The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand seventh hundred and nine-nine chapters

Latest Website: Don't worry, how do you know? This is really right. However, another sentence, if the direction is wrong, everything is effort. "Don't get lost, how do you know which road goes wrong!" Dymon shrugged, "BOSS, you came here, so smooth. Because you are genius, you are more smooth than others. It is also easier to succeed. However, for most people, do not try to try, how to know if this road is correct, or wrong. "" So, Huaxia has: Do not listen to the old man, to lose this sentence "Qin Feng sighs. I'm famous. "Your Huaxia is really a lot of quotes." Dymon aftertaste, nod, "But many things, there is no predecessor's experience. For example, the IT industry we now." Qin Feng shrugged. This is indeed. "So, let's go, go to the UK, see the royal family!" Demon commanded. Qin Feng helpless nodded. For this matter, Qin Feng really doesn't hug. That is the most old British royal family. How can I go to what Facebook to issue information. "Ah? Teacher, you have to go." Brandi mood, "I also go ... forget it, I still stay here!" Brandi's face is depressed. She is something, she can't leave. It's really irritating. "It's hard to sleep with the teacher a day, warm, so comfortable!" Brandi whispered. "Ah? What do you say?" Qin Feng stunned, did not hear it. "Nothing, there is nothing. That teacher is going. However, you have to bring a gift!" Brandi said with Qin Feng neck. "I don't want it, as long as the teacher is good!" "Dow!" Qin Feng smiled Nod.

"BOSS, okay?" At this time, the sound of Dai Mong has been introduced.

Qin Fengyi face black line.

This guy is so fast!

"Teacher, I will give you a baggage!" Brandi quickly jumped.

"It's just a little bit." Qin Feng said.

"Well!" Brandi's hand is Ma Ye, and quickly packed several sets of clothes with you.

"Teacher, all the way to the wind!" Branti waved at the door of the door.

And the Diameng, which is accompanied by Qin Feng, a face of life. This dog is enough to eat.

"Say, BOSS, you should have a girlfriend." Dai Meng said an arms.

"Well, yes!" Qin Feng nodded.

Dai Mun squatted, no sound.

My own boss, how to say, all men envied the focus.

To know, it is Britney. The first night was taken by $ 15 million. Of course, this is just a representative of the mighty want to buy, does not mean that you can buy.

As a result, in front of Qin Feng, there is a trace of popular day, the latest super new star's session is a small woman.

Oh, people are more than people, mad!

Qin Feng smiled.

Soon, two came to London.

Before the plane, Qin Feng called JK-Rowling.

"Godfather!" Jessica saw Qin Feng, immediately before, then his right hand, "Gift?"

Qin Fengyi face black line.

What is the person who wants a gift?

"Godfather, you said last time, I want to give me a gift. You are godfather, you can't help but believe."

Qin Feng speechless. I have said this.

Jessica leaves from himself, when returning to JK-Rowling, Qin Feng nature is an old man talking about the long talk, let it obey.

Who is, this has become an excuse for gifts.

"Mom, God, he doesn't pay trust, deceives me. We don't give him a meal!" Jessica screamed.

JK - Luo Lin is generally helpless, and the Qin Feng gives it to the gods, and it is to indicate that Qin Feng is awkward.

This is not awkward, this little grandmother will get a big trouble sooner or later.

The easiest, later JK-Rowling wants to talk to love, don't think.

As long as Jessica is lingering JK-Rowling, JK-Rowling is no law.

"Who said that I didn't bring a gift." Qin Feng pinched the nose of Jessica.

"Pinch me nose, if there is no gift, Godfather, you will trouble." Jessica made a face of the Qin Feng.

Qin Feng right hand to the air, then put it in front of Jessica.

"Guess, what is it inside?" Qin Feng asked.

Jessica stunned.

"Godfather, you will change magic. But what is the fist, what can I do?" Jessica thought, "Is it a candy? I don't want to eat candy. Chocolate? Mother does not wish me to eat "

"Guess!" Qin Feng smiled.

"This will not be nothing!" Jessica looked in Qin Feng, "You lie to children!"

Qin Feng smiled and opened her hand, and there was no one.

"Mom!" Jessica was angry.

"Jessica, you look, there is nothing in the hands of the godfather. But he is a hope. Tell you, the future is created by you, you can create your future." JK-Rowling is a round field .

Dai Mun listened and had to admire these writing. It's really air to say flowers.

Jessica is not stupid, it is clearly known that this is perfunctory. The little mouth is tall, and a face is not happy.

"Jessica, Godfather gives you more than just hope, but also a wish. In three days, no matter what you want, the godfather is given to you. However, only three days. And only the same thing." Qin Feng Say.

"Really?" Jessica biny eyes.

Qin Feng nodded.

JK - Rowling shakes his head. However, since Qin Feng said this, she didn't say much. After all, Qin Feng is also good for his own daughter.

"Let's go, go eat first." JK-Rowling said.

Soon, a group of JK-Luo Lin was in the castle of the suburbs.

Now JK-Rowling has money.

This life is in the castle, and naturally does not have a servant.

Qin Feng counts, there are at least 7 servants and a housekeeper in this castle.

Under the command of the housekeeper, seven servants are responsible for cleaning the sanitation of the castle.

What is called enjoy, this is.

Compared with the domestic martyrdom, JK-Rowling has no domestic native to have money, but this quality is really different.

In particular, the quality of the British housekeeper, is a famous world.

You have to have money, please serve. That must ask a British housekeeper.

Otherwise, your quality is unable to reach a step.

For example, Qin Feng's pedestrian came in to start, but the housekeeper commanded the servant to wait for himself. Everything is so comfortable, everything is just right.

This makes Qin Feng want.

Unfortunately, in general, proudly British, rarely run so far, go to the distant country to give people a housekeeper.

Most are willing to stay in the UK, but not willing to take the boat. Even if you have more money, people are not happy.

In particular, many housekeepers are happy to work in this castle. Because this is more historical.

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