Britney's behavior is undoubtedly angered each other.

"Brandi, here is not the United States, is Russia. Don't think that in the United States can do whatever you want, in Russia. Qin Feng, let your students go back to the United States. Otherwise, you can't see your friends." KG Bud's cold voice said.

Branti's eyes are circle, but considering the friend of Qin Feng, only the shutter of the breath, looks at Qin Feng.

"I have to confirm that my friend is safe." Qin Feng said, "Safe, I will go with you. Not safe, I am shout now. Don't forget, I am Chinese people. And in China is still very A certain amount of parts. "

At this time, Qin Feng also began to pull the big flag.

Obviously, the other party is a little jealous of the words of Qin Feng.

China and Russia are too close.

This is in the former Soviet Union, that is not in the eyes of Huaxia.

However, it is now a Russian era.

Continuous economic recession has been in nearly 10 years.

Confused, the economy is booming.

There is a stark contrast between the two countries.

At this time, there are many places in Russia to rely on Huaxia.

And Qin Feng in Huaxia's status, they naturally have an investigation.

Very famous. Moreover, it should be subjected to the asylum of the human rights in China.

Therefore, they are looking for Qin Feng, not to be unfavorable to Qin Feng.

They didn't dare to be unfavorable to Qin Feng.

Otherwise, it is easy to provoke.

At least they, can't hold this consequence.

KG B agent took out a call, after dialing, handed it to Qin Feng.

"Yevgenia?" Qin Feng quickly came to ask.

"Qin, you don't care about me, they don't dare to take me. You go ..." Yeffgenia came to the voice of the phone.

"Mr. Qin, since it is coming, it will come. Rest assured, I don't want to find you trouble. But I want to work with you." The old man who came to the old man who came through the words.

"Since I come, then you put my friend." Qin Feng said, "Let him, I will follow you."

The phone is alleged.

"How? I have gone to your site. You are still afraid that I can fly?" Qin Feng said that "" Isn't it? "

"Mr. Qin, you are not successful. However, I am willing to let go first." The phone said.

"That's good, see people, I will walk with you." Qin Feng faintly handed back.

KG B is no longer said.

The two sides are waiting here.

"Branti, put the hat low, don't be seen." Qin Feng told him.

If Britney is discovered, it may generate variables.

"Well!" Brandi hid behind the Qin Feng, the low of the hat was low.

No waiting for too long, a car stops.

Yevgenia came out from the inside.

"Qin, I'm sorry!" Yeffgenia came over and apologized.

"You are fine. You and Brandi will go back." Qin Feng told me, "Leaving Russia is going to the UK, the United States is also good, casual. In short, don't stay in Russia."

"What about you?" Yefgenia worried that "they are not provoked, they are a group of agents. Or, I let my mother help you!"

"Your mother?" Qin Feng stunned, what is the real person?

However, this thing is dragged down from Yeffgenia, and the family will come out, Qin Feng is not so thick.

"Okay, this thing is solved by me. They just want to talk to me. You don't have to worry." Qin Feng swayed, "Go back. Brandi, you go back with Yeffgen. Oh, obedient. "

Britney didn't say much, and nodded.

In Russia, she didn't use it.

The other party will not take care of her so-called big star.

Moreover, she didn't expect her teacher to save the actually a big beauty.

The value and the body are compared to themselves, almost not divided.

Of course, on your body, you have to be more full, but the other party wants to pick it up, the one is higher than yourself.

Is the value of the value, it is basically not subjected to autumn.

This makes Britney a bit worried about the status of themselves in Qin Feng.

So, at this moment.

"Well, let's go." Qin Feng took the bus.

"The boss has got on the bus, we also followed it." The five followers followed by two taxis.

As for the next royal guard, it is a bit confused.

Because they didn't see their princes, I saw a beautiful woman.

Qin Feng came to Moscow, is it for Harry, or for this beauty? This makes them doubts.

But after a contact, I can't pay my idea.

In the case where the Harry is unknown, keep up.

No way, mainly the old man is too unreliable. Old Mao can make it. They are also very worried.

Qin Feng was sitting in the car, leaving Moscow all the way and an estate in the suburbs.

Russian Gross, real Grill.

As a Russian, you will never need to have a housing problem.

If you want to housing, then go outside the outskirts, no one, like the municipal government, as long as it is not a military land, or the national defense land, you can build a house.

As for the hydropower, as long as it is not too remote, it will find the municipal engineering to connect.

Of course, you have to be too biased, then there is no way. Then I want to solve myself.

Ok, this is also solved.

Water, then put it on the ground.

Russia has rich water resources, not a water.

As for electricity, usually solar energy can be used in daily illumination.

Then, if you want to use some high-power electrical appliances, use a diesel engine.

In this regard, many houses away from the urban area, in the cellar, or warehouse, all equipped diesel engine. As for diesel, it is too cheap, it is not expensive.

After all, Russian resources are extremely rich.

In this case, the Russians can be able to live very well.

Soon, the car entered a manor.

As for the five bodyguards of the trailing forest, there is also the royal guards being blocked outside.

Because there is only one way to enter the estate, and there is a small army guarded on the road.

Obviously, this is already a military restricted area.

In this case, they can't get it at all.

This also makes five bodyguards a little dumbfounded.

"Get off, we will go in." Five bodyguards directly get off.

Walk into the military restricted area.

As for the royal guard, I didn't dare to go in.

Because their identity is very sensitive, it is easy to provoke the evil. Once being caught, the royal family will be very embarrassed.

They have only reported things to the royal family and will be docked by the royal family.

At this time, Lin Feng finally saw the old man who met with the old man who met with himself in this alert man.


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