The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first chapter of the 1733th chapter

The latest website: "Qin Feng, who do you call?" When Qin Feng hangs, he heard the sound of Iran. Sweet, concerned, let Qin Feng warm. This gimmick is really a woman who is very loveless. It can be said that in this world, I am alone, she is alone. So, her mind is full of myself. "What happens, do you look at me, what is my face?" I was to see Qin Feng looked at himself, and quickly touched his face. "Nothing! Just called the boss." Qin Feng smiled, "Let's go, starve, eat!" "Hey, I have no lesson in the afternoon, we still return to my apartment, I do The rice is given to you. The things of the crust are not eaten. "I Hui Fu said," Everything is eating, all are fried fish fries. "In the rot country, the most famous food, the non-fried fish fries Mo. Almost every restaurant, there are fried french fries. Do you want to say delicious? In fact, I don't eat it, I will feel very delicious. Deep fried fish row, eat in your mouth, crispy. The fries will not have to say it. Top representative of junk food. But, this stuff is over oil, but it is fried, so it is very tired. Occasionally eat, you have to eat every day, it is not a dead. When I was in the original, I took the day and I started myself the next day. Is that the corruption is nothing to eat in addition to fry the french fries? Yes, but it is basically related to high calories and high sugar. For example, Sikko. A dessert made with a flour zd.

The main materials have flour, blister, milk, eggs, chicken, chocolate beans.

Then, because of the Western countries, there was no sucrose. Therefore, Westerners can eat sugar, which is all representatives.

This is modern, although it is no longer lack of sugar, but Westerners are sweet, it is really super sweet.

Sweet is referred to.

This cookie is not good, but it is really too tired.

In addition, there is any cream, Yorkshire Pudding, Banni Dick Egg, etc., but there is no exception, all are very sweet.

This is too tattle.

So, it is still good to do it.

"Do you have a meal every day, is it busy?" Qin Feng asked.

"No problem. Soon. It is very convenient to buy food." I was a little busy. "The initial is a bit busy. Later, I found that the supermarket has the kind of washing, some are doing good Green vegetables. Although it is good, it is very convenient. I will buy it. "

Icon is rich in money.

That is not Qin Feng, but she earns myself.

And the contract of Japanese Sushi God, allowing it to earn around 15,000 pounds.

This money, as long as it is not messy, it is enough to live.

Moreover, Qin Feng gave it 100 apartments to him.

The rent is nearly 10,000 pounds.

These add up, enough to make Yinsahno's very rich life.

She is more flowers, smashing, cleaning in the supermarket, cutting a good dish, which is not extravagant.

This can save a lot of time and make it more focused on learning.

"You took a while, I went to do a few dishes." I was in the apron, and a pleasant entry kitchen was busy.

For her, I haven't been so happy for a long time.

After coming this, I have always lived a person.

She didn't have any friends here. This is not a chance.

Her English level, after this, progress is still very fast.

But she doesn't want to make friends.

In particular, between London, between young men and women, there is a bit confusing. She doesn't want to make Qin Feng to think, so I don't make friends. That is, because of learning, will be exchanged with people.

Usually, it is alone.

Such a life, she has long lived for many years.

But after all, exoticial hometown, inevitably feel lonely.

Today, Qin Feng came, I am very happy.

Soon, I have a good three dishes and one soup.

"Well, delicious!" Qin striped a mouth, and his face was satisfied.

At Harvard, Qin Feng has not cooked.

It is generally a spot takeaway.

I can't stand the taste of the United States, I will do it yourself.

But that's all very simple dishes.

For example, get a green pepper, or tomato scrambled eggs.

This kind of vegetable is too simple.

At this moment, I will eat the dishes that I will, let Qin Feng are extremely satisfied.

At this moment, I really had the urge to go to Harvard to my own full-time roast.

Qin Feng knows that as long as I open, I'm will definitely leave the past.

Therefore, Qin Feng is just thinking, and there is no opening.

It's really a time to go, then I've been awarded Iran. Moreover, it is delayed its future.

Although it is said that there is nothing wrong with it.

But life, except for the money required to survive, more is to pursue ideals and pursue goals.

I will have a very talent to dancing, and it is also very interested, why not let it realize the ideal of life.

Qin Feng can not be so selfish.

People are too selfish, they can't.

A lot of things, the more you are, the more you want to catch, but the easier it is.

"So you eat, just play a few days. There are also places where you live. Yes, you don't have hotels. Don't allow hotel, I don't want to stay in the hotel, waste money!" When the saving is saved, it will still save.

"You?" Qin Feng took a look at the bedroom.

At the beginning, Qin Feng wants to buy a set of two-bedroom apartment. After all, I graduated later, which can also be used as a future point. But I'm as long as one room, saying that a person lives, too scared.

Let yourself live here now?

Think of this, Qin Feng inner jump.

I have an adult.

This is in the United States, it will not be in Brandi, now, now the lonely men, Qin Feng is not interested in the food in front of you.

"Nono, is not as good as we first go to see the bed is not enough to sleep!" Qin Feng was a bit of a very difficult.

Icon is red in an instant face.

However, it didn't reject it. After all, the two don't know how long you have slept.

In addition to the last level, Qin Feng should take the cheap.

Her heart has long recognized Qin Feng.

Come here, although she is alone, it has also been impacted by some Western culture. Also understand, you should enjoy it when you enjoy.

What's more, she and Qin Feng will not take the road to get married. Therefore, there is no need to observe some customs, and the first time I left to the cave.

"Well!" I was ashamed.

Qin Feng suddenly jumped.

The table is hit by a shock.

"You are careful! So you are dry, you will not run!" I Hui Noo said.

"Hey!" At this moment, Qin Feng will smir.

However, is the heaven?

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