The Way of the Sword

Chapter 80: Starting the Silence Operation (2)

"Hey, little Song, aren't these the shadow killers of your family?" Asked Elder Han Yie who had already taken the wrist of the white-masked woman. The two killers could barely breathe properly, thanks to Grandmaster Zhang's suppression, let alone move to defend themselves or speak to lie. 

Of course, they also never tried to lie to a great master, would ask for death! However, the possibility of suicide was not remote! If not for the pressure of the Great Master, these people would have committed suicide at the very beginning!

The subordinates were unconscious on the floor, blood dripping from their slow-flowing mouths, apparently, their internal organs were badly injured, only with a little pressure from a great master! These subordinates were all from the Rising Soul cultivation kingdom! However, before a great master ... Hehehe, these cultivators were little ants!

"Hum… yes, they seem to be the killers of our family," said young Miss Song, with an analytical look. She also took the woman's wrist and probed a little, then she used her sacred energy to probe the soul of these cultivators! It showed how terrifying this ordinary-faced woman was! It would not be difficult for her to send a wave of sacred energy and destroy the soul of a martial cultivator! 

"Really, they are from my Song Family. Specifically, from the branch of the second uncle's family! Very strange, I learned that the second uncle was looking for a little tiger that had been separated from a tigress a few months ago. He was looking because the tigress was so sad and you know, Elder Han, how the second uncle is with his magic beasts, "said Miss Song thoughtfully, with her sacred energy she can see the seal on the soul of this female cultivator.

The Song Family was one of the few or rare Families in which all descendants were born with powerful souls and had sacred energy as the most basic of a cultivator. So it was not uncommon for the Song family shadow killers to have seals in their souls, each branch of the Song Family had a different rune that defined on their stamps, so it was easy for Miss Song to define which branches were the shadow killers.

"I know. He's a little fanatic! "Complained Elder Han as he remembered this second Uncle Song, letting out a long breath. Of course, he didn't expect normal Song Family people, it would be like wishing for a chicken to ascend like a phoenix! 

"This is not so important, but what are we going to do with these people? I know they are subordinates of your second uncle. However, in our sect hierarchy, your second uncle is not qualified to know what is going on right now, "said the great Master Zhang gently, but his words made the two shadow assassins feel as if a razor were passing through their necks.

"Tsk! Old Zhang, you overestimate my Song Family! Even if we try to destroy their souls, my family's technique will allow these people to reincarnate quietly, and their memories can be rescued and analyzed later! So it's no use killing and no use hiding these people!" Miss Song said with a voice full of pride about her family's techniques, which made the shadow killers a little more relaxed and less afraid of death. 

"Oh, is that so? Well, what if I arrest their souls to study them? I believe your Song family technique will not go into effect with this method of mine, right? "Asked Grandmaster Zhang with an amused smile on his devastatingly handsome face, despite his frightening and cruel words.

What he liked best was fighting this new great mistress, who still had the fire of youth and did not have the bearing of a great master, it was so much fun to see this young female cultivator's face darken and her pink lips pout. 

"Enough you two! For the time being seal their soul, later Miss Song can ask these shadow killers to become your subordinates and everything will be all right, "said Elder Han, trying to keep these two great masters from losing focus and flirting around!

"No problems! I'll talk to the fifth uncle, so we can dissolve the seal and put my seal on them! "Said the great Master Song with a serious face quickly agreeing, she also did not want to get too entangled with the great master Zhang. That overly handsome male face would do a lot of psychological damage and her maiden's heart would be hard tested to resist the charms of this male fox!

"Oh how sad! I wanted to test some of my ideas on immortal cultivators! Too bad! "Grand Master Zhang's kind voice was too terrifying for these two shadow killers. How such a beautiful mouth could say such cruel words!

"Pervert!" Said the young Miss Song with a mischievous look at the great master Zhang.

"I don't know who is the most perv? Me or you, who won't stop looking at me like that? "Said the great master Zhang smiling mischievously, making Miss Song blush embarrassed. 

"You seductive fox!" Accused Miss Song, still embarrassed, but looked away. Oh, she really enjoyed looking at that pretty face! What a sin!

"Hehehe, come here little Song, let me show you how I can seduce a great cultivator like you!" Said Grand Master Zhang very shamelessly, nothing matching his refined and sacred appearance. 

"Stay away!" Said Miss Song wanting to run away, she couldn't be caught by this sly fox! If she were caught, then it would be goodbye to her purity!

"Aia! You two stop playing! These two aren't our only problem! "Shouted Elder Han in frustration. These pairs of great masters, they looked more like boyfriends flirting all the way than people who came to apply the Law of the Heavenly Sword Sect and capture the spies of the other sects!

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