Of the five bullets, four hit high-speed moving objects.

Two of them also hit the joints of the mechanical hound accurately.

Although it only hindered the opponent's movement and did not cause any substantial damage, these shots were too decisive and too accurate.

The few people who were still running looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Looking at this so-called logistics professional awakener

"Are you sure this isn't the shooter?"

"This is too accurate."

"Are all the students in the Fifth Academy so eager now? How can a professional in logistics have such a high shooting level!"

But before everyone could be surprised.

The mechanical hound crouched and stood up again, and at the same time it aimed at Chen Feng.

The streamlined iron sheets on its body surface rose and fell like breathing.

The next moment, the mechanical hound disappeared in an instant.

What a fast speed!

In the blink of an eye, its figure suddenly appeared in the blind spot on the right side of Chen Feng's vision.

Attacking from the blind spot of the prey is a trait possessed by an excellent hunter.

Chen Feng turned sideways and took a half step back.

This appropriate distance control allowed the sharp claws of the steel hound to just pass by.

At the same time, it also exposed its vulnerable abdomen to Chen Feng's attack range.

""What a fast reaction speed!"

Compared to the swiftness of the Iron Hound, everyone was more surprised by Chen Feng's on-the-spot reaction to the battle.

This level of reaction speed and calm response is impossible to achieve without a year or two of training.

The Iron Hound's sneak attack missed, but the residual power of its claws collided with the ground, and instantly dug out a shocking claw mark.

The next moment, Chen Feng did not retreat but advanced, kicking the Iron Hound away with one foot, while firing directly with the Dragon Breath Cannon in his hand.

【Probability trigger! 】

Four thousand degree high temperature roared out from the gun hole, and the two pairs of small wings on the gun body were like the wings of a real dragon, and the flames that spewed out destroyed everything.

The Iron Hound and the mechanical sentinel that Chen Feng had dealt with before had the same design concept.

The hard outer shell had gaps at the joints of the limbs.

And this gap just gave the Dragon Breath Cannon an opportunity.

Although their outer shells can block the high temperature of the Dragon Breath Cannon, what about the fragile circuits and parts inside the shell?

The answer is naturally no.

The Iron Hound rushed out of the coverage of the flames in a panic, and moved away from Chen Feng like a frightened bird.

It seemed to understand Chen Feng's attack and did not dare to approach rashly.

At this time, the projection screen above the trial field showed that the Iron Hound's health bar had dropped by a full 23%!


Someone among the onlookers exclaimed.

Then he began to analyze:"This Iron Hound looks like a typical high-attack fragile type."

"This classmate used his extremely fast reaction to make the Iron Hound lose his position instantly, and at the same time kicked him in the lower abdomen to break his center of gravity, which disrupted the Iron Hound's offensive rhythm."

"At the same time, the most important thing is the weapon in his hand. The fire type seems to have a restraining relationship."


The Iron Hound was very afraid of the weapon in his hand.

"But this is a monster made of steel, how could it be afraid of a flamethrower?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this has something to do with the gaps in the Iron Hound's body structure, and the temperature of the flame must be high enough."

The others looked at the student who was analyzing the situation with great clarity and were surprised.

"Brother, you are so smart, why don’t you help him?"


"I am afraid of death"

"Then what's the use of your analysis!"......

As soon as the Iron Hound pulled away, Chen Feng used his pistol to attack from a distance, continuously hitting the weak points of its joints.

When it entered the distance range, Chen Feng pulled the trigger of the Dragon Breath Cannon again.

One far and one close, the Iron Hound had no way to deal with Chen Feng for the time being.

And its body data on the projection screen was only 53%.

After a series of attacks, its speed dropped a lot.

And it did not burst out at the initial speed state anyway.

Chen Feng once again discovered another weakness of the mechanical type weirdness.

That is, it lacks the explosive power of monsters.

The mechanical weirdness is constant, and there is an upper limit to its attack power and speed.

Even if it encounters a desperate situation, it will not break through this threshold.

And all aspects of performance will decrease as the body is damaged, and this process will intensify over time if it is not repaired.

Chen Feng keenly observed this and began to actively distance himself.

At the same time, the pistol did not stop firing.

The mechanical hound had a limited level of intelligence and did not realize what Chen Feng's behavior represented.

It was still blindly dodging bullet attacks and looking for opportunities to attack the awakened behind Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng did not give it this opportunity.

Every time the mechanical hound tried to get close to other awakened people, the bullets would always predict its position in advance, and the flames of the dragon's breath cannon would follow.

The speed of the mechanical hound was getting slower and slower.

Until it finally analyzed that Chen Feng was stalling for time.

But at this time, everything was too late.

The steel hound ran quickly, constantly changing its shape left and right to try to avoid the flame damage.

This trick of its was very effective, minimizing the damage of the dragon's breath cannon.

In an instant, it had killed in front of Chen Feng.


Everyone was instantly sweating.

They didn't expect that this seemingly stupid mechanical hound could analyze how to deal with Chen Feng's killer move in such a short time.

However, the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly released the trigger.

A strange spear suddenly appeared in his hand. He leaned over to lower his center of gravity and dived, holding the spear with both hands and thrusting forward.

There was a bang.

Sparks burst out of the steel hound.

Its body, the size of a person, flew out and hit the ground heavily.

The performance of the body on the projection screen instantly dropped to single digits.

What's going on?

The scene just happened too fast.

And after Chen Feng used the Canggu Spear to hit a fatal blow, he immediately took it back to the warehouse.

He suspected that these mechanical weirdnesses had the function of analyzing weapons, so he did not expose the Canggu Spear, a killer weapon, for too long.

A normalized blow was enough for this weak mechanical weirdness.

The sound of circuit failure was hissing.

The mechanical hound fell to the ground, and several attempts to get up ended in failure.

Chen Feng walked in front of it expressionlessly and covered it again with the Dragon Breath Cannon until the body performance returned to zero, declaring it dead.

【Kill the D-level LV8 Weird Iron Hound, gain experience points +40]

After the decomposition was activated, the Iron Hound's body disappeared and turned into the corresponding basic materials.

After doing all this, Chen Feng looked up at the sky above the trial field, waiting for the announcement of the trial results.

He had been calculating the time in his mind.

From the start of the trial to the killing of the Iron Hound, it took a total of three minutes and eighteen seconds, and the trial requirements were met within five minutes.

What will we face next?

This gave Chen Feng a headache.

The seven teammates behind him were nominally useless and could only be used to attract firepower.

And this is only the first level.

In order to kill the Iron Hound, he has almost used up more than half of his means of attack.

Suddenly, the mechanical male voice finally sounded again

"The first stage of the trial is over"

"Assist or kill the Iron Hound to meet the promotion conditions, and the number of qualified promotions on the spot is: 1"

"For the rest of the awakened ones, please continue to complete the trial from the first level."

"Preparation for the second stage of the trial......"

Before Chen Feng had time to react, a beam of light enveloped him.

"The second level: wisdom."

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