The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-one chapter is talent

(I am sorry, this chapter doesn't know how you can't review it. Always delete. Vomim blood. Hey!)


Qin Feng did not know how Call tonight several times.

Have to say, some women will always make men feel endless.

Although Madonna is older, it is really a rhyme, there is a touch of madness. .

When I arrived at Tianma, Madonna took out a cigarette.

"I don't pump!" Qin Feng shook his head.

Madonna is elegant lighting cigarette and swallows a bite.

"Qin, you are great! I am very enjoyable!" Madonna is satisfied, "I haven't enjoyed it for a long time!"

Qin Feng smiled and slid.

"Why, I haven't eaten yet?" Madonna glamorous hook.

"Waiting for you to smoke!" Qin Feng smiled.

"Why bother to smoke!" Madonna glar smiled.


It is also a dizziness and land.

This time, Qin Feng is really tired.

Madonna is also a fatigue, but it has a happy smile.

"If you are not your own demon, and I see your peach blossom is very strong, I will never have a woman, I want to contact you." Madonna patted Qin Feng's chest.

"Give, small lover. I am afraid that Britney outside is unruly." Madonna got up, the unlimited style slowly put on the clothes, then sent to Qin Feng and left.

The whole process, didn't say anything.

Needless to say. Qin Feng knows what she wants.

Think of this, Qin Feng shouted Madonna.

"Give me five minutes!" Qin Feng said.

Madonna's eyes are bright, sitting on the chair, looking at Qin Feng, igniting a cigarette again.

This little love, seriously write songs, really so handsome, so cool.

Soon, five minutes, Qin Feng is finished.

"This is ..." "From the hand of Qin Feng, Madonna is slightly trembled.

Because, this is a motor.

"The future shot is one of the main trends. I haven't tried this style before, you can try it. There is also, this year African Sierra Leone has frequent civil war, this style is a bit critical to the darkness behind the world. The theme of anti-war. You can try it. "Qin Feng said.

Madonna screamed a few words, the whole body trembled again.

"Little lover, you are too unexpected, you are too talented. Popardry thishead is used in your head, it is true, I can't help but I can't help ..." Madonna was crazy, inner heart Crazy.

The original Qin Feng is already very tired, but at this moment, it will not help himself.

At this moment, Qin Feng deeply realized what is called only a farming, there is no pear dead field.

"Little lover, you are great. Ok, this is really going. Otherwise, I will be reluctant." After that, Britney kissed Qin Feng, after which it was left.

The clothes are completely torn, and they have no longer wear.

Qin Feng at this moment, there is no strength to be completely tired.

This night, almost squeezed.

It is said that the woman is so much like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and there is a famous saying.

It's too much to eat.

However, although the body is very tired, the heart is very satisfied.

Subsequently, Qin Feng fell asleep directly. Waiting for Qin Raw, it is already the next morning.

After waking up, it is still a little sour.

No way, this is overworked sequelae.

But surrounded by dry net, before torn clothes, and the ground is cleaned by the two-person fiercery, etc., all clean.

My own clothes, I also ironed clean, put it on the side.

It is definitely that some people come in and clean.

After getting up, go back to God, after drinking a glass of ice milk from the refrigerator, I feel the power gradually wake up from the body.

This night is really memorable.

After a small meeting, Rynch came over.

"How, what is the taste?" I haven't spent a gossip.

Qin Feng white eyes.

"This is Madonna, I have been approving. Unfortunately, I have no chance." I didn't shrug your shoulders, and I regret.

After all, Madonna is famous now, but he is not enough for him.

This has to look at Madonna's mood.

"Right, tomorrow night is to Paradise Island, do you still have this body?"

"I don't want to do it, I am looking for Bill." Qin Feng is a white eye.

"Oh, it is also, Madonna, you all eat, how do you see it!" I haven't spent a smile, "Right, Brandi seems to be angry. You can't see people this night. I look You have to go well. Send a gift! "

Qin Feng nodded.

"This woman, angry, send jewelry or limited edition package can be sent. I, some luxury shop bosses with New York is very familiar, do you want to introduce you." I didn't spend.

"This is a talented person, just need to spend money to please woman. How can some talented people, how can I use this kind of customs to please." Qin Feng fell a cup of champagne, and then sitted in front of the table, Start with a pen.

Soon, no more than 7 minutes, Qin Feng has finished writing a song.

"I said this is the result of me a day. Do you say that she will teach?" Qin Feng Yang's score.

I didn't spend a black, biting teeth, "shameless!"

"Haha, you can't envy. No way, this talented person is such a person!" Qin Feng ha laughed laughed.

I haven't swayed the head.

No way, there is no longer. People have talents, they can be willing.

as expected.

Brandi, where didn't go, I have been waiting in the Tower.

When I saw Qin Feng, my back is over, I don't care about Qin Feng.

This guy, I don't know where to go. It must be ghost. Moreover, Madonna didn't see people. Needless to say, these two people are sure ghosts.

Where do you have any older? This guy actually opened yourself and went to the private woman, too much.

Britney is boring, and it is pondered in his heart. How can I forgive Qin Feng?

At this time, a piece of paper suddenly extended, and the lyrics and scores were written.

"One night, give you the second single song! Look, is it good?" Qin Feng smiled.

"Ah?" Brandi is a glimpse, "Teacher, are you writing songs for me, wrote a night?"

Qin Feng smiled. There is no nod, nor shaking head.

Avoid you.

"Teacher, you are so hard. It must be very tired for me. Sorry, I just missed you." Brandi quickly apologized, a face apologize, while the heart is full, even busy, let Qin Feng sit down , Back to the shoulder hammer.

This makes it stunned, I don't know what to say!

People are more than people, mad people.


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