The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand six hundred and twelve chapters

Remember a second []

"Roll, I am sleepy now, sleep!"

The little plum is directly issued.


Are you angry when I am?

Your small saga, this is the way to sleep? This is clearly prepared to "work"


Don't forget, this is the Shengcheng Life Square.

Here, there are thousands of service personnel in various 'workplace'.

The Hougong Alice is known.

Will you sleep peace of mind? But soon, Qin Feng felt that he really smashed the little plum.

This is a handsome guy today, don't say that the value is in the peak of the gods, even if he will never look for women.

Does he need? Between the two, a lazy voice sounded.

"Hey, Leonardo, I am coming.

An extremely fascinating voice sounded.

Qin Feng returned to the head, leaning against, a brunette.

This guy is really a good appetite.

However, this brunette is so familiar, and the body is really, Qin Feng does not know how to describe: slender legs, slender small waist, perfect head ratio, and even if you look at the white world, it is exquisite facial features. Plus that the place is quite, the place of the thamia, this is that Qin Feng doesn't like black, and he has to say that it is very tempting.

"Thala, you are here, I am waiting for you for a long time, since I saw you, I as if I saw a night in front of me.

The little plums have gone past, and the brunette's entry room.

Incident, I have a Qin Feng, I will go out, and I close the door.


It was already.

Qin Feng smashed.

This trolley blond feet.

But I thought about it, I'm still can't stand my friends.

It is the most spending of the dog.

Justice, Qin Feng turned and left.

This time, don't expect little plums.

This flower bonus.

The brunette also!

Wait, the brunette, called Terra, this will not be Terra Banks!

Terra Banks, in Huaxia, the Chinese cordially called it as Thai.

The reason why it is called Thai, the reason is very simple, she is a black, very bodyless, belonging to the power of the power type.

In T stage, it is extremely domineering, as if you have to eat her model.

Over time, I was kind to Thaima by domestic fans.

Little plum is enough to be poisonous.

Shake the head, Qin Feng casually opened the room, waiting for the little plum to discuss the plot.

As a result, this is one night.

This has been 9 o'clock in the second day, and the little plums are full, and the spring breeze knocks the door of Qin Feng.

"Let's talk about the story.

Xiao Li smiled, "But that hangover, I think it can add a brunette's story.

Qin Feng straight blind eye.

This guy, dare to use this new script to pick up the girl.

But think about it, this guy basically booked all the female owners who filmed movies.

However, if you have collaborated the women's owners, there is no way to say hello.

Of course, it is not a gossip.

People are different Xiu En love.

Just a few days, this newcomer will be changed.

As for adding individuals, "Drugs" is a ridiculous comedy, plus Thai motivated dimension model, nor does it.

After the discussion of the two people, finally finalized the official script of "hanging".

Qin Feng looked at it, this is more tension than the original "bottle".

In terms of plot, it is necessary to be more absurd and crazy, but will finally be more warm.

In addition, there is also a small plum that directly finalized some of the games, such as the original "hangover", the only surprise is Tyson.

This time, the little plums let this hangover, more crazy, add some other people.

For example, after drunk, ran and play basketball: Bull.

Also and Michael Jackson dance skills, etc.

These people are naturally easy, please don't move.

However, the little plum can go.

As long as the script has, add his people, you can please come.

Of course, this is also specially added to Thai play.

As the most domineering dimensional model, Tham Ma is in the inside.

It is a romantic after this hangover.

Which is the discussion of true love. In short, on the look of Qin Feng, this is a movie that is very testing. The whole process relies on the play of the actor to show the humor of the absurd comedy. "Okay, this play, you found someone, all aspects are all, just start shooting. But I only prepare for investment of 20 million US dollars, small costs." Qin Feng said. This original "hangover" 5 million investment. Qin Feng here, ready to compress, 20 million. After all, there is only 1 million dollars, this starring is not enough, and the rest is not much. And this drama, no extravagant configuration, don't need a G picture, not to have the road. After all, the main plot happens at night. This big night, don't need you to block the way. The little plum glanced at Qin Feng. "Your guy, can you try again! 20 million US dollars, too too." Xiao Li Ziyu said, "Dare to do this, I don't have to pay, even I invite friends, don't give you. You this Ge Longtai. "Qin Feng was awkward, not angry at all, smiled, patted the shoulders of the little plum. "This is not a worker!" Qin Feng smiled, "said again, you can see the Mount Wishes, when can you get a prize? Why is it? Why is it not because of the various action scenes The G picture is too pulled, which can't play the actor's acting. Therefore, those judges consider small costs. If our small cost movie can finally be successful, they want to give you Oscar! "Xiao Li sins Nodded. The reason is this truth, but you don't have more than $ 20 million. This is only 20 million US dollars. But for example, after all, the whole script is coming, there is no money to spend money. As for the actor, most of you have friends, this itself can't spend any money. In this way, 20 million US dollars is also enough. Subsequently, the little plum took the printed script and flew directly to the United States. Since the Titanic, he has been looking for a suitable script. Now, I finally found it. He naturally opened the horsepower and started working. This year's Oscar did not expect, but next year, it was Oscar, which was held in 2000, he is hoped. He wants to tell the world with a small gold, he is not an idol, is a active system. Qin Feng doesn't take care of Xiao Li.

^ 0 ^ a second to remember []

Can you get a small gold person, say to Qin Feng, making money is the last word. .

Dear, this chapter has finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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