The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand eight hundred and sixty-seventh chapter excited

The audience on the scene has begun to consider, and how to vote.

They are not too care for Britney's appearance.

Because the score is already set.

Of course, there are some fans, still holding expectations.

However, this population fraction is very small.

After all, Britney wearing a mask from the head to the end, and no one knows what she looks like.

Although it is very hot. But in the West, the hot woman is too much.

In this way, God has a fresh feelings. But you have been so mysterious, it is not good.

In particular, the remaining four people are so good.

At this moment, Brandi stands on the stage and throws everything.

Only Qin Feng in her eyes.

Qin Feng rushed nodded.

Britney is sweet and laughing, and then the audio teacher nodded.

Soon, "Baby, Onemore" music sounds.

When the real voice of Britney sounded, the audience exclaimed that many people stood directly, kneading their eyes, could not believe what they saw.

This, this, this voice, God, how is this possible!

Is this mask girl? Is Brandi?

On the side of Madonna and Maria - Kaili directly to Qin Feng.

"Mr. Qin, she is Britney?" Two people inquired.

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

Two women have a weird.

If it is Brandi, then she came to participate in this game?

This, winning.

Her level itself has surpassed the level of this game.

This is a little drama to get other players.

In particular, before this pass, Britney has changed his voice and makes people can't recognize it.

Now, it is restored to the original charm magnetic voice, this, the outside world can be said.

You refer to how you are not in the outside world.

With the climax of music, the audience has boiled.

Everyone is exciting.

Finally, the music is over.

At this moment, everyone stands up and looks forward to Britney.

I hope that she can unveil the mask and expose the true face of Lushan.

Branti did not live up to everyone expect.

However, when it is ready to uncover the mask, it stopped.

What does this mean?

"Friends in front of you, there is also a player who came over, I came to participate in the game, and wear a mask, I went to the end, just in order to tell the outside world, I am very independent, the teacher does not limit my action. If the teacher wants to limit my actions, it will not allow me to make trouble, running to participate in such a game. "Brandi said.

This time, it is more like Brandi's identity.

Various screams in the scene.

However, Branti's mask is still not taken.

Although the audience already knows who she is, but not picking up, then there is no pick.

That means is different.

"I just want to tell everyone, my future life is my teacher to help me cast, but I am choice. I hope, don't have anyone to harass teacher. Don't want to take the teacher from me "Branti said seriously," Otherwise, I will never let her. No matter who, I will fight against it. "

Madonna and Maria - Kelly looks at Qin Feng.

what is this?

Does love the confession? But this is, more like private life.

But Britney is only 17 years old. It's too early.

Especially, Britney is still an idol.

Although it is said that Europe and the United States, for the stars' private life, it is not concealed as the East, and it cannot be seen.

But you have been married too early, and it has a bad impact.

Many female stars have no longer step by step, which is related to marriage.

This world, for the female star, is very cruel.

"Teacher, please help me pick up the mask?" Brandi's affectionate money looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded and walked up.

Just when Qin Feng was prepared to pick Branti mask, Britney suddenly said, "picking up the mask, representing me!"

Qin Feng listened, and his hand smashed.

This, you can't open it!

Britney screamed.

"Just kidding you!" Brandi said low.

Because the microphone has been covered by Brandi, everyone did not hear two people.

However, it is seen in the eyes for the two people.

Sure enough, the teacher is deep.

At this moment, Qin Feng took the mask of Britney.

A exquisite face of the country, appearing in front of everyone.

Sure enough, Britney.

Cheers of the audience.

The four contestants on the side, but they have a brownish wrinkle.

what is this? That is too unfair to them.

Especially Avril, the future punk little princess, this moment is very dissatisfied.

But I have been paying attention to Qin Feng, who has followed the microphone immediately.

"Every audience, please quiet, I have something to say." Qin Feng said.

This also makes Avril's footsteps.

"Today, Britney's behavior, affects her entrant, this is very unfair to them." Qin Feng said seriously, "Especially, the last song is also Brandi's famous song. This The match is more unfair. Moreover, she is now popular, I believe that the vote will have an unfair result. So, I first represent Britney, apologize to everyone. Then I take the main judge Identity, announced that Britney's participation is inelastic, being disqualified! "

Qin Feng said, mitigate the atmosphere of a slightly nervous atmosphere. This also makes Avril are quiet.

At least, Qin Feng, let them feel fair.

"Of course, this is the measures for remedies afterwards, but the damage is still caused. So, I want to make a little compensation to Avril, Beyon, Christina, and Katie-Perry!" Qin Feng Seriously said.

Avril is a curious, I don't know what Qin Feng wants.

"After you have just witnessed your performance, I am full of confidence in your future. So, when you sing, I wrote a song according to your characteristics. I will write this one. Songs sent to you, as the first one of your officially dispatched. "Qin Feng took out the short-handed notation.

It turned out that he was writing songs. Madonna and Maria - Kelly shite.

At this time, they understood that Qin Feng was doing.

This makes them hot. Because, they have a bit a bit of the behavior of Qin Feng, but also want to have a song from Qin Feng.

Although Qin Feng only wrote a song to Brandi. However, Qin Feng has written a lot of songs in Asia.

Tanabata fairy, but Qin Feng is holding red. The song of the Tanabata of the Fairy is written by Qin Feng.

This is enough to explain that Qin Feng is created in this regard.

Now, Qin Feng wrote a song for Avril et al., This is too envious.

At this moment, Avril is excited to cheer, they can't believe that they have such good luck.


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