(One of the previously been sealed) I don't know how! )

Waiting for Qin Feng, it is already at night.

This is sleeping, Qin Feng is comfortable.

"Teacher, you can see it at night, what should I do?" Brandi looked at the dark night sky, with a slight smile, "Not as good as we continue to stay for one night. Otherwise, I am afraid that night. Go, not safe! "

Said, Britney climbs to bed and looks at Qin Feng at its close.

Also stay for one night? This, that is to test your own endurance.

Wait, it is wrong. I am, what about this clothes?

Qin Feng felt very refreshing, which is not like wearing clothes.

Again, my clothes?

"I will help you take off. I am so stink above. They said that tomorrow can come to you." Brandi mutter, "So, teacher, we can't walk today!"

Brandi's face helpless expression, but how to see, how do you feel that there is a small tap that you have a small way.

Qin Feng listens to the clothes, I can't see it, it can only be taken.

"Right, are the room to handle it?" Qin Feng asked.

Brandi stream reveals the look of a hurt.

"Teacher, you always don't open a pot!" Brandi is delicate, "people are so lost, you still say!"

Qin Feng thought about what happened last night, a boy.

That scene is too scary.

"Teacher, will you hate me later. I have done it so unstead. I will not think that I am ugly!" Brandi gods.

A girl, the ugliest side is seen, and this is hard to be happy.

Especially in front of people you pay attention to.

"Who dares to say that I have ugly. My family is the most beautiful girl in the world." Qin Feng spoke, "Fast, say, whoever said you to say you, see, I will take him with his eyes. , As bubble! "

"Teacher, that is not a fish eyeball, how to step on it!" Britney was amused by Qin Feng.

"Nothing, no one can say that my family is smirk!" Qin Feng blocked.

"Hey, teacher, you are so good!" Brandon was soft, squatted in Qin Feng, his fingers painted in Qin wind.

This time, the chest is itchy, let Qin Feng have a big hairdress.

"That, Britney, I am a little hungry, is there anything?" Qin Feng can only transfer attention.

"Yes!" Brani smiled, I called it. Just waiting for you to wake up! Bralandi smiled and jumped.

Hey ~~~ Qin Feng almost nosebleed did not spray it, she is completely vacuum, there is nothing, just one, wait, this is not his own T-shirt, she has a set of my own T-shirt, I didn't wear it. God, you are too exciting.

This jumps up, and the clothes are swing with the wind, and there is clear that it is clear.

This is too bold.

"Teacher, I don't know when you wake up, so there is no steak, but you have a chicken wings, and the fries, hot dogs, salads, but there are big lobsters!" Brani smiled.

so much? Qin Feng slightly surprised, but eat so much, don't you ...

"Teacher, I didn't call wine this time!" Brandi mood.

After yesterday, after Britney decided, unless it met a major joy, no longer drink.

Too shame.

Qin Feng Wang smiled.

No drink is also a good thing. This is too much to drink. Many people are so.

Especially girls, it is best not to drink. There is no benefit to drink alcohol. Conversely, it is easy to be cheap.

"That eat, really hungry!" Qin Feng touched his belly, really hungry.

I didn't eat it last night, and then I took over the night. Later, I slept until now.

At this moment, the god is refreshed, really hungry.

"Hey, teacher, fast, eat big lobster first,

"Well, you also eat. Eat together." Qin Feng smiled.

However, Britney opened lobster, when the clothes were taken, Qin Feng had a feeling of congestion.

This, calm, calm, indecent, non-evil.

Otherwise, I can't stand it.

Just when two people enjoyed food, suddenly the door was hit.

The two were shocked, and Qin Feng instilled quickly got up and protect it in front of Britney.

"Fast, it is him. My daughter has no adult, he is ignorant of my daughter!" Spiels walked into, followed by Brian, as well as two people, high-horse police, and behindhamous Many reporters.

Qin Feng brows wrinkled.

"The animals, my sister is only 16 years old. You actually be right to him! I killed you!" Bryan yelled, and the punch came over.

"You don't want to make a mistake, we have not happened!" Qin Feng grabbed his fists, and said.

"Nothing happened! My sister wears this, you have not happened to me!" Bryan called.

"The animals, police officers, grabbed him this animal!" Spiel is bigger.

At this time, many reporters outside also arrived.

"Fast, the corona, the beast is this guy, . My daughter is only 16 years old! This animal!" Spiel is called by many reporters.

"No, there is no happening between us!" Branni is expecting.

But she is wearing clothes is too dark. I am in a hurry at this moment, my body is excited, and there is more walking.

The judged reporter, how can I let this picture, and even my camera wipes the crazy tap.

Qin Feng brows wrinkled, immediately pushed Brian, and then quickly put into the bed in bed, wrapped in Britney.

But at this time, two policemen came up.

"Mr. Qin, please take us with us." Two police talents can't talk about it, but it is not so none of human condition. If you don't have a hand, it is a good thing.

After all, they also know that Qin Feng is a celebrity, and Qin Feng is not big. According to the US manner, Qin Feng is still 18 years old this year.

This age is also a celebrity, or Harvard students, this is not like it. Especially this, there are two little lovers can't control desires, and they have a breeze.

This kind of thing is a lot in the United States. Although the law is not allowed. But as long as the woman, or the man is not more than, then there will be no more than anyone else to grasp the little lover. You know, this high school students don't know how much this is.

After all, I wrapped upon 16 years old. It's just not 18 years old.

"I can take a trip to you. However, can you get all them all, let her put on clothes?" Qin Feng asked.

Two police nodded.

"Okay, you all go out, you have to take pictures." Two policemen have begun to knew people, all people have went out.


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