The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first nine hundred and six chapters are not a joke

The latest website: Dai Mun got up, after drinking a cup of coffee, sat down. "Do you want, take a break first?" Qin Feng asked. "Rest, more time is time to rest!" Dymon shook his head. "Qin Feng, some things, wait! Otherwise, you can't sleep!" Dai Meng shake his head, hoarse, "I gave you the plan, don't you see it?" "Since you see, then it is good. The company is currently in accordance with the plan, but there are still some need to discuss with you." Demon said, "First, that is, our company must spread the situation as soon as possible. It is no longer limited to Harvard University. "Qin Feng nodded. In this regard, Qin Feng nature is hoping to expand Facebook as soon as possible. Just before, Qin Feng didn't have this time. Followed by Florida, I really tossed Qin Feng. In this case, Qin Feng has not been emerging. Now, Demon is also very correct. "Is there a scheduled plan?" Qin Feng asked. "This is a social media software, then nature is a network spread. But now this environment, I have been investigated these two days, and the network is not very familiar with everyone. Although everyone will send an electric mail, will go to the Internet News, but the network is not the first choice for most people. "Demon said," So, promote, can not only depend on network promotion. For the time being, this efficiency is too slow. "Qin Feng nodded. After all, it is now in early 1999. For global, the network is now mainly emailed to see the news. Of course, now because of your own appearance, so now there is a choice of online games. However, for most people, the network is still not the first choice. "My way is from men and women relationship." Demon said, "College students, no love. Of course, high school students are much different. But high school and universities are different. So, I want to go from this way. Promote publicity. With men and women, open the barriers of major colleges and universities.

Qin Feng smiled.

In this respect, it is a very good breakthrough.

This world, there is nothing more exciting than men and women.

"This requires money." Dai Mun helplessly said, "I saw the company account, a mess!"

Qin Feng scratched his head.

This, because the company currently does not have a qualified financial.

Because it is given to pay.

"And your salary you open is too high. Although this helps to start awareness, it is too high. There is no designated reward and punishment system." Dymon unable to vomit.

Qin Feng's management of the company is simply a paste. He has never seen, such a unordered company. Even if you have just created a company, you can't make this chaos.

How much is a little charter. Even if there is no charter, it is clear that at least finance.

But Qin Feng, this is a financial place.

Dai Mun has never seen such a bad company.

This is why he doesn't sleep in these few days.

This is not sorted out in the previous period, and it can't be done later.

"So, I have sent an email to a few classmates, inform them to come to the interview tomorrow afternoon." Demon said, "As for salary, I will reduce them to a year of $ 8,000 in school. This. It is already very high. If you are not because you have a high order, I can press down to $ 1,250,000. "

Speaking of this, Dai Mun also glanced for the Qin Feng.

This guy is really too high. Although it is said that a sensation is indeed, the company is famous.

However, this salary is not so messy.

You are so messy, it is easy to develop in the company's development stage, leading to the salary system.

If the person in front of $ 100,000 is one year, how much is this? You have to fall, but if your ability is very high? What should I do? Are you giving them a salariel or ahead of the people's wages?

No matter what you do, the company will have differences, causing internal contradictions.

This contradiction will destroy an excellent company.

Qin Feng scratched his head, this is really a bit of pleasing.

Considering no circumference, consider no circumference.

"Of course, now not to say this. Salary, I can slowly help you." Demmon said.

As the first person in front of the front cost flag, Demun is naturally a way to cope. After all, the company is still in the development stage, and he has many ways to optimize this matter.

"The problem now is that if we develop, we need to continue to invest money." Demon said, "This investment, I have to mention your financial issues again."

"What's wrong? This should be no problem!" Qin Feng face.

"You spent 1 million before this, throw it into the bug. Can't spend a week, you vote for 1 million pairs!" Dymon said.

Qin Feng nodded.

"Then the problem is coming. At the beginning of the company's creation, your equity distribution is 20%, Britney 40%, Ji Sier 40%. This is, Ji Sier 1.0 million investment, then you have 1 million I don't know how you count, I will make Britney and you are good. Before this, the shares were no problem. But after you vote for 1 million, how do you calculate it? This is when you create a company Book capital, or subsequently added book funds? If it is followed, then this shares will change. "Demon said," I am afraid that you have money, you are willing to take care of them, you will suffer, but boss, you have to understand, this Is a company, not a child. You want to play, then don't look for me! "

A serious, there is a big saying that you can't help you.

"What you said is, I am too big!" Qin Feng quickly apologized, "What should I do?"

"Before, I will ignore. Even if you have a total investment." Demon said, "But now, all capital integration must be redistributed. Boss, equity If it is confusing, even the chaotic one Point, the future, it will bring you can't figure it up. "

"Indeed, how much is the initial development?" Qin Feng asked.

"This is to ask the boss." Demon said, "I hope that the company has developed more fast. Also, what is your plan for future financing. Because, I don't know how much you have, whether you are willing to let the share share. You know, I have the relationship between Wall Street, no matter how much money, I can pull it over. But I want to know your plan. And you value your company! "

Demun is the most outstanding professional manager in Wall Street. He has to go to pull the funds. Even if he breaks the company, as long as he is holding a president inside, then there are $ 2,300 billion.

This is not bragging, but in the past 17 years, the personal brand effect brought by Demon.

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