The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first six hundred and eleven chapters are gone

Remember a second []

"Go! He is gone!" Ming boss looked at the sky and sighed.

Qin Feng finally gone.

After the end of the Yucheng dimming show, after a few days, Qin Feng gone.

Before Qin Feng leaving, specially come to him.

Nothing did, just simple sayings.

But Hui's eyes are like a boss, how to see Qin Feng has something to say, but did not say.

Obviously, Qin Feng is some of them, I hope to get from the boss.

In this regard, the boss did not speak, but it was also determined, and it would never let people bully Qin Feng.

Just unfortunately, he was prepared to give Qin Feng award.

The top ten outstanding youth, this title, but a kind of aura.

Unfortunately, Qin Feng has to go. Wait for 1 month.

Oh, this is the unfortunate of this era, and it is also a great fortune.

To be unfortunate, it is a person such as Qin Feng, or insoluble in the present society. Speaking of Wan Fun, he can go to other countries. Unlike this past few decades, there is no place, you can only be in China.

If you are born in the era of red, the Qin Feng is afraid.

Ming Boss thinks, I am afraid that Qin Feng's personality, I am afraid

That deade (helpless, can only use the English), Ming Boss thinks about the whole body. How bad, how terrible deade is. Everyone is crazy, don't learn, don't work, just think about how the whole person, how is the party.

That's terrible.

Qin Feng is in that year, I am afraid I have to be dragged to the street on the street every day.

and many more! This guy is not so honest. Not good, he will take the lead in become the one of the lead.

Ming boss thought about it, thinking that Qin Feng, this guy, no one will suffer.

I don't want to, this guy, monkey fans monkey, will not suffer. Ming boss said.

This time,

Qin Feng is first to send Icon to the University of London, the University of London, and then go to New York.

As for Shen Manoli, she continued to complete the studies in the Central Music Academy.

After all, she has a one and a half to graduate.

After completing the profession, then look at the later period.

Of course, she is now famous, and I will walk.

As for the Lin Yi, it began to be busy in Yucheng and Changcheng. She is tired. However, relative to Changcheng's occlusion, Yucheng is now undoubtedly more open, and modernization.

Also, if the plan of Zhang Zhiwu and others is really successful, the city can have an international urban weather.

That time, Changcheng as a warehouse, production base, and Yucheng as a window platform, it is undoubtedly very suitable. In particular, between the two places, very close. If you go to the high speed, you will come to four or five hours.

As for Qin Feng, it is very simple to go to Harvard. Strive to learn some big energy during the Harvard, then remove the global IT market.

At present, there is a restriction in China, which is subject to the restrictions on technology hardware. Many industries cannot get.

Without intelligence, IT is currently just a simple Internet cafe era.

When the intelligence appears, it is the arrival of the real interconnection era.

Mobile interconnection is the key to truly open the future.

Now, no matter how lun, its ability to make money is limited. Also not much with most people's life.

But when the intelligence comes, the whole world is different.

It can be said that before intelligent is popular, not, smart is actually very early, but there is no attention to everyone, including the attention of businessmen.

Because, people's thinking model is sometimes very old.

And people are also used to being old.

Perhaps this is called habit.

In short, once habits are developed, that person is easy to develop inherent models, will never change, unless there is a cross-era giant, dragging people going forward.

The intelligent era giant is Jobs.

His PHNE is not only changing the pattern, but also changes the entire Internet pattern.

In 200 years, the global Internet is not fast before PHNE comes out. Isn't it popular?

As soon as some places, some first-tier cities have 10m, 20m broadband. The rest, there are 2m, 4m broadband, the worst is also 1m. This speed is used to see online video, play online games, etc., it is enough.

But at the time, there were not many companies to make money. Everyone knows that the Internet can make money, you must make money. However, how to make money, but no one knows.

The only way to make money is the game. Online games can make money. In addition, advertising income can make money. But this is a little money.

Real small money.

I have launched PHNE until Jobs, after changing the pattern, the outside world began to discover, used to a small, can do so much.

Not just simple to look at the video, listen to the song, play the game, it is still possible to bring the world to the world.

Since then, the Internet is really coming.

Now, smart is still nothing. Qin Feng also use more.

Now, Qin Feng can do it, it is waiting.

Waiting for the emergence of the intelligent era.

Of course, it is not awkward. Qin Feng will invest in related industries and promote its development.

For example, Apple, Qin Feng will

^ 0 ^ a second to remember []

Push PHNE to be listed in advance. Even if you spend more money, you have to go public as much as possible as possible.

There is also the GGLE, Qin Feng is now also GGLE shares. Will let GGLE, go to the SAR as soon as possible.

Let the Lei Jun go to the early and Nokia negotiations.

Yes, Nokia!

Today's Nokia is still as day after two years. It is still a era of Motoron, or is a time in Japan, Panasonic, Sony, and the era of the group, France's Alcatel, etc.

After that, with the full rise of Nokia, there is a Nokia such as day. Sweep the entire era. Also until PHNE appeared, completely let Nokia fall from the soul of the abyss.

In fact, today, it seems that Jobs is the Nosa tomb, but it is better to say that the elites of the Internet have, and then completely sent Nokia into the grave. Without a variety of applications, Nokia will not die.

To know, on the occasion of PHNE, this changed the era of change, Nokia released N95, a large-screen price of 10,000 yuan, is sought after by the market.

At this time, PHNE is only more than 4,000 yuan.

People who say PHNE is too expensive, obviously there is no era of Nokia flagship.

Even, in the second year, Jobs was launched in Phnegs, Nokia also launched N9. Nokia's empire has no tile.

This is why Nokia Ninglang is a big reason. And really letting it instantly, it is from many software giants from the Internet age.

Software changes the world.

Dear, this chapter has finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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