The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2475: Aftermath

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Even if he can't give full play to his strength now, in the face of the current situation, Meng Zhang's strength is enough to deal with it.

There is no need to use any immortal magic powers, and Meng Zhang, who has just completed his promotion, has not had time to practice immortal magic magic powers.

With Meng Zhang's body as the center, the majestic immortal power rushed out like a tide.

Compared with the real magic power that Meng Zhang used to use before, the immortal power was a higher-level power and possessed more incredible power.

If you want to fight against immortal power, you must have the same level of power.

The Red Earth Sacred Mountain Mountain Spirit was indeed a true immortal-level powerhouse in its heyday, but he was seriously injured, which led to a drop in the realm of cultivation, and has not fully recovered yet.

Wherever Xian Li passed, the spiritual power that had previously left Meng Zhang helpless, immediately vanished and disappeared.

The mighty spiritual power of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain formed a legal-like existence around it, completely trapping Meng Zhang in it.

Later, the incarnation of the true demon Rosh who broke into this place was inseparable from the battle with the red earth holy mountain, but it was not able to break the existence of this similar legal domain, but it was able to ensure that the family could advance and retreat freely.

At this time, Meng Zhang kept inciting immortal power and released it violently towards the surroundings.

The surrounding psychic power was easily defeated by immortal power, and this legal-like existence was quickly destroyed.

Meng Zhang's eyes shook for a while, and he finally returned to his normal space.

At this time, he was located in the depths of this secret space, that is, within the belly of this mountain.

Most of the pavilions and pavilions discovered before are illusions, and the surrounding buildings are relatively simple.

Meng Zhang and the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain fought for so long, and later the incarnation of the real devil Rosh fought with him, but this guy never showed his real body.

Meng Zhang did not know what the true face of this enemy looked like.

The immortal power released by Meng Zhang swept away everything around him, and the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain could no longer hide.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain itself has no fixed shape, and it looks like a group of colorful lights that are constantly twisting and changing.

This is the core part of his soul.

The spiritual power it released before, that is, the multicolored light that surrounded Meng Zhang, was like its armor and its weapon.

It drives the spiritual power to protect the soul of one's own family, and is also used to attack the enemy.

Under the sweep of the immortal power released by Meng Zhang, the spiritual power released by the red earth holy mountain mountain spirit was completely swept away without persisting for too long.

The gods of the red earth holy mountain have been completely integrated with this mountain, and it is impossible to escape from this mountain in a short time.

Seeing that the spiritual power that he is best at is vulnerable in front of Meng Zhang, the mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain has a heart, and it is necessary to urge the power of this mountain to continue to fight against Meng Zhang.

This big mountain is an independent small world, a refuge and back road carefully prepared by the top leaders of the Dark Alliance.

The inside of this big mountain is full of various prohibitions and magic circles, and the small world itself also has strong power.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain controls this mountain, fully exerting its power, and really has the ability to deal with ordinary true immortals.

Meng Zhang, who has just been promoted, still has a lot of things to do. He doesn't have much time to slowly entangle with the red earth holy mountain spirit, and he will not have the opportunity to give full play to it.

After he was promoted to a true immortal, it did not mean that the Taoist magical powers that he had practiced before were useless.

Due to the huge improvement in his cultivation realm, the power of the previous magical powers has also increased greatly.

The mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain is about to integrate his soul into the depths of the mountain, and use this mountain to hide.

Meng Zhang's eyes swept around, and he easily saw through his hidden method and found out where his soul was.

When he was still a young monk, Meng Zhang possessed the innate supernatural powers such as the Delusional Dharma Eye.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of the cultivation realm, the power of this innate magical power is also constantly improving.

After becoming a high-level cultivator, Meng Zhang's spiritual sense was sharp and powerful, and he had less time to use his pupil magic powers.

Now his original mortal body has become the body of an immortal, and all kinds of innate magical powers derived from the flesh have also evolved.

Although the Destructive Dharma Eye is not some kind of immortal pupil, it has become powerful enough and magical enough.

The soul of the red earth holy mountain mountain spirit is hidden deep in the mountain, and it also motivates various formations and prohibits hidden actions.

But these are all useless under the glance of the delusional eye.

After Meng Zhang found out where his spirit was, with a single stroke, the highly condensed immortal power shot straight towards the target.

A beam of immortal power destroyed all the obstacles on the road and penetrated the thick mountain.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain was hit directly before it had time to dodge.

The twirling multicolored light group immediately disappeared, and the rest immediately dispersed, turning into countless tiny light spots that were about to escape towards the surroundings.

This method of soul differentiation still has some characteristics.

Most of the spirits of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Mountain Spirit were wiped out, and the participating part tried to split into many remnants to escape from Meng Zhang's pursuit.

Meng Zhang saw through the opponent's attempt at a glance, and of course he would not let it come true.

One after another immortal power shot towards all directions.

These immortal powers have extremely strong spirituality. They know how to pursue the enemy on their own, and will not give up until the enemy is completely wiped out.

Meng Zhang himself also flickered one after another, and started chasing the remnants who were trying to escape.

The prohibition and law formation within this mountain were regarded as nothing by Meng Zhang, and they were easily destroyed.

After Meng Zhang was promoted to True Immortal, the Red Earth Holy Mountain Spirit, who was far from returning to its prime, was almost vulnerable.

A large part of Meng Zhang's mind was focused on chasing and killing his divided spirits.

If the grass is cut, the roots must be removed, and Meng Zhang will not make the mistakes that Sanshan Zhenxian made in the past.

He wants to completely wipe out this great enemy who almost drove him into a desperate situation, and he will definitely not leave a trace of life for him, and he will not leave him with future troubles.

After all, the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit is not at the level of a true immortal. When it comes to real combat power, it is actually limited to Meng Zhang before being promoted to a true immortal.

It had trapped Meng Zhang before, and almost beat Meng Zhang. First, it relied on strange methods, and Meng Zhang had no corresponding way to deal with it.

Second, it has a convenient location and is deployed early.

When Meng Zhang entered the mountain, he exposed his tracks.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain did not rush to launch, but slowly laid out, guiding Meng Zhang into the trap step by step.

Meng Zhang, who has experienced hundreds of battles, was careless for a while, and he had never encountered similar means, but he actually stepped into the trap and fell into an absolute disadvantage.

In the end, Meng Zhang, who was helpless, could only get out of the predicament by risking his life.

If the two sides fought head-on with real swords and real guns, Meng Zhang might not necessarily lose to the other side.

Now that Meng Zhang has been promoted to a true immortal, he has crushed the enemy in the realm of cultivation, and naturally turned the situation around easily.

In the process of Meng Zhang chasing and killing the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Mountain Spirit, many high-level cultivators of the Dark Alliance who were controlled by him rushed towards Meng Zhang from all directions like lunatics.

Meng Zhang, who has the power of a true immortal, just took a little more effort to clear the blockers.

Anyway, these are the cultivators of the Dark Alliance, and Meng Zhang would not care about their lives.

When Meng Zhang spent a lot of energy to exterminate the last remnant of the soul of the red earth holy mountain, the core part of the mountain collapsed.

Immediately, the entire mountain began to collapse.

The red earth holy mountain Shanling is closely connected with this mountain and has become the foundation of the mountain.

The mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain was completely killed by Meng Zhang, and the mountain became extremely unstable.

When Meng Zhang was chasing and killing the remnant soul of the red earth holy mountain, he rampaged in the mountain, wanton destruction, and caused huge damage to the mountain.

If this was near the Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang might have a chance to save one or two by mobilizing the human and material resources of the Taiyi Sect with more effort.

But now, the conditions are not right.

Second, after Meng Zhang was promoted to True Immortal, his horizons became higher.

Although it was a pity that the mountain was destroyed like this, it was not worth the risk Meng Zhang took to save it.

Meng Zhang has just been promoted, and he still needs time to consolidate his cultivation realm and cultivate the corresponding immortal magical powers.

Only when he completely masters the power he possesses can he be regarded as a qualified true immortal.

There are many real immortal-level powerhouses in the Junchen world, including Meng Zhang's opponents.

Dealing with these opponents of the same level will not be as easy as today's battle, and you can win simply by crushing the cultivation realm.

Without the means of the true immortal level and the corresponding magical powers, how can Meng Zhang contend with these opponents?

Moreover, Meng Zhang also wanted to hide his true cultivation as much as possible.

If he rashly exposes the cultivation base of the real immortal realm, many things will be difficult to handle in the future.

Meng Zhang's figure flickered quickly and circled around the mountain quickly.

As the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit was completely killed, the Dark Alliance monks under his control also appeared in various abnormal states.

Most of the monks who were controlled the most and completely turned into puppets died violently.

Most of the monks who have not been completely eroded by their spiritual power, but still remain somewhat awake, fell into a coma.

Meng Zhang soon found two masters and apprentices, Taoist Ye Ye and Taoist Jueying.

Both of them had fallen into a coma and completely lost all consciousness.

Meng Zhang made a cursory check.

Fortunately, their lives are safe.

They are not in good condition, but they can be maintained for a short period of time.

After leaving here, Meng Zhang can slowly treat them.

The gods of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain have completely fallen, and the strange power that invaded their bodies has also lost control.

Meng Zhang released a burst of immortal power to protect the two of them temporarily, and then included them in his mustard seed space.

In the process of circling the circle, Meng Zhang also put away some cultivation resources stored in the treasure house.

Meng Zhang did not delay here for too long, and left here quickly.

This mountain is the secret base of the dark alliance, and the dark alliance has its own means to monitor its movements.

Previously, the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain began to erode from the inside, and did not alert the top leaders of the Dark Alliance.

Now that the entire mountain has completely collapsed, the Dark Alliance will definitely be alarmed.

If the Dark Alliance is far away from the Junchen Realm, and it is difficult to take care of it in a short period of time, then the Fearless Realm, which is close at hand, is a major threat.

The reason why the Dark Alliance built the secret base here has considered many factors.

One of them is that it is easy to get the care and protection of the barbarians of the fearless world.

The barbarians of the Fearless Realm seem rude and simple, but they took advantage of their maneuvers to let the mountain spirit doves of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain occupy the magpie's nest and regain their new life in this mountain.

The mountain collapsed, and the barbarians of the Dreadnought were quick to react.

Meng Zhang didn't want to slowly entangle with the barbarian strong here.

After Meng Zhang left here, he made a big circle in the void to make sure no one was following behind him.

Meng Zhang did not rush back to Junchen Realm, but chose an inconspicuous place, ready to rest a little.

Meng Zhang stood quietly in the air for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and swiped at his body.

After a while, a white cloud appeared in his hand.

This is the prohibition that Xianyun Zhenxian planted in his body back then.

Xianyun Zhenxian thought that by controlling Meng Zhang through the ban, he could drive him to run for himself.

A long time ago, Meng Zhang had the strength to get rid of the ban.

However, if Meng Zhang forcibly removed the restraint, he would most likely be seriously injured.

Second, Meng Zhang's removal of the ban will surely disturb Xianyun Zhenxian.

For Meng Zhang, Xianyun Zhenxian used the ban to control him, so why wasn't he using Xianyun Zhenxian.

Not to mention the benefits he had obtained from Xianyun Zhenxian before, Meng Zhang was also planning to use this ban at the critical moment.

After Meng Zhang was promoted to True Immortal, he could easily get rid of the restriction without disturbing Xianyun True Immortal.

Meng Zhang wrapped the restriction with immortal power and carefully put it away.

This group ban still has great use, but it can't be wasted.

After he had dealt with the restraints in his body and ensured that there were no hidden dangers in his body, Meng Zhang began to slowly examine his body inside and out.

Meng Zhang must be familiar with his immortal body and immortal soul, and slowly consolidate the realm of cultivation.

Cultivators start from the late Yuanshen stage to the stage of returning to the virtual world, and ordinary spiritual stones can no longer meet their needs.

In daily practice, it is mainly to absorb and refine Yuqing Spiritual Machine.

In the void, there are many peculiar places to produce jade clear spirits.

In the Junchen world, through special means, the jade clear spirit can be collected from the source sea.

In addition, high-level blessed places such as the Sun and Moon Blessed Land of Taiyi Gate can also gradually breed the spiritual power of Yuqing after years of accumulation.

In the world of self-cultivation Yuqing Lingji is not only a necessary resource for high-level monks to practice, but also a currency used for high-level transactions.

When Tiangong was still there, it was the jade clearing machine that was used to distribute salaries to the monks under his command.

Meng Zhang is now a true immortal, and Yuqing Lingji can no longer meet his daily practice needs.

He carried a lot of Yuqing spirits with him.

When it hit the real immortal realm before, it consumed most of it.

There are still some Origin Crystals on him.

The source crystal is the condensed source of the highly concentrated heaven and earth in the source sea, and it is enough for the new real immortal Meng Zhang to use.

However, the source crystals in the source sea of ​​a big world are limited.

Moreover, excessive mining of source crystals will cause damage to the source sea and endanger the entire world.

The Junchen Realm has entered into destruction, the source sea has begun to dry up, and Meng Zhang has temporarily lost the channel to obtain the source crystal.

As for the origin of the world of Taiyimen, Meng Zhang will only continue to strengthen it, and will never damage it in the slightest.

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