The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3193: explore

The ghosts and gods in the team sacrificed the formation plate and added a lot of other materials, so they barely set up a large formation with the formation plate as the core at the place they selected.

Among these ghosts and gods, there are no Immortal Masters of Array Dao, but there are many carefully selected Masters of Array Dao among them.

Although they can't refine such a high-level array, they can barely use the ready-made ones.

Based on Wen Qiansuan's meticulously refined array, they could barely set up a fairy array of the lowest level.

After the big formation was opened, the defense power here was greatly increased, and all the ghosts and gods were determined.

Under the cover of the formation, they established a camp, which was regarded as a temporary advance base.

Next, they will use this base as their backing to intensify their exploration of the surrounding area and try to explore further afield.

During the following exploration process, the team began to encounter native ghosts in the underworld, as well as some natural dangers and traps.

Tai Miao and their luck are good. The place where the gate of reincarnation is opened is considered to be an extremely remote area in the underworld, and there are no too powerful ghosts nearby.

After one battle after another, after paying a certain amount of losses, this team defeated the enemies they encountered and slowly controlled the nearby area.

Seeing that the situation around that area began to stabilize, and there was no more danger for the time being, Tai Miao once again passed through the gate of reincarnation and sent more reinforcements to the underworld.

Among the reinforcements sent this time, there are both ghosts and ghosts.

The leader of the army is the Void-returning level powerhouse, and among the members, there are many guys at the Primordial Spirit level, Golden Core level, and even Foundation Establishment level.

Among the members of this army, in addition to those who are good at fighting, there are also many guys who are good at mining and construction.

The purpose of this army is not only to fight against the enemy, but also to build bases and expand the area of ​​control of one's own side.

This army entered the underworld safely, and soon began to get busy.

So far, Tai Miao's teams sent to the underworld are mainly ghosts and ghosts.

As the native creatures of the underworld, they will not be weakened after arriving in the underworld.

And after a period of adaptation, they will quickly get used to the environment of the underworld, and move around there like ducks in water.

One of the main methods of daily practice for ghosts and ghosts in the underworld is to actively absorb yin qi of various attributes.

The concentration of yin energy in the underworld of each great world must be far inferior to the underworld that runs through the heavens and worlds.

The place where Tai Miao opened the gate of reincarnation is a backcountry in the underworld, and the conditions in all aspects are very poor.

But even so, the concentration of Yin Qi here is still far higher than that of the Underworld in the Taiyi Realm.

Those ghosts and ghosts who come to the underworld eagerly absorb the rich Yin Qi here and slowly refine it.

You know, when they were in the Underworld of the Taiyi Realm, they didn't have such good conditions for cultivation.

Many ghosts and ghosts can only barely guarantee the daily practice needs, and they cannot get a sufficient supply of Yin Qi at all.

These guys who have tasted the sweetness are very nostalgic for the underworld, and they don't care about the various dangers that exist here.

Compared with the underworlds of the other worlds, the underworld is indeed a treasure land with a very high level.

Perhaps a very ordinary stone in the underworld, taken back to the underworld, can become a material for refining ghost weapons.

Some ghosts and gods who are good at prospecting soon discovered many precious minerals in the surrounding desert.

These minerals may not be considered anything in the underworld, but to these ghosts and gods, they are rare wealth.

The purpose of the subsequent army entering the underworld is not only to fight, but also to shoulder the tasks of construction and production.

They took local materials, used materials from the underworld to arrange more magic circles, built more camps, and began to build some ghost weapons and the like...

Some guys who are lucky enough have also discovered some spiritual objects that can be called natural treasures.

This team didn't have the ability to deal with these spirits. In order not to waste them, they sent these spirits back to the underworld of the Taiyi Realm through the gate of reincarnation.

Not long after they started exploring the underworld, they had these gains. The Taiyi Realm Underworld executives were very happy, and they all felt that it was an extremely wise decision for Tai Miao to order to participate in the underworld hegemony.

They have suggested to Tai Miao that they will continue to intensify their exploration of the underworld and send more forces into the underworld as soon as possible.

Tai Miao was not affected by them, and still followed the original plan, sending teams into the underworld step by step, maintaining a relatively stable rhythm.

In order to strengthen the dispatched power, Tai Miao dispatched an avatar of true god-level divine power, and accompanied the follow-up team into the underworld.

Not long after this divine power incarnation entered the underworld, it played a very important role.

The underworld is indeed a very high-level world, and there are indeed strong people like clouds.

Even in such a remote place, there will always be ghosts at the level of true gods passing by.

Among the ghost and **** teams sent by the Taiyi Realm, the strongest are just a bunch of Void Returning guys.

After they set up their formation, they could barely block the ghosts of the true **** level.

The ghosts they encountered had the power level of the true **** but they could only fight with instinct, and they couldn't exert the fighting power of the true **** level at all.

After Tai Miao's incarnation of divine power came here, such ghosts were quickly cleaned up.

This incarnation of divine power is only at the level of a true god, but it has the fighting consciousness of a **** like Tai Miao.

As long as it is not besieged by ghosts at the level of gods, or many ghosts at the level of true gods, this avatar of divine power should be sufficient to deal with various situations.

Due to the special relationship between the Taiyi Gate and the ghosts and gods of the underworld, and after the exploration of the underworld began, Tai Miao did not keep the high-level officials of the underworld deliberately secret.

Soon, Taiyimen knew about Taimiao's actions.

Exploring the underworld is also a very tempting thing for many Taiyi sect cultivators.

The environment of the underworld is suitable for cultivators to practice some special exercises.

Some special spiritual objects produced in the underworld can be used in alchemy and refining equipment.

Some Taiyi sect cultivators expressed their desire to enter the underworld to explore through various channels.

The power of the Underworld in the Taiyi Realm is limited. If you want to participate in the struggle for hegemony in the Underworld, you must mobilize the power of the Yangshi.

Both Tai Miao and Meng Zhang had made arrangements to send out the strong men from the yang world to fight in the underworld when necessary.

However, in Tai Miao's prediction, Taiyi sect cultivators shouldn't intervene in this matter so quickly.

Many ghosts and gods in the underworld were originally disciples of Taiyimen.

Facing the request of their fellow disciples and juniors, it is really difficult for them to refuse.

Since these guys are so eager to enter the underworld, Tai Miao thought about it and agreed.

Of course, not all cultivators can enter the underworld.

Cultivators of the Taiyi Gate have to go through screening and meet some basic conditions before they can enter the underworld through the gate of reincarnation through the underworld.

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