The Way of the Sword

Chapter 95: Bitter Tears

Everyone in the village knew of Zemin Yan's existence, so every new person who claimed to be from the Song Family or Song Family servant was informed by the people of the village about the young Song master, who was still in the forest. The village people sincerely cared about the child so they warned these "Song Family" people to be rescued. 

So there was always some cultivator or even some humble servant trying to hunt and capture Zemin Yan, those were long and terrifying days, hiding in small animal holes or inside the trees, hungry and cold, just waiting for these bad people intentions were gone.

The villagers came to regard Zemin Yan as a person with dementia who had been so traumatized that he would rather live with the animals than return to his wealthy family in the capital. Over time the villagers stopped talking about the young Master Song and the cultivators, after stealing everything they could, also stopped appearing in Village 10.

Turning Village 10 back to its earlier slow pace, the Song Family turned a story or a tragic tale that the villagers told from time to time. Soon the beautiful and healthy figure of little Zemin Yan also disappeared from the minds of the people, they only remember the little thin and yellow beggar who came to order food or do various jobs to be able to eat something.

This made Zemin Yan feel lost and angry, but it also made him a resolute person about his family things, he would only go to the Song Family when he was strong enough not to be intimidated and if there was any plot sinister in the death of his parents, that he could take revenge on that too!

In the meantime of escaping and hiding from the evil people, Zemin Yan has awakened the power of the ring and discovered why so many malicious people are still prowling the rubble of his family's home. After all, the ring was full of countless treasures! It only made his resolve to become a strong increase in his heart, years later he met Zhong Liang who was so strong that he could end up just squeezing his fingers. 

That meeting was the last straw for him to lose the patience to wait for his lineage to wake up on his own, Zemin Yan wanted to have it controlled by his hands, after all, it was about his life! Soon starting his adventure in the world of cultivation, but he did not expect to find someone from the Song Family so quickly, much less that he was such a close relative!

In the child's heart, he also wanted to find a very good relative whom he could call family, but that desire was very well buried. After all between his life and having someone to lean on… Well, he still prefers his life, since his parents died to keep him alive, at the very least he had to live well!

Yes, Zemin Yan had his heart a little distorted, he was very lucky to have found Yi Yuga, if not, he would be even more distorted. Yi Yuga replaced the family he did not have and became his most important brother. With Yi Yuga's presence, Zemin Yan's personality became better and better until this dark part of his personality was buried deep.

However, now a powerful female cultivator who had a high status in the largest sect of humanity, she was telling her she was her sister! If she was so powerful… So why was he abandoned in that forest for five years? Why did your parents have to die in the middle of nowhere? 

"Why? Wuwu…"Zemin Yan began to question, but as he is a child, how could he prevent the bitter tears from streaming down his little face when confronted with someone who bore the name of the Song Family? 

Not that he believed this female cultivator was telling the truth, but what was the reason for her to lie? She was so strong she could snatch the ring and kill it as much as Yi Yuga and Zhong Liang, so there would be no reason for her to use that kind of thing to lie!

Miss Song was surprised and felt her heartache as she saw the large tears streaming down her younger brother's small face. 

"I know, this older sister's fault! The older sister let little Yan suffer! "Said Miss Song taking Zemin Yan in her arms, but he fought hard, he didn't want to be touched by this person who left him and left him to suffer, who also left his parents to die in that godforsaken place!

However, Miss Song did not let go of Zemin Yan and hugged him even more tightly, her slender hand caressing the small back of the child, comforting a little awkwardly, but with much affection. It was as if she held the most precious treasure in the world, afraid that at any moment the treasure would fall or be stolen.

"It's this big sister's fault! Song Yan can hit and kick this big sister, I will accept everything! But let me talk to you, all right? Don't run away, don't run, and don't ignore me. "Miss Song's voice was soft and persuasive, but it had various panic tones.

Miss Song wasn't an idiot, she knew that if Zemin Yan wanted to drop everything and leave he would leave, how would she not know that this ring has hundreds of escape items? Knowing her parents who played pigs every day of the years, there were lots of escape talismans, dimensional leakage items, even pocket size to be used for escape!

Zemin Yan tried to control his emotions, but the bitter tears came harder, so he gave up fighting and wet the shoulder of this irresponsible big sister!

Miss Song breathed a sigh of relief when Zemin Yan stopped shaking, so she tucked him into her arms so he could cry more comfortably. They spent a few minutes like that after Zemin Yan accepted in his heart that this was his irresponsible older sister, he was able to control his emotions better. He would stop crying later, there were many uncertain factors on this trip, spies from other sects, people trying to kill the new disciples, finally, many things happening so that he could keep crying.

"Feel better?" Asked Miss Song in her slightly hoarse voice, because she also wanted to cry a little, but as an adult, she had to keep her emotions in control, at least in front of her little brother.

"No!" Zemin Yan said pouting, clearly, he didn't feel better. He still wanted to cry harder and hit more on this irresponsible big sister! However, now was not the time for him to be a crying baby.

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