution Magical Calculus, and began to deduce the secret of heaven and the place of his own vitality.

It is very difficult to derive such a high-level heavenly secret.

Even if Meng Zhang, a top-level master of heavenly secrets, had the experience of successful deduction, after casting the spell, he still felt a lot of difficulties.

The most important thing is that Meng Zhang must pay a sufficient price for spying on the secret.

Cultivating the Great Evolution Divine Calculation, you can accumulate special calculations on weekdays, which will be consumed during the deduction of celestial secrets.

However, if the deduction is too difficult, there are other significant costs to pay.

The price Meng Zhang paid at this time was his life.

With the use of Heavenly Mystery Technique and the progress of deduction, Meng Zhang's lifespan was rapidly depleting.

Ordinary cultivators in the early stage of returning to the void have a limit lifespan of about five thousand years.

With the continuous improvement of the cultivation realm, the lifespan will also be greatly increased.

The Void Return Realm is complete, which is the so-called Void Immortal, and its limit lifespan will not exceed 10,000 years.

Meng Zhang was considered a young man among the great powers of returning to the void, only over 2,000 years old.

And he is in good physical condition, with strong foundation and abundant vitality.

If nothing else, he still has nearly 8,000 years of lifespan, which is enough for him to slowly pursue immortality and attain Taoism.

But now, because of the consumption of Dayan Divine Calculation, his life essence is rapidly depleting.

One hundred years, two hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years, two thousand years...

In a short period of time, Meng Zhang's vitality was greatly reduced, and his lifespan had been consumed by more than half.

Losing so much life essence in such a short period of time, various consequences began to manifest.

Meng Zhang's hair began to turn white, and his youthful face became old...

The deduction is not over yet, and Meng Zhang's lifespan is still rapidly depleting.

At this point, Meng Zhang has no way back, only one way to go to the dark.

Meng Zhang was not disappointed by the superior Heavenly Secret Art of Dayan Shensuan.

Since he was a young monk, this secret technique has helped Meng Zhang overcome many difficulties many times.

With the improvement of Meng Zhang's cultivation base, he recruited the best of hundreds of and absorbed the experience of other celestial secret arts, and cultivated this celestial secret arts to perfection.

At this time, Meng Zhang's attainments and achievements in Dayan Shenshu probably far surpassed those of the predecessors who created this celestial secret technique.

Now, this secret art once again pointed the way for Meng Zhang.

After the deduction was over, Meng Zhang, whose vitality was severely damaged, had an expression of disbelief on his face.

It is too difficult for the Dayan God to figure out the way of life for Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang had some doubts, whether he was misled by the enemy and made a wrong deduction.

Meng Zhang sensed that he had little remaining life essence, and he was unable to carry out similar deductions again.

Meng Zhang's heart sank, and he chose to believe in the results that he himself deduced.

He doesn't believe it anymore, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can completely abolish his own secret art.

At the very least, since the battle until now, although Meng Zhang has always been at a disadvantage, and his opponent's strange methods have emerged in an endless stream, his opponent has never shown any supernatural powers in the field of celestial secrets.

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