The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3474: intelligence

The entire Taiyi world needs enough time to digest what they have gained in the sea of ​​flowers.

Many monks in Taiyi Realm have experienced battles in the sea of ​​flowers, and most of them have benefited a lot.

Now, there are many high-level monks in Taiyi Realm who are practicing in seclusion and are on the verge of breaking through the realm of cultivation.

At this time, many high-level officials in the Taiyi world were certainly unwilling to participate in the war with Buddhism.

In the final analysis, there is no conflict of interest between Taiyi Realm and Buddhism, and there is no grudge against most Buddhist sects.

Although Taoist cultivation forces dominate the Taiyi world, and the cultivators are also willing to make some contributions to the Taoist sect, all of this is based on not harming their own interests.

What's more, although there are many warlike people among the top leaders of Taiyi World, there are also people who pursue stability.

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm have temporarily dealt with the Mingjing Celestial Immortal, but they cannot continue to shirk it. They must give people an explanation.

The senior executives of Taiyi Realm can perfectly handle the daily affairs of Taiyi Realm and have great decision-making power.

On some major issues, if Meng Zhang was in Taiyi Realm, they would still try to listen to Meng Zhang's opinions.

The eldest disciple Niu Dawei passed the relevant information to Meng Zhang's retreat place.

Meng Zhang is not in seclusion and can maintain certain communication with the outside world.

After he received the message from Niu Dawei, he thought for a while.

In the vast void, all kinds of disputes have never stopped.

Although Taiyi Realm has the ability to survive in the void, it still has many enemies and needs to face many challenges.

The Luoyu Sect was the sect that Meng Zhang always wanted to be friends with.

Luo Yu Sect has many immortals sitting in charge, and there are also feathered golden immortals behind them, which is the strong support Taiyi world needs.

On many issues, Taiyi Realm needs to obey the wishes of Luoyu Sect's senior officials.

Meng Zhang was also reluctant to join this attack on the Buddhist sect. He couldn't keep shirking it, let alone reject the Mingjing Celestial Immortal directly.

He thought for a moment and decided that it would be best for Taiyi Realm to actively choose a Buddhist sect as its target.

There are many Buddhist sects that have had grudges with Taiyi Realm, but they are not easy to deal with.

Both Yunmen Sect and Jingang Temple have great Bodhisattvas sitting there, and their strength is far above that of Taiyi Realm.

The Fahua Sect is an old enemy in the Taiyi world. The two sides have deep hatred and have fought many wars. Meng Zhang has long wanted to deal with the Fahua Sect.

However, the Lotus Sect and the True Buddha Sect have a close relationship.

The True Buddha Sect has Buddha sitting in charge, and the Taiyi Realm will never dare to provoke him.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment, what if Taiyi Realm singled out a Buddhist sect that was easy to deal with as a target?

But if Luo Yu Sect has special arrangements for Taiyi Realm, Taiyi Realm will not be able to move freely.

He suddenly became a little embarrassed.

After leaving the whirling flower sea, the communication between Taiyi Realm and the outside world completely returned to normal.

Gu Yue Lingqing will contact Gu Yue family headquarters regularly.

In addition to providing him with information about the Lingkong Immortal Realm, the Gu Yue Family Headquarters will also introduce him to some major events happening in the Void, and some information related to the Taiyi Realm.

Luoye Zhenxian and other Dark Alliance monks also actively contacted the Dark Alliance headquarters.

Previously, when the Dark Alliance headquarters saw that Taiyi Realm was officially wanted by the Lingkong Immortal Realm, they took the initiative to draw a clear line with Taiyi Realm. Even the Dark Alliance branch in Taiyi Realm was ready to give up.

The senior officials at the Dark Alliance headquarters who made this decision never thought about the series of events that would follow.

Because of the relationship between Qianyuan Immortal Lord, the officials of Lingkong Immortal World were not enthusiastic about pursuing Meng Zhang.

Later, he fled into the Taiyi Realm in the sea of ​​dancing flowers. Under the leadership of Meng Zhang, he defeated the hunting army composed of Sanyang Immortal Sect and other sects head-on.

Now, the Taiyi Realm is carefree in the void, but the officials of the Lingkong Immortal Realm turn a blind eye, as if the fatwa does not exist at all.

Those high-ranking officials at the Dark Alliance headquarters have become villains in vain and have become a laughing stock.

The Dark Alliance organization has complex factions from its headquarters to its branches, and is full of fierce internal struggles.

The mistakes of some people often become excuses for others to make trouble.

The Master and Disciple of Luoye True Immortal and Jueying True Immortal had little support in the Dark Alliance headquarters, but Shushan True Immortal and Youhuan True Immortal were not without foundation.

Soon, the top executives in charge of the Taiyi Realm branch at the Dark Alliance headquarters were replaced, and various rights and benefits of the Taiyi Realm branch began to be slowly restored.

The Dark Alliance branch in Taiyi Realm can once again obtain various information from the headquarters.

Whether it is the information obtained by Gu Yue Lingqing or the information obtained by the Taiyi Realm Dark Alliance Branch, they will inform the senior officials of Taiyi Realm.

After Tai Miao returns to the underworld, he will regularly deliver information to the senior officials of Tai Yi Realm.

In addition to the big and small things that happened in the underworld, this information also included news about the void that he learned through channels in the underworld.

Therefore, Taiyi Realm seems to be drifting alone in the void, but it is not completely isolated from the world, and there are still channels to obtain various information.

Even when Meng Zhang was in seclusion, this information would be sent to him regularly for his reference.

When he is not practicing, he will read this information at will, which is a kind of relaxation.

On this day, Meng Zhang found a very interesting piece of information when he was routinely flipping through the information

This information comes from the Dark Alliance headquarters.

The Tianlang Sword Sect itself is considered a member of the Taoist cultivation sect, and it once actively moved closer to the Lingkong Immortal World.

Unfortunately, he later colluded with the Fahua Sect and the Wild Hunting Star Bandits to besiege the Taiyi Realm under the protection of the Infinite Heaven Sect, which violated the official taboo of the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

Lingkong Immortal World officially no longer accepts the Tianlang Sword Sect, and expelled it from the ranks of the Taoist cultivation sect.

After that, even though Taiyi Realm became the official target of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, this decision did not change.

The founder of the Tianlang Sword Sect was a swordsman at the level of an Immortal. He once fought with swords all over the world and laid a huge foundation for the Tianlang Sword Sect.

After the founder of the Mountain, the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect never gave birth to an Immortal-level Sword Immortal. Its overall strength dropped sharply and it slowly weakened.

Over the years, the biggest dream of the Tianlang Sword Sect is to give birth to an Immortal-level swordsman again and restore the glory of the sect.

The current top master in the Tianlang Sword Sect is the famous swordsman Xiang Jiantian.

Xiang Jiantian has long been a swordsman equivalent to the level of a second-level heavenly immortal. He has defeated or even killed many monks of the same level.

He is the strongest person in the sect who is most likely to be promoted to the level of Immortal Lord, and he has been fully cultivated by the entire sect.

It is said that he is now only one step away from the immortal level.

He needs a rare treasure of heaven and earth to improve his natal sword and break through the last threshold of cultivation.

The heavenly materials and earthly treasures he needed were so rare and precious that it was impossible to obtain them solely through the channels and power of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect.

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