The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2477: Engraved

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For the sake of confidentiality, Meng Zhang did not disclose to anyone that he became a true immortal, including his disciples.

It's not that he can't trust the middle-level and high-level people, but that he has become a true immortal. He will be a very important soldier and will play a big role at critical moments.

In his next plan, there is no room for omissions and no flaws.

Meng Zhang had previously relied on observation and speculation about the fact that Venerable Fengqing colluded with demons and planned to use ritual demons to dye the Junchen world, and there was no conclusive evidence.

To put it badly, he made such a speculation, largely preconceived, with some kind of prejudice.

He is now promoted to True Immortal, his spiritual sense is stronger, and he has more feelings about this matter.

Among the immortals, there are also celestial masters, known as celestial masters.

When they deduced the secret of heaven, they used immortal magic.

Meng Zhang was promoted to the True Immortal, but he was far from qualified to become the Heavenly Secret Immortal Master.

Although Dayan Divine Calculation is a very clever celestial technique, there is still a big distance between it and the immortal technique.

In addition to deriving the secrets of various great worlds, the Immortal Master of Heaven's Secrets more often stands at a higher angle and deduces the operation of the secrets of the entire Void and Myriad Realms.

They believe that there are higher-level rules of heaven running on the entire void and myriad worlds.

Such a way of heaven is fundamentally different from the consciousness of the way of heaven in various great worlds.

This kind of heaven is more ethereal and distant, more inscrutable, and is called the void heaven.

The Void Heaven is the real Dao. Without one's own feelings, it will not take the initiative to interfere with everything in the Void World.

There are even legends among many immortals that after the legendary Taoist ancestors merged, they turned into the highest level of heaven in the void.

Immortals can learn all kinds of information in the void by peeking at the operation of the void heaven.

Meng Zhang's celestial secret art cultivation base at this time was barely able to sense some of the shallowest things in the sky.

Of course, although his celestial secret technique has not improved much, his spiritual sense is sharper than before, and he can have more senses.

Whether it was the responsibility he took on his own initiative or his own sense of inspiration, Meng Zhang made it a top priority to stop the ceremony of Venerable Fengqing.

He is now promoted to True Immortal and has stronger strength, but he has become more cautious.

Before the shot, he still has a lot of preparation work to do.

Meng Zhang released Daoye Ye and Daoist Jueying master and apprentice in the mustard space.

They were still in a coma and never woke up on their own initiative. .

Although the spiritual power from the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit has begun to shrink, it is still entrenched in their hearts.

It is necessary to expel this alien power, and at the same time be careful not to hurt them.

Under the taboo, Meng Zhang did not dare to act rashly.

Treating them is a very delicate job, and Meng Zhang needs to do it slowly.

Meng Zhang also communicated with Taimiao, his external avatar, in time.

The situation in the underworld is still the same.

The underworld, like the entire Junchen world, is entering into destruction.

Tai Miao has to work hard to keep the key points like Youducheng, and also strive to obtain more inheritance after the collapse of the underworld.

Meng Zhang's cultivation realm finally caught up with Tai Miao's external incarnation.

According to Meng Zhang's practice experience, it is best that the realm of the deity's cultivation should not be inferior to the incarnation outside the body for a long time.

Meng Zhang entered the deepest part of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, circled the most stable place, and set up restrictions not to allow other monks in the door to approach.

Meng Zhang took out the jade book and took out the brand of Yang God stored in it.

Most of these Yang God's imprints are left by the Void Returners in the door.

After the special space in the depths of Junchen Realm collapsed, Meng Zhang kept it in this jade book.

When he was attacking the real immortal realm, the imprint of the Yang God left by Meng Zhang himself had long since been actively put into his body, which became one of the assistances for him to attack the real immortal realm.

Meng Zhang used his immortal power to engrave these Yang God imprints here and reinforce them.

In the future, with the continuous strengthening of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, the engraving here will become stronger and indestructible.

While busy with these things, Meng Zhang did not relax his attention to the dark alliance.

According to Meng Zhang's orders, the senior leaders of Taiyimen have been closely monitoring the movements of the dark alliance.

The ceremony held by Venerable Fengqing was too noisy, and the specific process could not be concealed from anyone.

Meng Zhang was about to complete all the preparatory work on Fengqing Shangzun, and when he was about to hold the ceremony, he launched a thunder strike to completely stop his actions.

In this way, even if the top leaders of the Dark Alliance want to carry out similar actions in the future, they must consider the threat from Meng Zhang.

Although Meng Zhang has become a true immortal, he is still not ready to solve this matter alone.

He ordered the senior officials of Taiyimen to keep in touch with the remaining forces of Tiangong at any time, and prepare to attack together.

Since Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate, he has been staying in the depths of Sun Moon Blessed Land, hardly ever leaving.

He also began to treat the master and apprentice of Daoye Ye and Daoist Jueying.

After some treatment, although the two still did not wake up, the situation improved greatly.

Next, there is no need for Meng Zhang to continue to take action, it is mainly up to them to recover slowly.

During this process, Meng Zhang became more proficient in the control of immortal power by carefully expelling the alien power in their bodies.

Among the inheritance obtained by Meng Zhang, there are many powerful and unpredictable celestial powers.

Even if he spends thousands of years, he may not be able to cultivate all these magical powers.

What's more, the cultivation of many immortal magical powers also requires the cooperation of various foreign objects.

Some of them are foreign objects, not to mention not in Junchen Realm, not in Dengtianxing District, and they are very rare in Void World.

If Meng Zhang wanted to form a fighting force in a short period of time, he had to make a choice when he practiced immortal magic.

The current Meng Zhang, without the leisurely attitude of an immortal, can be said to be racing against time and being very busy.

In order to improve combat effectiveness, practitioners can use external objects in addition to their own self-cultivation.

Foreign objects that can enhance the combat effectiveness of are very rare in the Junchen world.

Meng Zhang finally used up the two fairy talismans that Xianyun Zhenxian had flicked over.

When Meng Zhang was still a true monarch in the Yuanshen period, his natal instruments were also used up early.

Meng Zhang has always had the intention of refining the natal magic weapon again, but he has never been able to implement it.

From Meng Zhang's vision, he has extremely high requirements for the natal instruments.

More importantly, Meng Zhang's cultivation was improving too fast.

The natal magic weapon that should have grown up with him often couldn't keep up with the progress of his cultivation, resulting in it being unable to play any role.

As for ordinary magic weapons and the like, Meng Zhang was even more despised.

Meng Zhang had obtained a lot of magic weapons, and they were placed in the sect by him for use by the great masters in the sect.

For Meng Zhang, these magic weapons have limited improvement in combat power.

As for the other Void Returning greats in the door, these magic weapons can greatly improve their own.

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