The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-five chapters

In 1998, November 11, the Demodulatively welcomed the first dimming show after the new revision in Huaxia City.

This day, it can be said that the stars gathered.

In order to reshape the dimension, the boss Wicksna is made to change the earth.

Before this, there is also a show, but it is just a big shopping mall, let a show, to promote the dimming underwear.

After all, there is no difference in the dimension and other ordinary underwear prior to this.

What's more, the price of the original dimension is the price of the low-end, not that highly unable to climb. Just this time, the boss Waxchi wants to build it into the positioning and influence of first-class brands, and the price of the third-flow.

This is a very bold attempt.

Therefore, he moved the dimming show to Huaxia City.

It is also because the Government of the Yicheng government, a paper is sent for ten years worth $ 100 million in high-priced price, which makes it decided to invite major celebrities to come to see.

This is before, yes.

This time, he almost invited all the mainstream European and American stars to watch, of course, including some top-level current flow in Huaxia.

Naturally, this premise, it is also because the Government of Yucheng is willing to bear these people's accommodation.

Otherwise, Wicksna will not have such a big.

After all, this scene of this is enough to sit down.

Such a lot of people's accommodation, that is a pneumatic expense.

For Wicksna, he can do not so arrogance, you can bear the cost of such a multiplayer.

Ok, all of this has a governor of the city government.

After all, the Yucheng Life Square has a more enough top hotel room.

The eight skyscrapers not only provided enough catering and entertainment venues, but also provided a total of more than 10,000 hotels in super five-star hotels.

Ten thousand rooms, this is the number of Yucheng Life Square can accommodate.

of course,

In fact, the quantity is 9999.

In China, the number is not over 10,000, and 9999 is the number of deserted peaks.

As for about 10,000, it is actually left to Qin Feng alone.

This is also a special feedback on the Qinfeng government.

And this 9999 room, all of which are adopted.

In other words, this is not a normal five-star hotel, and there is still a standard room, a single room, and so on. All is a suites. Of course, in the suite, there are 999 presidential suites, as well as 99 prince suite, and the most distinguished, only 9 emperors.

This ordinary suite, the area is between 50-60 square meters.

As for the presidential suite, it is basically in 150 square meters.

When I arrived at the prince, the area reached an amazing 300 square meter.

As for the emperor suite, it is even more amazing 499 square meters.

It can be said that the hotel here is the hotel, just in the area of ​​the room, it is unreasonable.

As for the decoration, it is still not so luxurious.

It is not like Dubai, everywhere is a gold.

This Yicheng government has not so much money. However, the decoration style in the room is also extremely gorgeous. Just don't have so many Chinese and untrusted luxury items.

And truly amazing is this price.

This ordinary suites are usually prices, which is in 199. The presidential suite is just 399 yuan a night. As for the prince suite, although it is more expensive, I will guess 999 yuan a night. As for the emperor suite, this is expensive, but the most expensive presidential suite with other hotels is more than the people, but only 1888 yuan.

Its whole price is already very low.

After all, there is so big in the room. And all of the private housekeeper.

Of course, there is such a low price, that is also from the Chinese economy, just started to take off. At this time, ordinary people's income is not high.

This way of development is actually calculated in accordance with an average salary of the city.

The average salary of the Yucheng people is approximately in the prices of the Prince Suite.

This is far more than the city of all mainland. And coastal cities, as well as a first-tier city, some fight.

The Emperor Suite is the income of the Miocheng people every month.

Almost, a month, the city people average, can take 1888 yuan. Of course, in fact, the numbers will have a little going, but the gap is not large.

To develop this price, this hotel price is higher, but also to let the city people can bear.

Don't say that every day, at least one month can pay for the most expensive room price.

In this way, the birthday Party is taken once a year, or what kind of activities, that is not worth paying.

Only in this way is a qualified place to let the people live together.

Therefore, even if there are a thousand names, the five-star hotels in the Yucheng Life Square are also digestive, let these Europe, America, and Hong Kong and Taiwan, the top-level celebrities in the mainland are not in order to live boat trip.

Just in the Life Square, you will play here. Look at the show, just take the elevator.

Simple, easy to get to the extreme, do not have to worry about any of the categories of the boat.

It can be said that this is also the reason why we are very touched by Wicksna.

Many famous flows are willing to come, in a certain aspect, because this is also a perfect accommodation service, do not need them to work.

"Right, our fairy is in what identity?" Lin Yu suddenly asked.

She and Icon's card have only indicated that they were invited to watch. But Shen Mili, Tanabata Fairy?

Is it ordinary invited guests or the invited current?

Qin Feng stunned, this, I haven't worried.

"Your guy, how is it so confused." Lin Yu glared at Qin Feng, "This time, there will come so many famous flows at home and abroad, this is the top star of the entertainment circle, if they are all invited to flow , And our fairy, but you have brought it. Are you right! "

Qin Feng also wants to understand the reason for this problem.

If this is, the Tanabata is the same as herself, and it is afraid that it will not dress up. This is no problem. But once it is recognized, the media reporter wrote it, I don't know how to write it.

When it comes, it has a little impact on its identity.

Entertainment circles, fame and fortune, is a non-circle.

You must take into account the identity status of the Tanabata, and the components of this circle. After you have a certain position, you can't make trouble.

You come again, then you will not be equal.

This will bring a lot of troubles.

"This, my fault, I didn't pay attention to this." Qin Feng quickly apologized, "But there is nothing, I still have invitation, and write one at the scene!"

Said, Qin Feng took out a invitation that did not write any name.

Lin Wei directly turned over.

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