The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 298: Will count

If it's just that, it's fine.

A sect like Qingzhushan, in front of Feihongzong, was originally a chess piece that could be sacrificed at any time.

After repeated ups and downs, Qingzhushan suffered heavy losses. Only two monks who are no longer young in the foundation-building period, Green Bamboo and Bamboo Sword, remain.

For the consideration of the next generation of Qingzhushan, to ensure that the monks of Qingzhushan will not be faulted during the foundation construction period. Green Bamboo begged Feihongzong many times to be able to sell a Zhuji Dan to Green Bamboo Mountain.

But after the Sand Monster Rebellion, all the original Jidan of Feihongzong were used for rewarding merits after the war. Where is the extra Zhujidan sold to green bamboo?

Qing Zhuo thought that Feihong Sect had deliberately shied away, and refused to help Qing Zhushan to continue its inheritance.

Consciously being loyal to Feihongzong and devoted himself to the best, but being treated like this by Feihongzong, Qingzhuo felt extremely chilling.

Recently, Feihongzong ordered Qingzhushan to do something and let them attack Lin Quanguan.

If you don't give any benefits, you have to do it for nothing. Both Green Bamboo and Zhu Jian suffocated in their hearts.

In the eyes of Feihongzong, Qingzhu Mountain is really inferior to a horse or a cow.

At this moment, Daoist Guanghui secretly touched the green bamboo.

Chief Guanghui carefully analyzed the situation for Green Bamboo.

Dihuomen received the support of the Huoyun faction of the Jiuqu League, and the True Flames were able to form a pill.

Behind Lin Quanguan, there is also great support.

The Mobei Qi family has formed an alliance with the two sects.

The strength of this alliance has far surpassed Feihongzong. As long as the preparations are adequate and the three parties work together, the Feihongzong's rule over the endless sand sea can be completely subverted.

If Qingzhushan does not stand in time, he will have to wait to be buried with Feihongzong.

Green Bamboo, who originally had a grudge against Feihong Sect, was flicked by Dao Guanghui, and he was really tempted.

In the end, Dao Guanghui even took out a spiritual object that Green Bamboo would never refuse.

It was a spiritual orb produced by a special Lingbei that had been heated for hundreds of years in Lin Quanguan.

During the refining period, the monks refine this spiritual orb when they build the foundation, and the effect is no worse than the small foundation building pill in Shuangfeng Valley.

There are not many such spirit beads in Lin Quanguan. Dao Guanghui took out this spiritual orb, and it was also a bloodbath.

With this spiritual pearl, Green Bamboo Mountain can train new monks in the foundation-building period before the green bamboo and bamboo sword are seated.

Only when the monks do not have faults during the foundation construction period, Qingzhushan can preserve the inheritance of the martial art.

The green bamboo, who was worried about the inheritance of the sect, finally fell to Dao Guanghui completely.

With the help of Green Bamboo, Daoist Guanghui didn't spend much effort to persuade Bamboo Sword, who was more dissatisfied with Feihongzong.

After Green Bamboo and Bamboo Sword took refuge in Lin Quanguan, they naturally told Dao Guanghui all of Feihongzong's plans.

Dao Guanghui also knew that Feihongzong would not directly act on Lin Quanguan.

As long as the Taiyi Sect and other sects are solved, the Feihong Sect's hands and feet can be completely cut off, making it impossible to continue to threaten Lin Quanguan.

In order to reduce one's own losses, but also to wipe out the enemy and avoid future troubles. Dao Guanghui didn't directly launch it, but chose to do everything.

Several forces planned to plot Lin Quanguan in the Golden Daomen Gate, and then Lin Quanguan set up an ambush in the Golden Daomen Gate to destroy the enemy.

Gu Tanghai and Shi Weida were the first to reach the Jindaomen Mountain Gate and directly faced the siege of nine monks in the foundation construction period, including three monks in the mid foundation construction period.

Gu Tanghai and Shi Weida didn't have much resistance, let alone a chance to escape, so they were shot dead on the spot.

It's a sigh that Gu Tanghai can be regarded as an outstanding talent, and his abilities in all aspects are very good. In the end, he died here silently.

Next, everyone quietly waited for Taiyimen and Qiaoshoumen to be hooked.

But I didn't expect that the two sects have been delayed.

Dao Guanghui personally sent out a flying talisman to urge him, but he didn't get any response.

Everyone who knew that the situation was not right still had a glimmer of illusion, hoping that the two sects would come to the door obediently.

But just now, this information flying talisman from Meng Zhang revealed that they already knew the traps in the gate of the Golden Daomen, and they were planning to calculate Lin Quanguan's side in turn.

After reading Meng Zhang's flying talisman, Dao Guanghong expressed his guess.

"Perhaps, Meng Zhang and the others have a special secret connection with Gu Tanghai. Once Gu Tanghai died, they knew it, and at the same time they realized that something was wrong."

After hearing what Dao Guanghong said, Dao Guangquan shouted immediately.

"Senior brother is right. The actual situation may be like this."

"Hey, it's a pity. We shouldn't rush to do it. We should wait until they are all here before suddenly making a move and killing them all at once."

Dao Guanghong rolled his eyes. If you don't defeat them individually and wait for all the enemies to come together before you shoot, even with the help of the mountain guard, it will be difficult to wipe out the enemy easily.

If the enemy fights for his life, he has to pull a few backs, and if he fails, he will lose the foundation-building cultivator.

"Okay, don't mention any useless guesses. Now that the enemy has seen through the trap don't care how they see through it."

Dao Guanghui opened his mouth to end everyone's speculation and discussion.

"Since the kid Meng Zhang wants to lure us out. Then we will do what he wants."

"Meng Zhang, Yang Xueyi, Wen Qiansuan and Hou Tu from the Taiyi Sect, Golden Aunt and Jin Qigu with skillful hands. But there are only six foundation-building monks. We have nine foundation-building monks here, if we want to win It’s not difficult to get past the opponent. The hard part is to kill as many enemies as possible, saving you the trouble of hunting down in the future."

Daoist Guanghui spoke while taking out a picture scroll and handed it to Daoist Guangrui below.

"You go out with Xu Yishan and Lin Shenpo to the location designated by the boy Meng Zhang."

"When you encounter their siege, you immediately unfold this formation. Combine the strength of the three of you and rely on the formation to defend. Not only will they not be able to break the formation, but they will be trapped by the formation. In a short period of time, never want to get out of the trap. ."

This picture scroll is actually an array picture, a treasure that Lin Quanguan has inherited for hundreds of years. The power is amazing and unpredictable. Ordinary monks in the foundation-building period are helpless once they are trapped, only to catch them obediently.

This Zhentu Linquan View has almost never been used outside, and outsiders have no way of knowing its existence.

Guanghui Road has long expected the enemy to be wide, and does not expect that the enemy can be taken down by this formation alone.

As long as this formation temporarily traps the enemy and reinforces his side in time, he will be able to defeat the weak with more and defeat the weak with the strong.

Although Dao Guangrui did not have a good reputation in the outside world, he was actually one of Lin Quanguan's only two mid-foundation monks. His combat effectiveness is very strong, only under the commander Guanghui Dao.

He was entrusted by the leader of Guanghui Dao to lure the enemy with the important task, got up and bowed to the leader of Guanghui Dao, he readily obeyed the order, and set off with Xu Yishan and Lin Shenpo.

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