The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand seventy hundred and three chapters are stared.

The latest website: User data leaks, there is nothing more serious than this. This is not only for social media software, including all companies, is this. Of course, according to the difference in national conditions, there is a very different attitude towards this. For example, Huaxia, then you don't have to say it. Users can see what products, such as XX headlines, XX news, etc. will be seen in all used software, XX news, etc. This is very shameless. This is to read the information of the consumption, and then share several advertising companies to find these advertising companies to make money. Beautiful name! But what about consumers' interests? It has been trampled by these companies. The interests of consumers, no one cares. They care is just a consumer's money bag. But abroad is different. Such leaks are very serious and highly highly illustrative of the company's enormous reputation crisis, the heavy penalty of the Ministry of Commerce, and the company's bankruptcy directly. At that time, Facebook was because of the disclosure of user data, suffered extremely serious crisis. It's a little bit, it faces the dissolution of bad luck. Now, your Facebook has encountered it. But now the two are on the plane and have not got more messages. "Yes, how is your situation?" This trip to the UK seems to be very wrong. Not only did Qin Feng realized the role of capital power, but also provoke the scandals of princes drunk. Plus, now the company has an accident. This makes the Dai Meng mood very depressed. I am going to go out, but it is not smooth. However, this is not letting the Dai Mong.

In fact, Dai Meng, so that he has aroused his fighting spirit.

In this way, we can play your own talent.

And the more this, the future is far more.

However, the rug state is an invisible bomb.

Don't resolve, you will explode sooner or later.

"Ming Bo gave me a call. I said that Blair complained to him. I think things should be solved." Qin Feng said.

Ming boss? After Dai Mun listened, analyze some, nodded.

It seems that behind your boss is really someone.

But this is fine.

That, there will be conveniences in many things.

This is a good thing.

Dai Mont is not the kind of man.

This kind of obvious can be borrowed, he has never been vague.

At this moment, Qin Feng "instigating" Harry prince's hangover is still temporarily resolved.

After taking the call with Qin Feng, I called Blair to explain this.

Will this matter into two young people, and promise that this will never happen. Inappropriate, this matter is successfully resolved afterwards to the corruption of billions of dollars.

At least Blair said more.

As for the royal family, the Queen learned that the boss helped the Qin Feng talking, and received the latest news, Qin Feng had left the rotational country, and no longer pursued.

As a queen, dozens of wind and rain experience, naturally it is clear, what is ideal. You can't be too much, you need to know how to pay. Although she is still drunk in Harry, and the Thunder is angry.

But this time, still want to calm the inner anger.

Some things are not what I want, what can I do.

This world needs to know how appropriate.

In particular, the other person has already fame, not only some of the import volumes, but also, Qin Feng, the parties, I also ran.

This has explained a lot.

Of course, this matter is not enough.

At least, JK-Roland, the Queen is very unsatisfactory.

The royal family is very friendly. From the Duke of York and Essex, you can see it, the royal family is very friendly. In fact, the royal family has a lot of people like JK-Rowling.

However, at this time, the servant of the entire castle and the housekeeper run. This has a friendship of the lunar room.

Therefore, the Queen decided to terminate and the relationship between JK-Rowling.

Of course, this decision is mainly for the Duke of York and Essex.

After they, they must not be repeated and JK-Rowling.

Naturally, the activities of any royal family will not invite JK-Rowling.

Even if she is the most popular writer, at this point, the royal family will never condolence.

Of course, this is also from Qin Feng 'Whaws and escape', so that the royal family thinks that the boss is facing face.

So, will make things easier.

Otherwise, it will definitely not give it easy.

Unfortunately, Qin Feng did not know that Qin Feng is not because of the boss and 'Whara Escape', but because the company has a problem.

Of course, this is also wrong.

After arriving in Boston, Qin Feng and Dai Mun did not take care of the baggage and went to the company directly.

"What happened?" After the company, two people inquired.

"Qin, is this. Facebook is not promoted in colleges and universities in the world. We have been looking for bugs. It is very smooth. It can be said that under the stimulation of money, BUG is getting less. In the past two days, already No BUG appeared. "A professor in the company as a consultant said," Originally, we believe that the system should be very perfect. But I have never thought, suddenly I have exploded the information of many beautiful girls in our school. "

For Facebook, the most important thing is to all members' information.

This is very personal, very privacy.

Now, those who are beautiful and female students have been exploded.

This proves that Facebook still has a great safety hazard.

"What is the problem?" Qin Feng asked.

Everyone shook his head.

They are also trying to find, but they have not found the problem. When the other party passes the back door, enter the Facebook database, stealing the information information of Harvard University's beautiful female student.

This is where they are depressed.

Everyness they are doubtful to themselves. But after careful verification, it is not what yourself. It is from the outside.

So who is it?

They don't know.

"Don't even doubt it?" Dai Mong.

Qin Feng shook his head.

"This is a hacker behavior, and hackers may come from all over the world, which is not doubtful." Qin Feng explained.

Dai Meng is not IT, and some key technologies are unclear.

"Can you prevent the other party from continuing to steal information?" Qin Feng asked.

"I don't know!" Everyone said helplessly.

They have made everything yourself. But the problem is that they did not find bugs, or the back door.

In this case, they are not clear whether they can resist each other.

Just then, the company's mailbox received an e-mail.

This time, it is another beautiful female student's information to be exposed: Lisa - Jobs.

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