The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Chapter 1188 ?? Don't show

Qin Feng opened the monitoring of closed circuit TV.

Surrounded by scenes, it is clear, clear.

Of course, it is limited to the current technology, there is no high-definition camera, and it will be unclear.

However, Qin Feng still found at least 2 eyes staring at himself.

Obviously, the corruption is not trusting to himself and does not believe it.

At this point, Qin Feng also predict it.

It is easy to believe it, then there is a ghost.

The old woman is impossible to cross the political governance for decades, and it is still a national government.

But I know who the other person is, where is tail, Qin Feng is not worried.

I am afraid that unknown enemies, not known.

After reading it, I am sure that the other party will not have a further action, Qin Fengguan closed CCTV.

However, this also makes Qin Feng vigilant.

What if they enter their own apartments?

Although it is said that there is no precious thing in Qin Feng Apartment.

But there is a notebook.

Although Qin Feng has encrypted. Without Qin Feng's password, once the login password is incorrect, all data will be deleted directly. However, Qin Feng does not guarantee that these data will never be recovered. The dark network information inside, that is.

Once being excavated, it will shock the world.

At that time, there was no one in the world, and a country can save himself.

But you can't bring a notebook throughout the day.

That way, it will be observed to be the importance of notebooks. When it arrives, directly robbed, it is even more miserable.

This, let Qin Feng can't be pensive.

How to protect your notebook.

Qin Feng hopes to look around the apartment, but it is frowning.

Although I said, I feel some places to hide.

For example, the cabinet is hollowed out and placed behind the deck. Or, hidden behind the wardrobe, and so on.

However, for professional search people, this place can find it. You can't hide you at all.

Don't look at the Wollywood movie, those search people find things seem luck.

If you find a hidden point, you can find a hidden point. Let many viewers think that is movie, only the movie can be found. Can't find in reality.

In fact, that is, the movie covers this process. The real search process is very professional, and there is a systematic approach to search.

Unless you specialize in building a house that can hide items, any house wants to hide things, can't hide in front of professional search people.

This is troublesome! Qin Feng frowned.

This is really a trouble.

Where is this notebook?

Just put it, it was confused, it was depressed.

But don't put it here, let's let go?

Qin Feng is very confused.

This problem is not good enough.

Just like, you know that your home may come in the thief, then you really don't feel the most precious things, you can hide, don't let the thief to steal.

I want to go.

Qin Feng took a notebook to the company.

At this moment, the company's work is in an orderly manner.

After Marry Meiyer, after the company's management, it did a step.

In this regard, it is not the top ten professional managers in the Wall Street, Dai Mun.

No way, after all, Demou is not an IT industry, so, in the face of this situation, it is always not arguing.

Marisha Meiyer is different, it is learning IT, and there is also management talents.

"How come you?" Marisha Meiyer saw Qin Feng's surprised expression.

Qin Fengyi face black line.

"I am the company boss, it is also the IT system, how can I not come." Qin Feng white eyes.

"But you can never come." Marisha Meihell spit, "I am just asking, but today, this should not be strange!"

Qin Feng speechless.

"You are just right, I am going to find you." Mary Meiyer entered her small office with Qin Feng.

It's really small, it is to isolate the first approximately 2 square meters of small rooms running.

too small.

Of course, the headquarters is now being built, waiting until next year.

That everyone has a loose and comfortable environment.

"What's wrong, what?" Qin Feng sat down, "You are the company CEO, in addition to the expenditure of more than $ 300,000, you need to sign it, and you can say it."

This time, the turn of Marisha Meihere was speechless.

"You are still getting lazy. So you come over today, can I be not surprising." Marisha Meiyer stabbed Qin Feng.

"Say, what is!" Qin Feng didn't want to fight with this beautiful IT beauty.

Didn't see, many people surrounded by this side.

From the global level, Marry Mei Yers can't play the top beauty.

But look at the IT zone, it is definitely the top beauty of Qin Feng.

It is necessary to be a door to Silicon Valley in Silicon Valley.

Of course, even in your company, it must also be.

In this regard, many companies believe that Qin Feng has a cheap.

Even many people maliciously guess, Qin Feng opened a million dollar annual salary, which is the value of Malissa Meiyer.

Fortunately, Qin Feng also raised a Britney, otherwise this rumor is really a whole IT.

After all, to the value of the value and the body, the Marisha Meiyer is not enough Britney.

Between the two, it is completely unsurcited.

"My talents have been recruited. However, I feel that it is necessary to report with you." Missa Meile said.

"How much?" "Qin Feng life.

"Artificial Intelligence Ai is the big direction of the future. In this regard, it is currently in the beginning of the world. Japan is the most outstanding. But they are more enthusiastic about this focus on the realistic thing. And we focus more The application of the virtual world. So, there is a very different direction between our two. "Marisha Meiyer said," And this research, people can not do it. So I directly hired 30 people who are about to graduate Top students in the artificial intelligence of major famous universities. "


This is not much!

Qin Feng shrugged.

Qin Feng also thought that hundreds of people hired a breath. That, Qin Feng is a little a little.

"I know that you have money, but their salary is not low." Marissa said, "The per capita pending annual salary is $ 40,000. Of course, after the internship period, it is up to $ 50,000 annual salary. After that, will then according to work Make up. "

Qin Feng calculated, 30 people, annual salary of 50,000, or 15 million US dollars.

not much!

"Qin, I know that you don't think this. After all, you can get hundreds of millions of dollars from Nokia in a quarter. However, they will roughly eliminate a few people. Of course, it is not necessarily. In the end, people who can stay will lead a research team to specialize in artificial intelligence. A group is expected to be around 10-20. "Marisha said.

This time, people are more.


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