The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Chapter 1,620 Rainbow Family

Remember a second []

what? Modern Chopin!

Many police movement.

In Finland, there are several names that are the heroes in all the people's eyes, the pride in my heart.

Let Sibelius, Simon Hay, Santa, and Chopin, are the hero in the hearts of Finns.

Of course, Chopin is not Finnish. But it is very popular with Finnish.

Many police are incredible.

However, when there is a policeman, after queried the Qin Feng related information, it is exclaimed.

"Sorry, Qin Master is our charity. On behalf of all police officers of the Helsinki Police Department, I apologize to you, please forgive our reckless." The Police Director heard the news and personally apologized.

This time, Qin Feng has a little unpredictable.

This, are they respecting music?

But okay, no matter what is going on, at least the level is strong here.

"Can I leave now?" Qin Feng asked.

"Yes, you can leave now. You stay at which hotel, we will send you the past." The police director said.

They actually arrest modern Chopin, this is a big sin. They must make compensation.

Qin Feng swayed.

"I want to know, who is the old woman?" Qin Feng asked.

"Oh, she is a cleaner of our policeman!" Said the police director.

Cleaners? ! Qin Feng stunned, don't tell me, a cleaner recognizes me a Chinese people.

Even if I am famous, in the music world, Qin Feng is very high (just Qin Feng does not know, I have been seeing the world with business people and students, and I don't attend what music ceremony), but it is not a police station. The cleaners can recognize it.

And still in Finland a relatively comparative comparative tradition of many countries.

How can this be!

"It is said that,

She is a granddaughter of our country's great gay. "Police Director said.

Let the granddaughter of Sibelius? Qin Feng nature knows this person.

As a four-year music professional, Qin Feng naturally knows some music everyone who doesn't know many others.

For example, the Police Director said to let the Sibelius, there is a strange man, but Qin Feng knows.

Let Sibelius are famous Finnish musicians, nationalist music and romantic musicians.

The biggest achievement is the seven symphony.

The "Finland" is not only a representative, but also the spiritual symbol of Finnish people. Its status, is not on the national anthem of Huaxia.

Such a person's granddaughter knows himself, and Qin Feng feels understanding. But why will it be cleaned here?

This contrary is too big.

Is there such an outline! Even from ancient master in the people, not doing these rough work.

This is not suitable!

"She has built rainbow families!" A policeman was whispering.

Rainbow family?

After Qin Feng stunned, suddenly realized.

Rainbow families, in other countries, generally understand the family of parents, and there are many skin colors. For example, Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are a rainbow family, and the skin color is colorful. ...

However, Qin Feng knows that in Finland, there is another explanation: homosexual families.

This is a relatively conceited name for homosexual families.

Finland is relatively traditional in Western countries, although gay is not as cinerary as the Oriental countries, but it is also very unrequited by all walks of life.

You can accept the existence of your family, but you will not understand what you exist like this.

Once you are known in Finland, you are gay, that basically you will work with a variety of good work, and you will lose your arm.

Of course, in the future, this situation, with the advancement of the times, the inclusiveness of civilization is gradually improved.

For example, the future of Finland's youngest prime minister is born in a rainbow family. In the future, Finnish society is more inclusive for this situation.

But now, it's really not tolerate.

Qin Feng also wanted not to pass, why a Music master's granddaughter will form a rainbow family.

This, really let Qin Feng think of it.

However, Qin Feng is still very sincere and sincerely apologize.

But obviously, the granddaughter of Sibelius refused to accept the gift of Qin Feng.

She as a granddaughter of Sibelius, naturally understands music, and is very proficient. Qin Feng looked at his hands and saw it, it was a hand of the piano for many years. It is a pity to live, but in the police trick like this.

Because of its understanding of music, it will understand that Qin Feng is in the piano world, and the status of the music world.

So young piano masters, this is the existence of people who make all music music can be existed. She helped Qin Feng, because Qin Feng is really music master.

Qin Feng did not dare to be these, but the trier and respectful, express his gratitude.

Subsequently, Qin Feng left.

There have also not let the police officers, after all, there are taxi, and Qin Feng does not want to take a police officer.

After a night of rest, Qin Feng went directly to Nokia the next day.

After all, I was arrested by the police and obviously alarmed each other. Qin Feng

^ 0 ^ a second to remember []

The other party should know that it is. Then go directly to visit.


When Qin Feng arrived again in Nokia Headquarters, when he reported his name, the security guard immediately notified the President Olila.

"Qin master, I am sorry, yesterday we made so rude behavior. I am sorry." Olila president saw Qin Feng and apologized.

Is there a sincerity?

After all, I really have to have sincerity. I will go to the police to visit Qin Feng yesterday. Instead of waiting for Qin Feng, it will come out.

Of course, at least the opponent's attitude is good.

"Nothing, this is also what I bother." Qin Fengyi and gas, "I don't ask, buddy."

"Please!" Olra put Qin Feng into his own office.

For Qin Feng, a piano master, why is the Nokia headquarters, he is really curious, very unclear. I don't know what Qin Feng is going to do. But he didn't dare to neglect.

Even if the two don't work, there is no intersection, and he doesn't dare to neglect.

This is the old saying: the name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

"Qin Master, I don't know if you visit Nokia, is there any Nokia?" Olora asked respectfully.

The youngest piano master, the only master who can play the most difficult piano "Girls' Fantasy", it is worthy of his respect.

Qin Feng silent for a moment, I want to cut into the topic.

If you say, you will not be able to take care of yourself. Because Nokia does not need collaborators.

To know, Nokia is a very paranoid company, they have their own business strategy, operational strategy, and do not need external intervene. It includes almost all going down, and I declined a very beautiful acquisition plan for several companies.

It has been replaced by a non-Finnish man when the president is really sold to Microsoft. But at that time, the yellow-flower dishes were cold.

But this is enough to explain the pride and paranies of Nokia.

Dear, this chapter has finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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