The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3239: hit hard

The two insect kings who led the guards and joined forces to fight against the enemy are not necessarily weaker than the two ordinary angels.

And being in the Zerg army, they have the advantage of home court.

Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing led an elite team to enter the formation and carried out beheading tactics, which received the full cooperation of the Taiyi world and the spiritual cultivation team.

The two families shared and restrained the main force of the Zerg army, so that Meng Zhang and the others could easily enter the formation and succeed.

If the team led by Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing were allowed to do whatever they wanted within the Zerg army camp, the entire army might collapse.

The three insect kings successively led their personal guards to stop Meng Zhang.

But instead of achieving the goal, he put himself in danger.

Although they were in the Zerg army, surrounded by companions not far away, it seemed that they could get reinforcements and support at any time, but the two Zerg kings had to face Meng Zhang alone.

Even for them who are not afraid of death, there is a chill in their hearts.

Meng Zhang's seemingly rough actions are actually carefully designed.

He managed to form such a favorable situation, so of course he should make good use of it.

The yin and yang extermination **** thunders turned into huge thunder nets, completely surrounding the two insect kings.

The suddenly distorted laws of heaven and earth dissolved their various means of defense and resistance, and caused them to be injured quickly.

They struggled to sustain themselves under the bombardment of the divine thunder, and their injuries continued to worsen.

It was probably stimulated by the injury of the two insect kings, and the surrounding army of insect race rushed towards them like crazy, trying to rescue them.

The long river formed by the two yin and yang qi does not change much, but it is indestructible and very resilient. It successfully keeps all the Zerg army out and prevents them from advancing an inch.

The other worm king was also restrained by Gu Yue Lingqing, unable to protect himself, unable to rescue his companions at all.

Seemingly sensing the crisis of their companions, the three Zerg Kings who were commanding and controlling the Zerg army also became anxious.

It's a pity that at this time, Taiyi Realm and spiritual cultivators also stepped up their offensive, making them unable to support their companions.

If you don't count the combat power of the immortal level, the overall combat power of this Zerg army should be higher than both the Taiyi world and the spirit cultivators.

But it was the gap in top-level combat power, coupled with Meng Zhang's swift offensive, that disrupted the rhythm of the Zerg army and made it passive.

The two insect kings dragged their scarred bodies, and finally withstood the bombardment of the Yin-Yang Extinction God Thunder.

Meng Zhang knew that the opportunity was rare, if he wanted to completely kill the two insect kings, he had to seize the opportunity in front of him.

The surrounding void surged, and all other laws of heaven and earth were repelled, and this place became dominated by the law of yin and yang.

The power of all yin and yang magic powers has been greatly improved.

All other types of spells were suppressed.

The two insect kings withstood the bombardment of a wave of yin and yang extermination **** thunder, and more fierce thunder nets rushed over again.

Even the two insect kings, who were extremely fierce and always belligerent, let out weak laments.

Soon, the aura on them became more ferocious, and their strength began to skyrocket.

Meng Zhang sensed a strange will coming.

The mother queen of this Zerg clan sensed the crisis of the fall of the two Zerg kings.

Although theoretically speaking, the most important thing for the entire Zerg race is the Queen Mother.

As long as the Queen Mother is safe, even if the entire Zerg Race is wiped out, the Queen Mother can rebuild the Zerg Race.

Of course, this rebuilding doesn't come without a price.

It takes a lot of time, a lot of resources, and countless painstaking efforts of the empress...

The two insect kings at the level of immortals are definitely not wealth that can be easily discarded for the empress.

Therefore, even though the Empress Dowager was separated by a long distance, a ray of will still descended with great power.

With the blessing of the Queen Mother's power, the two insect kings who had already started to get tired regained their spirits and summoned up their remaining strength to continue to contend with Meng Zhang.

The wisp of will that descended from the mother queen of the Zerg race began to investigate Meng Zhang unscrupulously.

From this wisp of will, Meng Zhang sensed the meaning of being aloof, ignoring everything, and treating everything in the world as worthless.

This kind of will is even more terrifying than the will of some heavenly demons.

This wisp of will needed more actions, but was directly expelled by Meng Zhang who changed the laws of heaven and earth.

The will of the mother queen to come disappeared, but the power she carried remained, and was blessed to the two insect kings.

Meng Zhang temporarily put aside other thoughts, and continued to attack the two insect kings with all his strength, trying to kill them as soon as possible.

The Queen Mother blessed them with great power, but it didn't play much role in the battle.

Meng Zhang directly manipulated the laws of heaven and earth to launch an attack.

The two insect kings suddenly felt hot and cold. One side of the body is cold, the other side is hot...

This state lasted not long before their extremely thick, hill-like carapace suddenly shattered.

You must know that the insect king's carapace is almost indestructible, and it can directly resist the bombardment of many fairy-level spells.

An ordinary fairy-level flying sword might not even leave a mark on it.

The carapace of the insect king is very popular in the refining It is one of the best main materials for refining defensive fairy weapons.

Meng Zhang used a lot of energy to crush it with the power of the law of heaven and earth.

Without the protection of the carapace, the defense of the two insect kings was greatly reduced.

The Yin-Yang Extinction God Thunder kept blasting towards the core of their huge bodies.

The rest of the Zerg Kings and the surrounding Zerg army frantically launched rescue efforts, but it was completely in vain.

The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff. It took Meng Zhang a lot of effort to completely end the lives of the two insect kings.

In a frontal battle, killing two insect kings of the Celestial level in one go is a record worth boasting about.

From this battle, Meng Zhang has gained a lot.

One of the biggest items is that he personally experienced that the two insect kings are so powerful that they can rely on their talents to distort the laws of heaven and earth...

But their comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth is still far behind.

They lack a deep understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and they just use them instinctively, which is not a skill at all.

Their use of the laws of heaven and earth is not worthy of their cultivation.

Meng Zhang distorted and changed the laws of heaven and earth, just hitting their vital points, which can be regarded as a clever break.

The two insect kings were killed by Meng Zhang just like that, and the other insect kings felt unbelievable.

The originally aggressive Zerg army also lost momentum, and there was a lot of chaos inside.

Meng Zhang was considered to have severely damaged this Zerg army.

He put away the remains of the two bug kings.

While taking the time to restore the previous consumption, he continued to manipulate the Yin and Yang Qi to disrupt the formation of the Zerg army.

An angry will descended upon the Zerg army.

The Zerg Queen sensed the fall of the two Zerg Kings.

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