Chapter 1075 Yang Conspiracy

Ning Guogong resented his son, and even more hated himself. He hated that he should have done it earlier, instead of waiting for a while, "I don't know if you have any resentment in your heart. If you want to resent it, resent me. I agree."

Ning Hui has no resentment, only remorse, "Son doesn't complain."

As long as Ning Guogong thought that if it wasn't for his wife, if he really died and his wife couldn't stand the blow, although Du Shi would still be arrested, but Ning Guogong's mansion was finished, the eldest grandson couldn't support the Guogong mansion, and the second grandson had In his own thoughts, the third son will have no heirs, and the Ningguo Gongfu will fall.

The Duke did not look at his second son, "You take good care of yourself, I don't want to hear rumors that you died for Du's love."

He would be **** off.

King Qi and King Liang met, and King Liang did ask for King Qi, "Second brother, I am in the Rong family, but I have no clue at all. I also asked my second brother to help my younger brother."

King Qi thought, since he was idle, King Liang of Chu was a lot more polite to him. He wanted to guard against the third and fourth, but he would not continue to fight. After thinking about it, the Rong family really wanted to investigate, and he could still do it. Help him find out what he wants to know, "You can go to Yaohou Mansion to find out."

King Liang is not stupid, "Second brother seems to be very concerned about Yaohou Mansion?"

"There are not many big families left in the previous dynasty. The Yao family was in a high position in the previous dynasty. If the Yao family didn't know anything, it wouldn't make sense, wouldn't it?"

King Liang also thought about Yaohou's mansion, but he didn't go to Yaohou's mansion because of a series of incidents. "It seems that it is indeed time to go to Yaohou mansion."

King Qi asked, "Have you found out who swallowed up the property of the Rong family?"

King Liang naturally checked, all of them were the sons of the father, and his mind was still very clear, "I didn't find anything useful."

King Qi said quietly: "I didn't find it, it really erased the traces."

He wanted to ask the prince what the prince saw at the Zhang family mansion.

Two days later, Zhulan arrived at Prince Qi's Mansion. Not many people came to the flower banquet at Prince Qi's Mansion. This was a gap. King Qi's power was gone. Even if King Qi was still doing errands for the emperor, there were still fewer people flattering.

Princess Qi has been hiding in the mansion. She is not as open-minded as the prince. If it wasn't for the prince's request to hold a flower banquet today, she would still hide in the palace, looking at the empty space with her face again and again. This sense of difference is too uncomfortable.

Princess Liang covered the corner of her mouth with a fan and snickered, but their grievances were not over, "Second sister-in-law's face is so ugly, haven't you rested?"

Princess Qi, "I have seen people who are annoying."

Princess Liang took off the fan, "I don't know good people. I was afraid that my sister-in-law would look ugly, so I came here on purpose. However, it seems that there is no need to come. Let's take a look at the vacant seat."

Princess Qi stared angrily, "You."

"What are you arguing about?"

Everyone saw that the Crown Princess had come, not only by herself, but also by the sister-in-law of the Crown Princess's family. No one thought that the Crown Princess would come.

The Crown Princess looked at the vacant seat, and several of the Crown Prince's sister-in-law sat in the vacant seat. The Crown Princess smiled and said, "I heard that my younger brother and sister held a flower banquet, and happened to meet my sister-in-law at home, so I came uninvited."

Princess Qi had mixed feelings. She didn't invite the Crown Princess, but the Crown Princess not only came, but also helped her round her face and stepped forward to support her, "My younger brother and sister wish that Sister-in-Law would come more times. Sister-in-law sits here."

Zhulan drank tea and looked at the crown prince, the prince's virtuous inner helper, it was a coincidence, it was good, the prince's position was stable, the crown prince's future queen, today, helped the princess to support Qi, and it was spread today, and the palace of Qi did not will be looked down upon.

And it can also deliver a kind of news that King Qi has been subdued by the prince, which is an upright conspiracy.

Concubine Chu remained silent, thinking about the concubine in her heart. If it was the meaning of the prince, Concubine Chu felt heavy in her heart, Prince Qi surrendered, and the prince took over the government, and Concubine Chu sighed.

The flower feast started, Princess Qi smiled a little bit more, and her tone was more flattering to the Crown Princess, "All these flowers know that sister-in-law is here, look at how brightly they bloom, which pot does sister-in-law like, brother and sister give sister-in-law ."

The Crown Princess was very satisfied with Princess Qi's attitude, "I look good, and I'm willing to take my younger siblings away?"

Concubine Qi was in pain and was reluctant, so she simply replied, "Will, as long as the sister-in-law likes it."

The Crown Princess smiled, "My younger brother and sister love flowers the most. I don't want to hide from people's love. Just take a look today."

Princess Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and the crown prince spoke again, "In the future, my younger siblings can come to the Prince's Mansion more often."

After hearing this, Zhulan looked at Princess Liang who had a bad face, and then at Princess Chu who was expressionless. The Crown Princess had been ignoring the two princesses, deliberately.

Today's show is really good. The best-looking protagonist is the Crown Princess, who controls the audience, always has a rhythm, and is a master of masters.

Zhulan listened to the conversation in her ears. The sisters-in-law of the Crown Princess's family were not easy. After a long time, she had a very pleasant chat with Princess Qi's family, as if they had been close friends in her boudoir for many years.

It was early in the flower feast, and Zhu Lan followed behind the Crown Princess and walked out of the gate of Prince Qi's Mansion. The Crown Princess said, "Yang Shuren is not in a hurry to leave. This palace has always wanted to chat with Yang Shuren. How about taking a ride together today?"

Zhulan, "It is an honor for the courtier's wife."

The princess's heart was complicated, and only then did she know that Rong Chuan was the prince's compatriot and Zhou Xuehan was a younger brother and sister.

It was the first time that Zhulan boarded the Crown Princess's carriage, and it was not luxurious. The interior of the carriage was very elegant, and there was only one female official in the carriage.

The princess smiled, "When this palace enters the palace, the mother often mentions the gentleman, saying that the gentleman is very good at raising children."

Zhulan hurriedly said, "The minister's wife should not be praised."

However, the Crown Princess felt that it should be praised. Rong Chuan was raised by the Zhou family, and Rong Chuan's excellence is obvious to all. Thinking of this, "a gentleman is not more modest. In the future, gentlemen can come to the Prince's Mansion more often, and this palace would like to ask for some advice."

Zhulan felt that the Crown Princess was very enthusiastic towards her In the past, the Crown Princess was only a little polite to her, but now she is a little too enthusiastic. Crown Princess, the more you think about it, the more likely it is.

In Ningguo Gongfu, Xuehan took the handkerchief and handed it to the Song family, "Sister-in-law, don't hold back when you feel wronged in your heart, just cry if you want, there are no outsiders here."

Song Shi couldn't help it, and the tears couldn't stop flowing, "I feel really uncomfortable. These days I've been so busy, I'm still."

There was a pause here. Mrs. Song couldn't say that it was in her own room, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She was busy with her mother-in-law and took care of her own affairs. The father-in-law came over. Although what I said today was inadvertently, it was It broke her heart so much.

Xuehan felt uncomfortable when she heard the cry. She was worthless for her sister-in-law. She didn't say anything, but she could guess that Du's death, it's not good to be taken away together. The eldest brother is a real son. Thinking of Du's words, Du's many times For embarrassing her sister-in-law, Du was punished by her grandmother.

Big brother must have said something, sister-in-law is such a strong person, it is really sad and sad to cry like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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