Interpretation of "Girl Fantasy".

Justin's challenge makes the audience boil.

You know, this is the most difficult piano song in history. So far, you will perform one person in Qin Feng. In public cases, I have interpreted once. That is, helping Qin Feng won the gold medal of the Youth Piano Masters.

In addition, Qin Feng did not perform again.

Latro, in a bar in the capital, a bar.

But that time, just rumors, no one's witness.

In the world, there are too many people to try to interpret "Girl Fantasy", the result, no one succeeded. Even many people lead to hand cramps in order to interpret "Girl Fantasy".

This is the result of Qin Fengyi Luge God.

Otherwise, how can it be so young, it is really a master of the piano, worshiping the film by the piano world.

Now, Justin also deduces?

Can he succeed?

Although Justine is very talented, this is not what you want to do.

But everyone is looking forward to.

After all, breaking the myth of Qin Feng alone, it is very expective.

In particular, Qin Feng is an oriental boy from Huaxia.

In this era, of course, including the future, for Chinese discrimination, has always existed.

Even, everywhere is everywhere.

Brandi looked at the position where Qin Feng was in.

Even if it is simple, it understands that the other party is coming to the field. She is a little worried.

Qin Feng is very light.

This song, this is not a person's interpretation. Qin Feng did not dare to interpret it, because in the end, the same time, there are too many notes to interpret, have exceeded the body limit. Qin Feng has a breath, a breath, in the moment of breathing, in order to perform it. Moreover, this is still because Qin Feng has worked for many years, but also the guidance of the SHR.

Moreover, Qin Feng itself is very familiar with this song, so it can be interpreted.

The rest, there is not much suitable condition.

This is not your strength. This is also your fingers flexible enough, enough. In this regard, it can be said that the Chinese have an advantage.

At this moment, Justin is sitting in front of the piano.

The whole video studio, suddenly calm down.

Under the expectation, the pleasing piano sounds.

The "Girl Fantasy" is different, that is, from the beginning, the note is like a fan of violence, and then it is getting more and more intensive, and it is getting faster, it will not breathe, and until the last climax. The note is like the water of the waterfall is generally inclined.

Justin is a face, his hands like a flying flowers butterfly, and flies on the button.

However, Qin Feng has a slight wrinkle.


This is wrong!

As a Qin Feng, who creates this song, Justin's hands slow, not fast enough.

However, the piano is on the rhythm.

Of course, at present, this speed is barely. But behind, he absolutely can't succeed.

As if Qin Feng said, he didn't mind if someone else can successfully interpret "Girl Fantasy", as a master of the piano, if this is nothing, it can't be called the piano master.

There is no end to learn, even in the piano field.

If Justin is perfect, the Qin Feng will congratulate it.

Because, it does not affect what yourself. Even if he can interpret, even more people can perform, this will not affect the status of Qin Feng. Because this is the creation of Qin Feng, Qin Feng is a leader.

Therefore, Justin will not cause any blow to Qin Feng. He is the most, I am afraid it is going to be in front of Britney. This is not a rushing yourself, it should be a Rannie.

However, Brandi will not have any thoughts because of this, and will not be able to change his heart.

At this point, Qin Feng is still very confident.

However, if you falsify, the Qin Feng did not agree.

As the song is carried out, Qin Feng more misconduct is not enough to Justin's hand.

At least 2 pieces of shooting. Such a speed is not possible at all, it is impossible to perfect "Girl Fantasy Qu", and he cheating.

But where is cheating?

Qin Feng looked at it. This piano can't cheat, it can be destroyed, but it is impossible to cheat.

Then there is another possible, mixed recording.

In this case, only the sound is placed in the piano, then Justin is interpreted. During the interpretation process, Justin only interprets a small number of notes, ignoring a portion of the note, and then playing this ignored note in Er, you can perform perfect interpretation.

Of course, from the sound quality, there will be a little bit. However, this is in the studio, not in the entertainment hall, this average person, can't hear it.

As for the audience in front of the TV, it can't hear it.

Even if you are a piano master, the piano master who is augant, sitting in front of the TV, can't hear it.

You must be on the spot. Even at the scene, I may not be able to listen.

But Qin Feng can hear it. Because Qin Feng has an absolute specification.

Absolute spectrus, used to identify this sound quality, then it is obvious.

After listening to it carefully, Qin Feng was determined that this is played in the piano music, there are two musical instruments.

Of course, it should be said that it is not two songs, one is the piano of the scene, one is the sound of the sound.

On-site piano playing the main audio, the audio is put some adj.

Thus, because the adjunct is much more, but the pronunciation is small, it will not cause the audience to pay attention, and when Justin is played, it will compatibility. Have to say, this is a lazy way.

This one is really can't hear. Even if you put it in the entertainment hall, it is difficult to be missed.

That is, there is an absolute specification in Qin Feng, you can distinguish your sound. Otherwise, it is absolutely unable to hear.

Just, do you want to reveal him?

When I thought for a long time, Qin Feng didn't want to deliberately reveal him, didn't think, everything he did, is very ridiculous in his eyes.

He wants to compete for Britney's heart, but he doesn't know what Britney wants.

He thought that Britney is a famous name, it is money, in fact, these are not Brandi most want.

For Brandi, she wants to sing the feeling. Of course, this is not that money and famous are not important.

Money and reputation, this no one can don't care. But there is a master.

Some people are willing to pay everything for money and reputation. I don't hesitate to sacrifice.

But some people are gentlemen love, and take it.

Britney is like this. She is more loved to sing, and money is in their hobby, and they will make it back. But not the main factor.

There is a gap between the two.

It can only be said that some people have a lot of talents, with their talents, they can easily earn enough money.

Someone, can't.

Therefore, Qin Feng really is really worried. Feared that Justin cheats to interpret it to harm what they do.

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