The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 809: continue

When the barbarian army all retreated and it was determined that the barbarian king Tulexiong and the others would not kill a carbine, Meng Zhang and the others finally relaxed a little.

Meng Zhang couldn't help sighing as he looked at the casualties of his own camp below.

During the rise of Taiyimen, it was by no means peaceful, and **** battles had never been less.

There has never been a saying of peaceful rise, only a piece of heaven and earth will be created.

Both Meng Zhang and the entire sect have been tried and tested for more than a hundred battles.

Even if it is not the first time to see the heavy casualties of the disciples in the door, every time he sees this kind of sight, Meng Zhang feels very sad.

There is no way, people can't help themselves in the arena. If Taiyi Sect wants to gain a foothold in the realm of cultivation, it will inevitably participate in various struggles.

Clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded. The elders in the door direct the disciples to do it.

This battle didn't last for a long time, but the direct disciples of Taiyimen suffered nearly one-third of the casualties.

A large part of the casualties were due to the fact that after one's own formation was broken by the barbarians outside the territory, in order to desperately plug the gap, they had to fight with the barbarians outside the territory.

There are also some disciples whose true qi has been evacuated by the great array. No matter how he swallowed the medicine, no matter how he recovered his qi, it was too late to regain his true qi, and he was alive and sucked up by the great array.

Other disciples swallowed a large amount of medicine in a short period of time, and the accumulated erysipelas suddenly broke out. The poison gas attacked their hearts, and they died before they had time to react.


Zong Zong, due to various reasons, the casualties of Taiyimen's direct disciples shocked Meng Zhang.

The army of cultivators of the Hanhai Dao League is fighting against those slightly weaker extraterritorial barbarian tribes.

However, the cultivator army of the Hanhai Dao League is not only far inferior to the Taiyi Sect disciples in overall strength, but also is not well-trained and the formation is not tight enough.

After the post-war count, the Hanhai Dao League suffered about a quarter of the casualties.

Of course, because the number of monks in the Hanhai Dao League is larger, even if it is a quarter of the casualties, the number of monks who lose is more than that of Taiyimen.

It was the group of cannon fodder monks who were contained by Taiyimen, and the loss was not great.

It's not that they were sneaking, raping, and retreating. There was Taiyimen's supervising team staring at them, they didn't dare not work hard.

The main reason is that they are too weak to be considered by the barbarians from outside the territory. Only a few stragglers fought with them bravely, and there was no established group of outside barbarians to clean them up.

These monks are happy to entangle with the stragglers among the barbarians, and stay away from the main force of the elite barbarians.

It cannot be said that they did not try their best, but the enemy is too strong, they can barely protect themselves, and they are really powerless to go further.

This group of cultivators are good at preserving their own old oil, even if the superintendent team of Taiyimen is staring at them, they can find opportunities to work without effort.

Except for the cultivators of the Hundred Wars Sects who fought bravely, the rest of the cultivators had to pass by, in order to protect themselves.

The Taiyimen's time to accommodate these cultivators was too short, and there was no time to train them slowly, so they were dragged onto the battlefield. Such a situation was originally expected.

The high-level Taiyimen were not in a hurry, and when the time came down, they would naturally have a way to slowly adjust the group of people while discussing the merits and rewarding them.

Even though they were very tired after the war, the Great Sword God General and the Thunder God General still worked hard to investigate the movements of the barbarian army outside the territory.

Meng Zhang and True Monarch Shushan lost a lot in the battle, and they need time to slowly adjust their interest rate and recover.

The divine power that Yang Xueyi summoned from the ghost and **** Shouzheng had begun to fade away.

After that, if she wants to leave no sequelae and not be affected by the ghosts and divine powers, it will take a long time to completely get rid of the residual divine power, slowly recuperate her body, and restore her vitality.

For a long period of time, not to mention that she was summoning divine power again, and even the cultivation base of the later Jindan could not be maintained.

In fact, for the ghosts and gods of the underworld, it is also not an easy task to transmit the divine power to the Yangjian through the air.

There is still a great enemy in the underworld who needs to deal with. Every time after passing the divine power in the air, it will take a long time to accumulate enough divine power again and pass it from the underworld.

This also means that even if Meng Zhang chooses another suitable candidate from the Taiyi Sect, within a short period of time, he will not be able to summon the righteous power to come.

An Xiaoran and An Moran's sister and brother, the yin and yang qi in their bodies were consumed in the battle just now, and the rest slowly disappeared.

Although their cultivation base fell back to the middle stage of the golden core again, the baptism of the yin and yang qi is of great benefit to their future cultivation.

Meng Zhang's natal spirit weapon Yin Yang Ling Gourd also takes time to refining many heaven and earth spiritual things, and once again accumulate such a pure and powerful Yin and Yang Qi.

Because of the loss of three temporarily promoted combat power, the Taiyimen side was beaten back to its original form again in terms of top combat power.

Fortunately, in terms of the barbarians outside the territory, the barbarian king Shaliying was not superficially injured, and was unable to regain his combat effectiveness within a short period of time.

Taiyimen and the extraterritorial barbarians are roughly equal in terms of top combat power.

Moreover, the extraterritorial barbarians don't know the details of Yang Xueyi's trio, let alone that they have been beaten back to their original form.

As long as the Taiyimen side continues to pressure, relying on the empty city plan, it may be able to scare away the opponent.

After understanding this, Meng Zhang had a general idea of ​​what to do next.

The Great Sword God General and the Thunder God General, who went to monitor the movements of the barbarians outside the territory, would send back various messages from time to time.

With such a large army of extraterritorial barbarians, the movements cannot be concealed from others at all.

After evacuating from the battlefield, the barbarian army retreated hundreds of miles away before stopping to rest and count the casualties by the way.

The casualties of the barbarians outside the region were also very heavy. Nearly two thousand elite barbarian warriors were killed in previous battles, and there were more barbarian warriors who had a lot of wounds on their bodies.

Taiyimen and the barbarians from outside the territory are licking their wounds to restore their vitality.

Meng Zhang had a plan in his mind. After receiving the talisman from the two guardians of the law, he once again lit the army of monks and chased them in the direction of the retreat of the barbarians outside the territory.

Except for leaving a few people to take care of the seriously injured, the cultivators under the Taiyimen were all dispatched. Regardless of the exhaustion after the war, they swaggered forward.

Although the barbarians outside the territories lost the battlefield and temporarily retreated, they also sent spies to monitor the movements of the Taiyimen army.

As soon as the Taiyimen cultivators moved, the barbarians outside the territory received the news.

Seeing the Taiyimen monks rushing towards their side, Barbarian King Tulexiong and Barbarian King Shaliying hesitated.

The Taiyimen army recovered from the heavy casualties so quickly, and with the power to fight again, it was really beyond their expectations.

When did the human cultivators be so tough and so difficult?

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