Qin Feng almost did not be morale from Mary.

It is really a mine in your own home.

Wait, take a closer, there is a mine in your own home.

In Australia.

I have opened the company and bought several ore.

In addition to domestic staring at the real estate market, there is nothing to go to Australia to stare at the mine of the two people.

Of course, most of these mines are nationally funded.

However, the country is a large iron ore.

Qin Feng, it is to buy some coal mines, and there is a lithium ore.

Coal mines in Australia can be said to be the world's best.

Don't look at the domestic coal mines, there are coal. But, the quality, that is not as good as Australia.

Australia coal, sufficient burning, and small pollution. This is because the Australian geographic environment is caused.

Therefore, Qin Feng, the two of the history, secretly bought some coal mines.

As for the lithium mine, it is necessary.

Today, the world is known for lithium ore, there is a recognition.

But, do not think that lithium deposits will be important.

Because the current lithium battery is mainly used in a cardiac pacemaker, as well as laptop. The needs of these two are very limited.

As for the current mobile phones, it is a nickel-hydrogen battery that has not been taken into account.

Because the lithium battery is too expensive. That's too high.

I think now is to reduce costs, so that more consumers can buy mobile phones. Instead of enhanced costs, let consumers are surprising.

What's more, now a nickel-hydrogen battery can be used for half a month. Even if there is no electricity, change a battery.

Basically, the current mobile phone does not have problems in the battery.

One month is charged for half a month,

Isn't it not enough?

Therefore, the lithium mine did not care too much.

This also allows Qin Feng and Shi Pillar to leak, bought a lithium ore that is still not developed in Australia. This is the world's largest lithium ore in the future, occupying one-third of the global lithium mineral capacity.

Of course, what is not worth money now. But the future, it is worthless.

Calculate the Brazil, Qin Feng grins.

I seem to have a mine in my own home.

However, these mines can not be exchanged for the time being.

For example, Brazilian mine is now a low-cost supply and marketing to our steel plant. And your own steel mills get this low-price mite, and can compare costs. The money earned can be used to repay the loan.

Qin Feng naturally hopes to pay 10 billion loans in the steel plant earlier.

No bonus is light.

Now the 70 billion heavy debt, the Qin Feng, the Qin Feng, can't breathe.

In particular, I think of four years later, the Boss will retire. The heart is still a bit panic.

As for the mine over Australia, now you can't change money, you can only wait.

"Boss, what do you want?" Marisa Meiyer failed.

Qin Feng, this guy, how to get god.

"Ah, there is nothing!" Qin Feng shakes his head, "" Money things, I try to find a way! "

"Sure enough, BOSS is BOSS, it is the atmosphere. If this is, then our headquarters must have a little bigger. In this regard, the fund will be more." Marisa Meiye smiled.

Qin Feng full face black line.

"We are entrepreneurial companies, are entrepreneurial companies!" Qin Feng unable to vomit.

"But you are Qin Feng. The strongest freshman in Harvard history." Melissa's high hat is worn on the Qinhe wind.

Qin Feng turned over.

However, when Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I went to the Harvard.

"What? Are you going to build a building in Harvard?" The principal was shocked.

Subsequently, the principal immediately refused.

"This is not. Harvard can't have a business. Let your company open in Harvard, because you are recruited, you are in school student. After this build building, it is not the same. And too conspicuous. Can't open. This precedent. "The principal refused.

"Principal, I will also hire Harvard students. In the future, the company will only hire college students. After a year of graduation, it will automatically leave." Qin Feng said, "only for college students in school. And Harvard is served at school. "

The principal scored.

Qin Feng, this guy is transferring the line.

"No. Even if you hire all the Harvard Europe, a small college student, but your building's logo appears in Harvard campus, then it is not." The principal of Harvard still refused.

Rejecting no room for discussing.

Qin Feng .

Natural, Qin Feng will not retreat easily.

"But there are always room for bargain!" Qin Feng licked, "Do you want, I donate some money?"

"Qin Feng, don't say. This kind of thing is not there!" The principal directly refused.

Qin Feng frowned.

"So, I will let the school enter the share. As long as the school gives me the land, then I will give the school 5 shares." Qin Feng said, "At the same time, I give the principal you private 1 shares."

The principal is an arms of Qin Feng.

"Are you a bribe me?" The principal had a mouth.

Qin Feng grinned.

"No. This is legal financing. The school is financing. The principal, with personal suggestion of financing. Legal things, what bribery." Qin Feng smiled.

"But you haven't left too much!" President spits.

In terms of Qin Feng to cover a building, it covers an area, absolutely not small. Less to talk about 10,000 square meters.

Are you 5 shares?

This is a Harvard campus. This future influence is unparalleled.

"Because our company's future market value must break trillion. These 5 shares, that is worth 50 billion US dollars!" Qin Feng is full of confidence, "this will be Harvard has a history, the most forward investment. The biggest investment is returned. To know, this is 5 shares, which can bring profits every year. "

"Trill market value?" The principal of Harvard was scared by Qin Feng.

Your guy is simply bragging.

Buffling is not you blowy.

"I said a certain way." Qin Feng said that "up to 20 years, the market value is broken."

Qin Feng's absolute confidence, let the Harvard principal a bit amazed.

This guy is not a laughter, nor is it a blow, his eyes are full of firm.

It's hard to do, there will be a company that is trillion? And it is what this student is created in front of him?

"Qin Feng, this, we will get three chapters. If your company's market value can break through trillion in the next 20 years, then your company can be permanent in Harvard campus. But if 20 years later, your company The market value can't break through trillion, then your company must move immediately after 20 years. "Harvard principal said," As long as you promise this condition, then I am willing to promise you. Of course, I personally, don't Your 1 shares. I am not bad, of course, the school is 5 shares! "

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