The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-five chapters have to go

The last star application passed? Qin Feng received a message from Yucheng, it was a little.

I didn't expect it, so fast. This is only a few days.

Actually passed directly.

This efficiency is too high.

It is not said that this kind of thing will be very long. In general, sitting discussing discussion, then adjusting research, discussing discussion, re-investigation, this opening, three five days, surveillance, surveyed a month. This is tossed down, March next year.

Of course, this will be very anxious here, so it will be reminded. Will make yourself, let the above are just a little.

Therefore, Qin Feng was originally thinking, how would this be one or two months, such as this, can handle things about music copyright. Also, Brandi follow-up.

Who is, I haven't started working hard, I have been busy there.

This efficiency is just like hanging.

Now, it is negotiated with TVB.

In this respect, Qin Feng does not know what people in TVB.

After all, there is no communication before this.

Ok, King Uncle is on the side of Xiangjiang, and now it is a mixed air.

The reason is also very simple, and Xiangjiang has actually begun to take a slope. Its entertainment circle has gradually started micro.

One is just a 97-year-old Asian financial crisis, causing the economic encounters of Xiangjiang, itself is relatively large. Although it is said that there is a continent, there is a mainland, running Soros.

However, the economy is still affected.

Of course, this is not the most important. It is important that there are still three years old, Huaxia is going to join the WTO.

Once the WTO is added, the dragon in China will begin to make it completely.

When Huaxia starts to take off, drive is the world's economy.

Qin Feng came from the vision of people. When Huaxia joined the WTO, the world's economy began to grow, and inflation was coming.

For example, now,

In Xiangjiang filmed movies, the top big coffee in the drama, Zhou Xingchi is thousands of this. In general, most first lines of stars have millions.

Liu Dehua, up to 8 million. Still not the department.

But in a few years, the allegation has doubled directly.

Now there is a movie in Xiangjiang, tens of millions of box rooms are very good. It is very happy with the film company.

But in the future, you don't have more than 1 billion box office. Do you think so?

Do you have a face?

Obviously, that is not.

Between the two, it is not a concept.

Therefore, the side of Xiangjiang will be booming in these years.

KING uncle, saw the huge potential of the mainland, so these years, constantly working some of the Jinjiang artists northward gold.

This artist makes more money, fans can see the star, the film is open, make more money, can be said to be a big joy.

In this case, Qin Feng directly worshiped KING uncle to talk, basically the problem is not big.

"Row, this matter, it is also beneficial to TVB. They should be able to see the huge potential of the mainland market. After all, only the number of people is not a fragrant river," King said.

I used to feel the poor. However, but did not expect that the country has a wealthy class.

It is like in Africa, that is much poor, it is obvious to all.

Many countries, many people, a day living expedition is less than $ 1.

How low is this.

However, these poor countries still have hundreds of millions of rich, have a private aircraft, and the luxury manor villa is super rich.

These African countries have such a lot of rich, and they don't have to say Huaxia.

This Huaxia is not good, it is far better than Africa. So many people, more than ten billions, can we have less rich?

Those who are in the Xiangjiang rats, I don't know how big the market in China is found.

However, after all, there is still a smart person. Not so stupid.

At least King Uncle thinks that Shao Yifu's father should have this eye.

"That is troubled." Qin Feng was grateful.

This is usually available here, play more Hong Kong dramas, and let the city TV station on the stars, attract more viewers.

In this way, there will be a programs of Yucheng TV on the radio and television stations in other provinces.

In this era, basic households will subscribe to a local TV newspaper.

In this television news, there will be a variety of TV programs that will be broadcast next week.

Although I said, there is a network. But many aspects did not really adapt to networking. Everyone is still in the past. Network, main use or in games, chat, and watch.

For now, the network still does not really change human life.

In this television newspaper, there are more people who have a TV station in your TV station, and will be published. Therefore, in addition to the local table, there are also some sets of CCTV, and there are special provinces, which are specially published.

This is also effective in effectively enhances a TV station, and even a local influence.

Decide whether your TV station will be published, it is this TV show.

Hong Kong drama will definitely be broadcast.

After solving this, Qin Feng has begun to count, and there is any way to increase the fortune of the city to apply for a direct management of the SAR.

There is a reference object here, that is the mountain city.

The mountain city is also the last municipality in China. However, Qin Feng feels no reference value. After all, the place in the mountains, the status is different. I really don't have the background.

What's more, Zhang Zhiping is to do a direct management of the SAR, which is higher.

It seems that it is necessary to enhance international influence.

This international influence, there are several aspects. The most direct, it is to open multi-country international flights. Let all countries have direct flights.

This, currently has opened international airports, but there are still few international flights. The reason is also very simple, not so many people come, then open international flights.

After all the guests who are currently playing are, they will gradually open international flights.

The more international flights, the more the customs here is, the more you need special policies.

This is final, but also more tourists come.

Only one federation cup is not enough. That's just a short period of time, there will be a large number of foreign tourists. You can't give you the privilege. You have to have so many foreign tourists come.

In that case, the amount can be formed by the amount.

Qin Feng smiled at this side. This issue is back to the far.

How to add so many foreign tourists?

Is this advertising only by Wall Street?

Qin Feng feels that it doesn't seem to be too enough.

This is indeed very attractive, attracting many foreign tourists to go. However, this number of improvement levels are not big enough. Unable to true formation.

I have to go! How can I attract people?

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