The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2479: Gu Yue Ling Qing

The Gu Yue family was really generous, and they casually gave away a fake immortal artifact, alleviating Meng Zhang's urgent needs.

Meng Zhang, who was promoted to a true immortal, has the ability to completely refine this pseudo-immortal weapon, but it takes a lot of time.

When the power of the Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan can be fully utilized, Meng Zhang's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Compared with cultivating the magical powers of immortal art, it is undoubtedly more cost-effective to give priority to refining the wind fire yin and yang fan.

In order to show sincerity, the Gu Yue family also revealed one thing.

After Meng Zhang sensed the relevant information, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

He stayed in the Sun Moon Blessed Land for a while, sorted out his cultivation, then left here and secretly came to the territory of the Gu Yue family.

According to the information obtained from the Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan, Meng Zhang cast a small spell.

After casting the spell, Meng Zhang waited for a while, and Gu Yue Fenghua, the patriarch of the Gu Yue clan, who had been missing for a long time, hurriedly flew here from a distance.

As a vassal of Taiyi Sect, Gu Yue Fenghua did not dare to neglect after seeing Meng Zhang, and immediately went to pay homage.

Gu Yue Fenghua has been in the stage of returning to the virtual stage for many years, and among the many vassals of Taiyi Sect, he is considered a top-notch figure.

She was very surprised, not knowing why Meng Zhang was able to use the secret summoning technique within the Gu Yue family.

Even the head of her family was only taught this secret technique after contacting the Gu Yue family headquarters.

She, who was still at home before, sensed the call of the secret method, and came here in a hurry.

Because Meng Zhang deliberately restrained his breath, she hadn't found that Meng Zhang had advanced to the realm of true immortals.

What Meng Zhang really wanted to summon was not Gu Yue Fenghua.

Meng Zhang ignored Gu Yue Fenghua, but looked behind her and said softly, "Meng Mou has already come by appointment, why hasn't your Excellency shown up yet?"

Before Meng Zhang finished speaking, a figure silently appeared between Gu Yue Fenghua and Meng Zhang.

This is a woman who seems to be ordinary and ordinary in all aspects.

As soon as Gu Yuefenghua saw this woman appear, she didn't dare to let out the air, and stood by the side respectfully.

In Meng Zhang's eyes, this woman has a unique charm, and there is a hint of extraordinaryness in her body.

More importantly, this woman did not hide her cultivation, she was a true immortal.

Meng Zhang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the Gu Yue family is really yin and yang.

The female cultivators of the Gu Yue clan were already famous, and the outstanding figures of the Gu Yue clan that Meng Zhang had come into contact with were basically female cultivators.

Yin is prosperous and yang is declining, and women are better than men. It seems to be a major feature of the Gu Yue family.

The woman glanced at Meng Zhang and saw through Meng Zhang's hidden true cultivation.

She waved her hand and told Gu Yue Fenghua to step down. She wanted to communicate with Meng Zhang alone.

After the figure of Gu Yuefenghua disappeared, the woman bowed her hands to Meng Zhang.

"Gu Yue Ling Qing has met Sect Master Meng."

"Daoist Gu Yue has been in Junchen Realm for so long that Meng Mou came to visit him, but Meng Mou, the master, was negligent."

Meng Zhang said with a smile.

Back then, Gu Yue Fenghua held a grand ceremony to communicate with the family headquarters of Lingkong Xianjie.

On the surface, the Gu Yue Family Headquarters in Lingkong Immortal Realm only passed a few treasures from the sky.

In fact, Gu Yue Ling Qing, a true immortal, used a secret technique, hid in a treasure, and secretly came to Jun Chen Realm.

Since the wormhole passage between Junchen Realm and Lingkong Immortal Realm was destroyed and the two places lost contact, it has become very difficult for the two places to communicate.

It was very difficult for the Gu Yue Family Headquarters to use the power of the ceremony to transmit a few treasures from the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

It would be even more difficult for the True Immortal Gu Yue Ling Qing to sneak in.

You must know that the defense system of Junchen Realm was still intact at that time, and the high-level officials of Junchen Realm constantly monitored various movements of Junchen Realm.

Even Xianyun Zhenxian couldn't sneak into Junchen Realm without knowing it, and only dared to wander outside Junchen Realm.

Gu Yue Ling Qing was able to sneak into the Jun Chen Realm without disturbing anyone, which was a testament to his ability.

Meng Zhang also learned this information from the wind and fire yin and yang fan.

If he hadn't been promoted to True Immortal, I'm afraid he would still be kept in the dark.

The Gu Yue family has places to seek help from the Taiyi Sect, and there are also tests for the Taiyi Sect.

If the Taiyi Sect didn't even have a true immortal, it would probably not be of much help to the doom that the Gu Yue family would face in the future.

For the sake of safety, the Gu Yue family will show affection to the Taiyi Sect and form a good relationship.

But if the Taiyi Sect is not strong enough, then the Gu Yue family will not have more contact with the Taiyi Sect, nor will they invest more.

The Gu Yue Clan did not explicitly say these things, and most of them were guessed by Meng Zhang from the actions of the Gu Yue Clan.

Meng Zhang was very open about this.

There is no one in the world of self-cultivation who has opened a shantang.

You show potential and look promising, and maybe there will be long-term monks or forces investing in you and even supporting you.

But if your potential is exhausted, your achievements are limited, or you have no results for a long time, then people will stop your losses in time.

The deduction of Tianji Immortal Master is not to say that it is foolproof.

In fact, Tianji Immortals are similar to ordinary Tianji in many ways.

The results they deduced are vague in many cases, just one possibility.

Back then, the Heavenly Master of the Gu Yue Clan deduced that the Gu Yue Clan would be doomed. Over the years, the entire family has been preparing for the catastrophe.

Immortal Master Tianji deduced that the descendants of the Taiyi Sect's founder may be helpful for the Gu Yue family to deal with the doom, which is just one of many possibilities.

The founder of Taiyi Sect was only a Primordial Spirit cultivator back then, and he couldn't get into the eyes of an immortal clan like the Gu Yue clan at all.

For the sake of safety, the Gu Yue family gave him a certain amount of funding, which could be regarded as casting a wide net.

It was not until Gu Yue Fenghua contacted the family headquarters that the senior members of the Gu Yue family in Lingkong Xianjie knew the situation of Junchen Realm and the existence of Taiyi Sect.

With the potential shown by the Taiyi Sect at that time, it is worthy of the Gu Yue family's continued investment.

But if the Taiyi Sect is unable to give birth to a true immortal, let alone helping the Gu Yue family to deal with the doom in the future, then the Junchen Realm will not be able to pass.

Only when Meng Zhang was promoted to a true immortal could he obtain the information hidden in the wind and fire yin and yang fan, and only then could he know the existence of Gu Yue Ling Qing.

Seeing Meng Zhang become a true immortal with his own eyes, Gu Yue Ling Qing would naturally not be neglected.

The current Meng Zhang deserves the further investment of the Gu Yue family, and also has the qualifications to cooperate with Gu Yue Ling Qing.

Neither of them are the kind of people who like red tape. They simply exchanged a few words and then went straight to the topic.

Gu Yue Ling Qing first taught Meng Zhang the fundamental method of thoroughly refining and deeply controlling the Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan.

The Gu Yue family has a backer in the false immortal artifact, the Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan.

If the Taiyi Sect has been unable to give birth to a true immortal and cannot read the information in the Fenghuo Yin-Yang Fan, then after a certain period of time, the Gu Yue family will take back this fake immortal artifact. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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