The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand and seventh chapter

"How, I am this?" Qin Feng asked.

This is not to hide your own purpose.

Dai Mun is also a vague, although he said that he is still deciding to find a bank, not to join Qin Feng. However, as a professional manager, there should be rigorous attitudes, still there.

How do you ask me? Then I naturally have to look at it carefully to give a comment.

I can't say that I will come, so too.

In this office, read it carefully, and also looked at the scenes of everyone, chatting with some people, about 30 minutes later, Dai Munchong Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"Do you want to listen to my inner answer, or a surface answer?" Dai Mong.

"Of course it is the inner answer!" Qin Feng said.

Dai Mon is a smile.

"Qin classmates, before answering you, I will tell you a story!" Dilemon found a chair to sit down.

Qin Feng nodded.

For the story of Dai Meng, Qin Feng is very curious.

"You should be clear, I graduated in Harvard Business School in 1982, I was confused in the future, I was very confused, I don't know which is better. Although I graduate, I don't know what I should do. So, I wrote a letter when I was the president of the company, I wrote a letter. Because I was in the university, I used to go to the company's internship. So, I want to ask his opinion. And he gave me the reply: Why not Try me? "Demun sighed," I went to him later, be a president Assistant. After 17 years, I finally realized the goal of life with him, and I entered the flower. "

Qin Feng is very curious about some anecdots between the two.

After all, the heart of the gossip, people are all.

"He said to me, Yi Yousi Yi Ya, I was very respectful to him. So, I have always told him about my heart's most authentic idea." Demon said, "But this also leads us. Differentiations are generated. The person's position is different, which determines its ideological direction. "

Speaking of this, Dai You's god flows out of helplessness.

"I as always express my true idea, but, it is not the same." Demon said, "Sometimes, the truth, it will hurt others. And the relationship between me, and our status The improvement has changed. I came as always, I've been able to hit him, and I have to hit him. In the past, this will prompt our relationship more intimate because our goal is consistent. But when this goal is reached, when he managed The company is no longer a small number of hundreds of people, thousands of people, but when they hire hundreds of thousands of Citibank, it is not the same. "

Qin Feng can understand. Sometimes, your constant is the biggest change. Because you didn't keep up with the development of the situation, you still have the past gesture, this is sometimes the biggest mistake.

"Do you know, his daughter works in my hand. As a result, I rejected his daughter several times." Demun suddenly said, "Because I think his daughter did not reach his height, so I was not satisfied. I I think she can learn more, and then promoted. However, she believes that I am a father of her father, I should help her. "

Qin Feng was shocked. This, how to say, can only say that you will force you.

The daughter of the old boss, several promotion have been rejected by you, and who will be annoyed.

"Sandi is a very hot person. In fact, in CEO, most people are very hot, temper is extremely violent, and it is not allowed to be reversed. And I will drive him out from the office. Because, he In the meeting I hosted, I published a mistake. So, I took him out. Therefore, he was very angry, it was broken, and I was the same, and we used to use vicious and vulgar language. Holding each other. "Dai Meng smirk," Everyone did not dare to smash, I didn't dare to pull the war between me. And this matter also led to the concerns of the Citibank's board of directors. Even our previous,

Qin Feng is silent.

"I thought that after we finished, it won't be the problem between us. But whether it is him, or I found that this problem is between us, there will be no disappearance. So I left Although she is not reluctant, I still leave. "Demon said," I returned to the business school, just want to find the answer, look for why there is this. "

Dai Mun looked at Qin Feng.

"So, are you still listening to my heart now?" Dai Mong.

Introduction, let him and cooperate for 16 years of Sandy's Sandy to blew, so did Qin Feng still listen?

Qin Feng grinned.

"Of course. I am not a Citi Bank's Sandy!" Qin Feng smiled.

Dai Mun suddenly, then laughed.

"Your answer, let me think about something!" Dymon laughed, "Then I will tell you that I am the heart of your company, that is, the shit is not!"

This comment, obviously very rough, but it is more cruel, then it is like holding a big machete, cutting a knife on the body, bloody.

"I hope the details!" Qin Feng asked.

Although Qin Feng has never participated in the management of the company. Of course, it is a period of time when you are in Jiuzhou Network Company. That time, Jiang Yong didn't, so Qin Feng took a while.

Qin Feng management is not very good, but there is no big mistake. And this time, Facebook also basically moves the management mode. Although it is simplified, it is so much in the number of people.

However, it is said that the shit is not. That Qin Feng is really curious, where is the shit.

"Your management is a mess, I didn't see any company charter. At the same time, I didn't see the future development plan of your company, I didn't see it. Although this is not necessarily written, but I think, everyone should be clear Especially your company has just started, you can say that you are your entrepreneurial partner. But, I just didn't get anything about the future of this company. They are the high annual salary of you. Come. When you come to the company, it is very normal. However, the company is not a sense of belonging to the company, such a employee can only show the failure of your management. This is not an error in employee, it is a management error. Also, You know what to do in the next 10 years. But do you know what to do in the next three years, in the next year, in the next quarter, what do you need to do in the next week? "Dai Mun said.

Qin Feng embarrassment.

This, I really didn't.

I have a plan for the future, but the planning in the short term is really not.

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