The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first six hundred and sixty-five chapters make people jealous men

The old face of Qin Feng, this moment is slightly red.

This is too embarrassed.

However, honestly said that Britney's body, put on tights, exercise together, that screen ...

"Mr. Qin!" The judge also saw that the Qin Fengnao is in the heart of the throne, not telling the interruption.

Rao is he has been an age. At this moment, it is a bit slightly ignorant.

"I promised." Qin Feng said quickly.

This cannot be confident. Otherwise, I really don't know how many pairs of eyes will stare at them.

"That is the third. Britney, seriously said." The judge had to remind it.

"There is still one, it's so hard!" Brandi said a headache, the little hand smashed the temple, because it was difficult to breathe, let the chest exercise, this is a lot of men to look fast. Fall out.

This woman is too sex. Sense, bias is still so simple, this doesn't know how many men want to put it in the Ku.

"That case, if I am famous in the future, I will get rid of the freedom after I got back to the teacher." Britney said seriously.

This is also a bought bar. As long as you reach your contract, you will have the right to automatically terminate the contract.

This is indeed a very suitable protection of your own terms.

However, the problem is that the feedback amount of the columns before, too exaggerated.

How can this possible.

Last year, the US GDP, that is, the sum of the six countries behind.

What is the US GDP last year? 9086.1 billion US dollars!

Nine billions of dollars. How can this possible.

This is to achieve, Qin Feng will put you, it is worth it.

That family, I am afraid that the world's super rich in the World Worth List, it is not as good as a Qin Feng.

Do you call the protection terms? You are clearly perfunctory.

The judge is also thoroughly speech at this moment. This gimmick is really trusting Qin Feng.

However, since she persisted, Qin Feng looks like Chinese, and is the piano master, word of mouth. Plus, Britney is 18 years old, there is a selection terms. In that, no matter how the Qin Feng is pressed, there is more than a year, Britney can re-select.

Therefore, the final judge is a contract for the contract of the respected contract, and is engaged in the third party.

When the judge signed, Qin Feng and Britney signed, this contract is also officially reached. And have absolute legal effects.

Anyone must not illegally contract the terms.

"Hey, teacher, you see, you can't get me later ~~~" Brandi immediately cheered to Qin Feng immediately after signing the contract, holding the Qin Feng.

As if the tree is lazy, it is the only big tree that is ink, tight, never let go.

This scene, look around.

To know, although now in January, New York's winter is still very cold. But this is in the court, there is heating. Britney took off the thick jacket, only the soft clothes inside, this was in Qin Feng, which obviously saw that the chest was squeezed, expanded to the perimeter.

This is too enviable.

The judge is a gratification. It seems that between Qin Feng and Britney, the relationship is really intimate, so he is a justice for this contract.

"Brandi!" Spiels, at this moment, the liver is sprayed out.

"Father, mother, brother, sorry, I want to choose a more appropriate path for my life. You don't like it for my choice, I don't like it." Brandi turned his head and said.

"You are too much." Spiels can't hate a few slap in the face.

But this is a court, and the judge still looks.

"Mr. Spilles, about Brandi, I will make her a popular symbol in the future. As for you, you can continue to live in the Apartment of Manhattan, all fees,

This is equivalent to buying.

However, this has a court support.

Springs can't say anything.

"Okay, come down, hold it, how do I walk." Qin Feng gently patted Brandi's back.

"Hey, no." Branti worked in Qin Feng, "You don't know, I am worried, I will not see you in the future!"

A coughing sound around it. This tone is not like a teacher and a student, which is alive between two couples.

"How come. As long as you are still on this earth, the teacher will save you out." Qin Feng smiled.

"Really? Teacher is really care about me, no matter where I am, the teacher will save me?" Branti asked with a surprise.

Got! This is still a single coupon. Surrounded by men, a blame look.

Qin Feng, this guy, is simply too hated.

"Must be." Qin Feng nodded.

"Hey, teacher, I am so happy. Then I will wait to go shopping, eat, do you accompany me?" Britney relatives with Qin Feng's neck, spoiled.

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded.

"Do you call the Ji Sier?" Brandi asked, "She can help me with what clothes buy!"

Qin Feng nodded.

Gyeess? That is not this year's dimension show, the most shine rookie model. This Qin Feng also knows. This guy!

Many men in this scene are even more embarrassed.

"Hey, the teacher is best." Said, Brandi jumped.

As a result, when this jumped down, the action was big, the mobile phone in the past, fell out.

Brandi spit tongue and quickly picked up.

"Brandi, what is it!" Spiel pointed to the mobile phone in Britney.

"Mobile phone!" Brandi mood.

"How can you have a mobile phone. Ok, it must be that Lisa is given to you. The death, the shameless woman actually deceives us." Spirus roar, "judge, they use the mobile phone in advance, this contract Can't calculate. This is the fascination of Qin Feng to use Britney, so let her sign this contract. I ask the court to ruling this contract is invalid! "

The judge has helplessly swept a mobile phone in Britney.

It is about to open, a person came over.

"Who dares to say that I Jobs' daughter is shameless!" A Thunder's voice passed, and then everyone saw Jobs left.

A face anger, waiting for Spilles.

"Is you talking to my daughter? You have this thing, when I have a face, then say it!" Jobs glared at Spiels, like the old hen of the scorpion.

In the face of the angry Jobs, Spilles scared.

It's terrible, Jobs is terrible.

The lawyers on the side don't help the cavity. You are sin, you are not good, you have to sin Jobs. Jobs is not Qin Feng, which is a famous task in the United States. You insult his woman, you dare to say a word, he dares you a mouth.

After taking it, let the lawyer come to you to trouble, let you apologize. As for the lawsuit, do you have any money? His lawyer group, you can consume you.


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