The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Chapter 1,800 and three?? Don't be guilty

$ 100 million a year!

This is the daughter of Bill Gates, and I don't dare to open this price.


It is really money to be on the ground.

Even if you are, a $ 100, you can get 100 million US dollars, do you know how long?

If a piece of Zhang, a 4 second, $ 100 million, it is 4 million seconds.

You know, only 86400 seconds a day.

4 million seconds, then you need to stop 46 days.

Only 8 hours a day, that is, 138 days.

He is simply sealed.

Qin Feng grinned.

"So, I just had a party at night, I will meet my lawyer. You come over." I haven't speel it looks at the itinerary. "When you arrive, you will consult it."

Qin Feng nodded.

Subsequently, after packing it, replaced clothes, directly went to the PARTY that did not speak.

A private party, Qin Feng doesn't know what to do. However, it is a lawyer who met the special spectrum.

The two sides have worked once, nor is it strangers, soon they are so familiar.

The reason why Qin Feng did not contact the other party directly, but also because the other party was a lawyer who had been useless. Between the two sides, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is best to talk to the other party.

It's so familiar, then the private is still alone, then there is no problem.

"Mr. Qin, you, you want to solve it, it is not difficult." The lawyer is very understanding for the case of Qin Feng.

After all, this is the most popular news in these two days.

He wants to be difficult.

"How to solve?" Qin Feng asked quickly.

"It's very simple, you go to talk to him, you must keep a certain room, let the other party say how much money. When I can use this recording, report, complain about the other party." Lawyer said, "When I arrive, the other party is not a penny, but I have to enter prison. Of course, this crime will not be too big. It is estimated that it is a year or two. But when Brian has been adult. At that time. No matter what you do, the outside world can't say anything. "


This trick is the real kettle.

This is too spicy.

Directly report the other party to the sin.

If this is true, the possibility of the other party is very large.

This allows Qin Feng to think of a male artist in China. After playing with the other party, I finally reported to the other party and let the other party joined.

This is not a slag, it is not a spicy.

But if you have to do this, it seems to be more spicy.

After all, the other party is Branti's parents.

"There is no other way?" Qin Feng asked.

"That is to give money. I can talk about you. Look at the other party sincerity." The lawyer said, "But just have this character, I guess, the appetite is definitely big. I will talk, there is no effect. Of course, I will go first Talking, it is ruined. When you come again, at that time, the other party is just an ordinary person, it is easy to get the middle circle, you can get the evidence of the other party. "

Qin Feng swallowed into the water.

Sure enough, these are a set of lawyers.

Whoever is guilty, you can't get rolling. Otherwise, I don't know these lawyers, how can you?

The conversation may be induced to say something that should not be said. As a result, send yourself into the prison.

But I think of Britney father's greedy face, Qin Feng no longer think more.

"Then follow the plan." Qin Feng said, "Don't pass me to decide, whether to complain to the other party."

"That is of course. You are my customers. Natural everything you said." The lawyer laughed, "Today, this lawyer consulting fee, I will send you bills later. As for subsequent fees, according to your requirements Come to send you a list. "

Qin Feng nodded.

Americans are like this. Why do you pay money?

What is the friendship, not there is no existence. But with lawyers,

Lawyers are making money. Help you do anything, you have to collect money.

The next day, the lawyer represents Qin Feng and went to Britney parents' negotiation.

Obviously, Brandi parents will naturally do not loose mouth.

One year 100 million, still biting dead.

"If he doesn't give me so much money, I will definitely sweep the place." Branti father threatened.

Lawyers are calm.

As a lawyer, the first choice will be able to control your emotions.

You said that the lawyer is cold, no one is a good taste. The role of a lawyer is to help our customers solve the problem.

In this process, naturally want to keep your own calm and backstand.

That can truly be a lawyer.

"Mr. Spilles, I think you should be clear. No matter what the money is unreasonable. I hope you can re-consider your number. Otherwise, this is not negotiating, but it." Lawyer Say faint.

"Less? He snatched Britney, slamben from me. I have to be will be 100 million a year. Is there a lot of Brandi to earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year." Britney The father took the table roar.

Lawyers are still light.

"Brandi is about to adhere to this amazing figure, only don't get anything." The lawyer said, "I have a partner, you can do any money, wait for Britney 18 years old, everything after 18 years old, everything The behavior will not be able to harass my parties. "

"Hey! Then I will walk. Let Qin Feng's bastard. If he doesn't give me money, I will definitely let him regret." Brandi father is clear.

The lawyer got up.

Subsequently, lawyers and Qin Feng touched.

"This is the recording I have recorded just now." The lawyer played the recording that had just sneached.

"This, I don't seem to be recorded in court!" Qin Feng curiosited.

"If you are in criminal cases, recording is not available as a holiday card. Including some important cases, the recording will not be the primary evidence. However, it can be used as an evidence chain to change the attitude of the jury." Lawyer said, "His behavior now, even if it is not a tissue, it is also a threat and intention. You can let the court must be close to you, but obviously, this will not stop him from going back behind him."

"Listen to your tone, what advice do you have?" Qin Feng asked.

"It's very simple, there is this recording. So we can use it. For example, let you have something. So, according to this record, he is what he is. When you can send it to prison," The lawyer said faintly. "I have a series of programs here. You can take a look. Yes, time is here. I will go first. Waiting for you to think, give me an answer. This fee bill, I will send you "

The lawyer got up and left, leaving Qin Feng to look at the lawyer's prepared copy, frowning.


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