The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1143: like a father

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Under the golden list, Chang Zhi and Su Xuan were standing at the top of the list. Chang Zhi stared straight at him and pursed his lips, still a little short.

Butler Ding was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically pushed the crowd away and ran towards the carriage in the house.

Su Xuan tugged at her husband's sleeve, Changzhi had come out of her disappointment and said with a smile, "Second place, it's pretty good just like Dad."

Liu Song and the geniuses from Jiangnan were also very confident, and both stood at the forefront. The young genius was stunned.

Liu Song's clenched fists loosened. He was under a lot of pressure. It came from his family and from the Prince's Mansion. Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief and turned around, "Congratulations to Brother Zhou."

Changzhi also returned the salute, "It should be Zhou who congratulated Brother Liu."

The servant next to Liu Song had already run away, and Liu Song said, "I have to go back to the house to wait for the news, so I will go first."

Changzhi nodded, he couldn't go back yet, but there were too many people, and he couldn't find Mingshan's place, so he could only go to his carriage.

As soon as Zhulan heard that she was the second place, her family made another second place.

Yushuang and Yulu had surprises on their faces, Yushuang then said, "Who is the first?"

Butler Ding returned, "Liu Gongzi is the champion, and it is said that the very handsome Jiangnan genius is the third flower."

At this time, Changzhi and Su Xuan had already returned, and Changzhi rolled her eyes, "Mother, my son is the second place."

Zhulan was really happy to see her fourth son, she laughed, hit twice, Changzhi was not complacent, so she was promoted to one place, and quickly accepted the result, "Okay, okay, the second place is good, our family already has the second place, and Your father is just as good."

Changzhi heard what her mother said, and she also felt that she was as good as her father, who was the second best in the exam, and then made it step by step to today.

Mingshan came back soon, with a happy face, "Uncle of the clan, the second-class scholar, I actually entered the second-class."

It's incredible, he is obviously counting down, but this time he is in the top two, or in the middle.

Zhulan was happy, "Good news, hurry up, get on the carriage."

Ministry of Households, as soon as the list came out, all the departments knew it. Zhou Shuren looked at the list, and he also felt that the second place was good.

The officials of the Ministry of Household congratulated one after another, because Zhou Shuren was also second in the list, and they all said that the son was like a father, which was also a blessing, and wished Changzhi to have a smooth career like Zhou Shuren.

Zhou Shuren was cheerful, and then said that he would treat guests when he was off.

In the Ministry of Rites, Changyi was also congratulated. Their family had three orthodox backgrounds in the imperial examinations, two ranked second in the list, and the third brother's Jinshi, and the background of their own family came out.

Gu Zhuomin looked envious, his own son was not good, but his grandson was a little more brilliant, it was really incomparable.

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Gu Zhuomin stared at Changyi, and his heart was sour again. Zhou Changyi's official rank was lower than him, but in the end, he had to fight under Zhou Changyi. Zhou Changyi could get the job of building the embassy and choose people to follow, but he Can only watch.

Gu Zhuomin looked at Lord Wang again, and Lord Wang laughed as if his own family was second in the list. Also, the Zhou family and the Wang family were married, and Zhou Changyi was not under the hands of Lord Wang when he entered the household.

Wang Chi pulled Changyi, "I haven't seen your father for a long time, go back and ask when your family will have a banquet, and tell me back."

Changyi, "...don't tell me, my father will inform you."

Wang Chi coughed, "Your father doesn't like seeing me very much."

Changyi smiled, you still know!

The Zhou family made another second place, and the good news came quickly, and the officials brought the clothes of the second place.

Changzhong stretched out his hand and touched the clothes, "Fourth brother, put it on and show your brother!"

Changzhi also stretched out his hand and touched it. The student went all the way through thorns and thorns. For this, he is also vulgar. Although it is a pity that he is not the champion, he is also happy.

Zhulan, "Go, I want to see your mother too."

Chang Zhi quickly changed his clothes and came back. Chang Zhi looked good and looked very handsome when he wore it.

Changzhong snorted, "The fourth brother is so good-looking, the fourth brother can't be the tanhualang like this, how handsome is that genius in Jiangnan?"

Changzhi's ears were red, but he still said a fair word, "Your second brother is not as good as Tanhua Lang."

Li Shi smiled, "I don't know if Tanhua Lang is married, but he is the good son-in-law of various families if he is not."

As for the son of the Liu family, you don't need to ask any questions to know that although he is not engaged, his future wife's family background is not too bad.

The good news of Mingshan also came. Mingshan was coaxed by the descendants of the clan and dressed up. When the people who came to Hexi arrived, Changzhi and two changed their clothes.

Zhulan also knew that Ran Zheng's grandson was also a second-class jinshi, but the princess' family did not pay attention.

The next day, Changzhi and Mingshan entered the palace, then paraded through the streets, and held a banquet in the evening. On another day, Zhulan learned that the emperor only stayed for a while at the banquet last night, and the prince was with him the whole time.

Zhulan understands that this year is to select talents for the prince.

Zhulan asked Mingshan, "What are your plans for you to stay in Beijing and enter the Hanlin Academy this time?"

Mingshan was really surprised by the repeated surprises. It was too unexpected. He thought he would not stay. Liu Jing is naturally good, and there is a clan uncle here!

Mingshan has a plan in his heart, "You know that we are coming back with a solid foundation. I have money in my hand, and I was not sure before. Now that I am staying in the capital, I want to ask my uncle to help me find a good second place. Zhaizi, I want to bring my family to Beijing when I go back to worship my ancestors.”

Zhulan nodded, "Okay, I'll find you a house here."

Zhulan looked at Changzhi and the boss again, "This time I will go back to worship my ancestors, what your father means, the boss will go back to worship my ancestors."

Boss Zhou is very experienced in worshipping You can rest assured, my son will do it well. "

In the big room, Mrs. Li was excited when she heard the news, "I, I'll go back with you, so I don't have to wait for my son to take the exam."

Boss Zhou also felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, and he never went back after so many years, "Sure, I'll go and tell my mother."

Zhulan got the letter. A few days ago, the eldest daughter-in-law was still talking about her parents. She knew that the eldest daughter-in-law missed her parents' home, especially when there was a drought last year. Even if Changzhi came back and said that Lijia Village was good, the eldest daughter-in-law also thought about her, and she didn't see it in person. Looking at the anxiety, "Okay, let's go back together."

Afterwards, Zhulan asked Mrs. Song to go to the warehouse to pick up a gift to bring back to her in-laws. Speaking of which, the only thing that the Zhou family had made good friends with was the in-laws of the Li family.

In the teahouse, Shi Huai was very excited. His son no longer stopped him from leaving the house. Now he is casual. He watched the parade yesterday. Thinking that Yu Yan was here, he raised his head and said, "Ah, Lao Gu, what a coincidence, I thought you left the capital."

Gu Ren smiled: "There is still something to do, so I stayed for a while, and it's a coincidence to meet you again."

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