"You can't close me like this, you are illegal detaine!" Brandi yelled in the room.

For his brother, do not listen, it is going out.

"Brandi, I think you'd better consider your future and future." At this time, Lisa opened, "I am Lisa, Lisa online CEO, my representative Lisa online with you. sign contract."

Listening to Lisa, Brandi stunned.

Lisa, she knows. It is Qin Feng ... she doesn't know what is related, but in short, she has seen it. Qin Feng referred time. Look at the relationship, anyway, two are close.

It once once made Britney very tasteful. However, after coming to Huaxia, then I watched the Qin Feng's Tanabata, she was too lazy. Who makes your teacher so good.

Excellent man, there will always be many women.

So she doesn't want to eat such a flying vinegar.

Lisa is coming, is it a teacher? Britney ran out immediately.

Sudden changes in this attitude, immediately caught the alert of Britney parents.

This Lisa should not be a Qin Feng!

Although Lisa is also very young, it is dealing with Jobs with an angry and immersed, but there is nothing to learn, but it is very keen to the parents' look.

"Brandi, Qin Feng him deceived all of us, he is a big liar. I have already awake, so I will come to you to re-sign the contract, you can't be blinded by him. This time I re-sign the contract, that is, let You are reluctant, no longer being placed. "Lisa said.

Brandi listened, suddenly a face is not happy. This woman, why said that he said his teacher.

I don't like her! Branton is cold.

"I am willing to follow the teacher, the teacher can represent my decision. You walk, I don't like you." Brandi immediately pointed to Lisa.

This moment, Brandi parents grew up, it seems that this is really replaced by Lisa online.

"Brandi, how do you talk. You don't want to obviously, your teacher is using you, not really good to you. We are your parents, is we harm you!" Brandi father Say.

"Yes, Britney, our family, these years, in order to sing, how much cost, you are not unclear. For you, we all give up our lives and moved to New York. You don't be Deceived. "Brandi mother is attached to the side.

"Just, you are too unbelieving, let us feel cold. Is there a family like you?" Brandi brutal is also reprimanded.

Britney heard the words, and the ear kept returned to the room.

Lisa is also full of eyes.

This little girl is too stupid. Do you don't understand?

This makes yourself to complete the task of Qin Feng.

I thought about it.

"Mr. Spilles, can you let me talk to Britney alone, I will convince her. Now, you will check her at home, she is definitely dissatisfied with you, will not understand your pain. I am an outsider. , I will talk to her, maybe she will understand my pain. "Lisa said.

"Alever, Lisa president, then trouble you. But this girl is too horizontal, afraid that she is angry into you. In this way, Brand, you are holding a president of Lisa, looking at it, avoiding the wild girl. President. "Mr. Spilles told him.

Lisa heartbeat. This is improving yourself.

Obviously, Brian's move has made it doubts. Although Brandi is blamed by himself, it is apparent that this old is afraid of playing itself.

"Then thank you!" Lisa did not refuse. It is necessary to refuse, then you can't get it.

Soon, the two entered the Britney room.

"Go out, my room doesn't welcome you!" Brandi said, "Especially your liar, roll out!"

Brandi pointed to Lisa.

"Brandi, how do you talk!" Brane was dissatisfied.

Brandi did not say anything.

For families, Britney is very belonging. After all, the family did pay a lot for her. So, even if the family is detained, she didn't call alarm.

Of course, the phone is also controlled. However, she didn't think about this.

"Brandi, I know you like your teacher, but he is using you, you don't easily be deceived by him. Of course, I can not listen, when you wait until you come to the judgment. But, you Sign this contract, only the benefits, there is no harmony. This way, this pricing right is that you have said it. After all your songs, you should have pricing power. "Lisa analyzed the pros and cons.

Brandi is just a breath.

This looks, let Lissa, I don't know what to say. How is this girl? Will you first look at the contract before?

"Brandi, don't respect people, how to educate you often." Brunnie is screaming.

Looking at Lisa's eyes, Brane has a different kind of eye.

Lisa itself is not a very beautiful woman. Of course, the value is not bad, just compared with Britney, there is a gap. However, Lisa inherited Jobs's acuteness of art, plus her maintenance is also the art department of Harvard, so she has the temperament of the artist, which gives it a lot of charm.

What's more, or Lisa online CEO. This title is more secure.

Who Brinen? That is a man who carried soft rice. In the later generation, Britney has been in a production person by Britney with powerful influence and financial resources.

As for the producer, it is the Golden Lord.

Usually, Golden Lord is one of the producers.

This guy is a person who eats soft rice. When the producer, there is no results, that is, Britney's money tree, making money.

Lisa, is undoubtedly a huge shake money tree. It is possible to get a lot of benefits.

Lisa feels this different eyes and cries.

But nothing to say. Now, the key is Brandi.

"Brandi, this is a contract, you have a look." Lisa pushed the contract to Britney.

Britney is a push, and the contract is scattered.

"Brandi!" Blanter's big name, "You give me a little, don't provoke it!"

"Lisa, I will help you!" Brian quickly kneel down to help Lapa to the contract.

"No, I will come." Lisa is busy, but when you squat down, you will have a long ready, Nokia, just listed, I got to Brandi.

Brandi, I also stunned. But this time, she didn't commit her again, but I was busy with it.

After packing up the contract, Lisa helpless shook his head.

"The contract is here, Britney, you will consider it." Lisa put down the contract.

"Lisa, I will send you." Brian quickly chased it.


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