The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-two chapters are careful

The latest website: Obviously, Lisa is also very Harvard. For Harvard, it is very identifiable. Honor and disgrace, never. Can be biased, Qin Feng doesn't have a little honor and common feelings. Of course, this may also be related to Qin Feng. After all, come to Harvard less than 3 months. In these three months, Qin Feng has been drumming his facebook. You have to say that there is a very deep feeling against Harvard, it is really a bad. "Don't worry, you must find out who is the other party." Qin Feng guarantee. That group hacker, naturally does not help Qin Feng disclosed the identity of Stanford hack. However, Qin Feng naturally has its own way. Of course, in this matter, the Qin Feng also recognizes that he is not strong about this group of hackers. Perhaps, you need to take appropriate means to improve your own control. Otherwise, you will get this dark web. Just in order to get some insider messages, it can be dolled. "OK, I believe you can do it." Lisa nodded, "I don't bother you to rest. Yes, do you have breakfast? Shouldn't you have a breakfast, wait for you to eat me? Walk again. "" Really? "Qin Feng smiled," Then I went to take a shower. I have a hard me and beautiful, and I can make a girlfriend of the meal. "Original, Brandi is doing. But, Qin Feng can't say this. Otherwise, Lisa is not angry. Women are careful. Qin Feng was first upstairs. "The president of the overbearing woman is coming?" Branti stared at the bottom upstairs. He saw the Qin Feng, and quickly pulled Qin Feng to the side, whispered, "Teacher, I also give you a good eating. What is! It is a way you teach me. "" Hey,

In this way, I will eat her first. I want to come, I will not eat too much. Waiting for casual, then eat you. After finishing, we slept. Qin Feng pinned the nose of Britney.

"Well!" Brandi was a pleasant, and a happy and Qin Feng reached an agreement.

"Then I will hold it in the east." Britney light.

Breakfast is early, put it upstairs. Now, she hides it and does not see Lisa.

For this girlfriend on his own teacher, she is 10,000 uncomfortable.

Although it is also very beautiful, there is no good body. Moreover, the teacher doesn't like it. At least, in her heart, the teacher is not the first. You can be different, the teacher is the first.

Such a contrast, Britney felt that he was much better than that.

You know, how many people call come, say that as long as she will turn into the teacher, she will take a blank check and let her fill. As for the contract, they will solve it. These, Britney did not agree.

As for the new song, she doesn't care.

Anyway, now "American idol" is in a fire, the sea is selected to the end. It's going to enter the national contest right away.

Because "American Idol" is too hot, many singers' record sales are affected. Especially for some rookies that I want to deal, I have no way out. Because no one is concerned.

The whole people pay attention to "American idol".

In this regard, Britney does not expect any new song.

Anyway, she is very popular. There is no way, just "Baby, One More Time" is too hot.

Now there is more than 20 million people.

A song, earned more than 20 million US dollars. This is really an unprecedented.

Of course, this is also related to her value, good body, and the voice is full of magnetic properties.

It can be said that Britney at this stage is perfect.

Without the late origin, medicine, alcoholism, etc., now Britney is the most perfect quality idol.

So, even if she didn't have a new song, it was the same hot globe and became a phenomenon.

Moreover, she secretly participated in "American idol".

Of course, it is back to Qin Feng to participate.

However, in order to avoid a sensation, each attending, Britney is wearing a variety of wonderful masks, and wearing loose clothes, covering. Square body. At the same time, the voice is also slightly changing, deliberately masking the magnetic voice, replacing a more dry Barba.

However, even if this, it still makes it smooth through the sea. Waiting for the last national competition.

For her, even if I entered the "American Idol" final, if the final, Qin Feng has something, let her go out, even if she is going to eat, it is usually, she will immediately give up the finals, accompany Qin Feng go to eat.

Therefore, she is confident, Lisa must be as good as she.

Years later, your teacher will like yourself.

Of course, there is also the fairy in Huaxia. Oh, I have to defeat her sooner or later.

Teacher is her.

Qin Feng naturally doesn't know this.

Shu comfortably washed a hot bath.

Wait until, I saw Lisa's horned standing at the door of his study.

"What about your bed?" Lisa pointed at the sofa of the study.

Qin Feng is also a glimpse.

"Bed?" Qin Feng will ask.

Before you go out, it's not like this.

"I ask you! You ask me!" Lisa urgently.

"I don't know!" Qin Feng was all, I knew where the bed was going.

"You are formally living together!" Lisa heart in the blood.

Before this, the two kept respecting the relationship.

But now, it is wrong.

Who didn't steal the cat. Men are not good. What's more, facing Brandi such a big beauty.

"You don't know, is she not adult! You will take a seat!" Lisa angry.

"I really don't know where the bed is going. Before I go to the UK, the bed is still there!" Qin Feng called, "Britney, you gave me!"

"Ah? What?" Brandi came over with "innocent".

"My bed!" Qin Feng blocked.

"Teacher, before you walk, I accidentally carefully put your bed. Then I found that how to wash it is also washed, then, I think, the teacher is not there, I will throw it, I am ready to buy another. Zhang bed. As a result, the bed has not been sent. Then, I will get a sofa first. "Brandi said with a long ready," this sofa is good, people say, can be opened into one Bed. "

sofa bed.

Of course, Britney is not let Qin Feng sleepard. This sand bed, the worst of her, the most uncomfortable, the most intimate person.

In this case, Brandi did not believe in Qin Feng will have been sleeping on the sofa bed.

As for saying, buy a bed, hehe, it will take time. Anyway, she first slept Qin Feng and said. Uu reading

As long as you can sleep once, you can sleep the second time.

Besides, even if I bought the bed, I didn't come to sleep in bed.

People must know how to change.

In short, just sleep once.

The Brandi's eyes were unpredictable.

For Qin Feng and Lisa, it is natural to see what is simple and hidden by the secrets of Britney.

In this regard, Qin Feng is crying.

Lisa, it's awkward.

"Brandi, you are still 18 years old, your parents have always stared at you. Don't do something wrong, you and your teacher, you will be able to take it from this life, I am afraid that it is difficult to see it!" Lisa Say faintly, "You think about it yourself. Breakfast is on the restaurant, I will go first!"

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