The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-seventh chapter empty gloves white wolf

Lin Feng once again came to five major records.

Of course, the five major record companies have to come.

As long as you conquer one, you will say it.

Lin Feng first arrived is Warner record.

After all, both parties are also working, there is always a foundation.

The last time does not agree, it is because of the true digital copyright, it will infringe the interests of the other party. The other party did not see, the income brought about by digital copyright, as well as the future development trend.

In the future, countless singers have started to take the digital copyright. Sales songs on the network.

No way, this is the general trend.

"Mr. Qin, you are here again." The president of Warner's record shook his head.

With regard to the recommendations of Lin Feng, he analyzed and has the possibility of success. However, it will hurt the current many partners. For example, the record line. Its interest is damaged.

And their development is inseparable from these recordings.

So he can only refuse.

For Qin Feng again, he can't refuse. After all, Qin Feng is a piano master, the only piano master who can play the most difficult "Girl Fantasy". These titles, can be said, any record line can refuse to cooperate with Qin Feng, but must never refuse Qin Feng.

It is necessary to refuse, in the music circle, will provoke some old antiques. Especially the piano circle is dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction will lead to a lot of composers. It is likely that it will be angry with many of their singers, it is difficult to get better songs.

So, no matter how much helplessness he is, you still have to meet Qin Feng.

As for the cooperation of Qin Feng, what is the case.


"I am not coming to talk to you this time." Qin Feng smiled, "but talk about another cooperation."

"What cooperation?" Little Adg Burffman is curious.

"Yes, one is very happy, mutual benefit cooperation!" Qin Feng smiled.

"Please say!" Little Adg Burffman is very interested,

There will be any mutual benefit cooperation.

"Mobile phone, you know!" Qin Feng said.

Little Edgar Burovanni nod.

I am using Nokia 2110 now!

Qin Feng smiled.

With Nokia, then I said.

"I reached a agreement with Nokia." Qin Feng said.

Nokia! Little Edga - Burlman's ability to sweep your mobile phone.

This guy comes to yourself, it shouldn't be because you are using Nokia. However, what agreement has been reached with Nokia.

"The development of mobile phones, I don't know what idea is the President of Burlov?" Qin Feng asked.

Little Edgar - Burlman thought.

"This is very convenient, for us, it is really convenient. But I think soon will flow between ordinary people. Because, contact communication is too convenient." Little Edga-Burffman .

"In the future, I will be a mobile phone, do you believe it?" Qin Feng said.

Little Edgar - Burulmann is slightly hello, nod.

This is a general trend.

"So, what do you have for ringtones?" Qin Feng asked again.

This puts it, let Little Edgar - Bururovan's eyes bright.

"Mr. Qin, let me guess. You and Nokia have reached an agreement, isn't the mobile phone ringtone related agreement!" Little Edga-Burffman asked.

Qin Feng nodded.

"This agreement, by I am responsible for the development of related mobile ringtones, Nokia offers commercial platform, a ringtone, price 1 dollar." Qin Feng smiled, "Assume that the future person is hand, throws some extremely poor countries There is only 4 billion people in this world to use mobile phone. One person is 4 billion yuan a year. So, it is assumed that a ringtone is downloaded average annually. Then a year is 160 ringtones, which is a $ 16 billion income. "

16 billion US dollars. This is almost pure income.

16 billion US dollars! How amazing this is amazing.

In particular, this number may have more.

"What is the Mr. Qin want to talk about?" Little Edga-Burffmann breathed.

"It is very simple, cooperation." Qin Feng said, "Your company dispatched a professional to assist me, change the music of your company's artists, and then put it on the Internet to sell. And share it, your company can get 2 The benefit. As for the division of the art, it is your company's business. "

Two-generation. This is naturally not the psychological price of Qin Feng.

Nokia took 30% sales to divide, the remaining 70%, and the Qin Feng appeared, it should still be seven or 80%. After all, this website is very low. On the server, Qin Feng and the contract signed by Nokia are provided by Nokia.

In this regard, Qin Feng does not have any opinions. He knows that this is Nokia wants to control the initiative and want to control this platform.

However, Qin Feng understands that this kind of ringtone is sold, which is also a few years of scenery. Once the smart machine is listed, this ringtone sales has no market. Because anyone can get a MP3, you can be a ringtone. Even, you can record a music or be a ringtone.

At that time, you didn't have any market.

So, Nokia wants to take it. Anyway, Nokia out platform server and other related fees. For Qin Feng, only the benefits, there is no harm.

In addition to this fees, the rest is rare. Therefore, the profits, Qin Feng believes a lot.

Before you are busy, you must make more profit.

And Lin Feng, a 30% divided into the profit of the record company. Of course, if they completely promise, this is adapted, do not need Qin Feng, Qin Feng only needs to send people to manage websites, and the relevant payment platform, the Qin Feng does not mind more.

"It's two-way, too little!" Xiao Edga-Burff Man frowned.

Qin Feng grinned.

As long as the other party feels less money, then it is said. If you have this intention, you can talk.

Subsequently, the two sides launched a lip gun tongue war, and finally, 35% interest was reached.

All relevant era Warner's artist song sales, Times Warner's interests of 35%. During this period, Qin Feng gave nokia to the contract.

30% of sales are divided into small Edgar - Bururman no longer needs. Although he is copyright. However, relative to copyright, this platform is more important.

It is better to make Nokia with your own expense. In that, they have to save people.

Of course, 35% of the profit is divided into conditions, that is, all songs have been adapted, which are responsible by Times Warner. And, Qin Feng specifies the deadline.

Within a week, all red songs must be adapted.

The related tools of adapting songs, Qin Feng also gave Warner.

In this way, Qin Feng will save this.

Perhaps, this is the null gloves white wolf.

No, this should be called an intermediary.

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