The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-five chapters 1 cut

Political assassination!

Qin Feng suddenly.

"Finally, give me?" Qin Feng frowned, "But all this is the arrangement of Vladimir Jacobrev. I can prove it, it is."

"It is useless. He is a Russian, you are a Chinese man, and take the American green card, and live in the United States. He just said that you are a US spy." Bill said, "When you are the country of Russia. You will usher in Russia's comprehensive wanted, the assassination of KGB agent. "

Qin Feng thought that the picture is not cold. At that time, I am afraid myself struggles.

No matter where, it is hard to live.

The United States is certainly can't stay.

The other party really assassines, I really can't run away. Even if I can run, I can't run forever.

In the face of the chasing of the national machine, how to run it.

Of course, if you live in China, you may have possible.

After all, Huaxia is not a country such as a multi-racial life in the United States.

In China, relatively race. The old man is coming, I will be at a glance. It is easy to find it.

However, it is not possible.

Because the other party can buy the Chinese people to assassinate themselves. This is not impossible.

So, I really want to carry this black pot, it is really miserable.

In the face of the national power, and it is the assassination of extremely powerful national power, you can't stop.

"What should I do?" Qin Feng asked, "Do not sell this arms, he will threaten me and my family around me."

"Two ways." Bill said.

"Which two?" Qin Feng asked.

"The first, returning to China, then telling your things, telling the Huaxia leaders, let them help you solve. But you need to pay the price, I am afraid that" Bill said, "may exceed your imagination. But you will solve this trouble forever. "

Qin Feng shook his head directly.

This goes back, and the boss will certainly help you solve trouble. But therefore will provoke a lot of trouble, when you come, those political enemies will inevitably use this as an excuse to find the boss trouble. I am afraid that everything I have now, I will be swallowed by it.

At this point, Qin Feng will never agree.

"Second, that is, working with the US government." Bill said.

Qin Feng straight blind eye.

"You think that there is a difference between these two?" Qin Feng Tucao, "cooperation with Huaxia, at least I can determine my life safety, property less is no problem, I still come again. I still have a lot from the beginning. opportunity."

After all, those people in China have to have their own domestic assets. For example, Qin's heavy work, Qin's steel, top to the sky, and some of the Brazilian minerals, Australian minerals they own.

This is only.

In addition, in the United States, there is a shares of Google, Facebook, and Apple.

These are enough to let Qin Feng have again risen. Moreover, there are Nokia's dividends in quarter.

In the short term, Qin Feng did not lack the money.

Of course, in addition, even if there is. Don't forget, now in 1999, there are so many comments in the future, and you still have the opportunity to rise in Dongshan.

And it is 100%.

On the contrary, in cooperation with the United States, Qin Feng is afraid that the skeleton being swallowed is not.

"Qin, I know what your concerns are. But please believe me, cooperate with me, you can solve this trouble forever. You can get some privilege. You don't forget, you have more assets in the United States, many companies The shares are excellent. Although you have used some means to avoid. However, the future, the Ministry of Commerce is going to be stripped. "Bill said," and, your tax, there is also your hidden The prince is your trouble. But after work with me, these are no longer a problem. "

little Prince! Qin Feng eyelids.

"You won't think we all don't know that the prince Harry is hidden in Hollywood. Including, the British royal family also knows. Just, they decided to grow better.

Qin Feng smiled.

I thought I was very good. Unexpectedly, I was already found.

"How, cooperate with me, cooperate with the US government!" Bill excited, "I have your cooperation, I think, this time we can do a ticket."

"What are you doing?" Qin Feng is a bit bold.

"Help him!" Bill bustard, "Zhu Jing is a very strong person, born to KGB, he has a big possibility to become a next Hitler, so we want to stop. Just, we can't stop. And now, But there is a chance to throw it, we cooperate together, do it, ""

Qin Feng did not speak directly.

This is more frightening than yourself.

This guy is crazy.

"Qin, you don't be afraid. You don't have to do anything. We give you all people to help you sell arms. You still get the part you should have. In addition, you only need to take our people in the past. Nothing to do. The rest have we have us. Afterwards, we will also deal with Flagamil Jacobrev, when you are in trouble. "Bill said," How, you look very simple. Let's take our person and the other party to your side. The rest, you don't worry again. "

Qin Feng listened to a heart.

This seems, very nice.

However, I always feel that this is a pit. I fell in, maybe I can't climb it.

"Qin, rest assured, I will not pit you." Bill's face is good, it seems like a good person.

Qin Feng is a face.

This guy, how to see how it is like a big gray wolf.

Just, I want to sell arms, it is really difficult. Really can't sell it.

US $ 1 billion, too much.

Of course, not to say. But say, there is no channel.

"I need a guarantee!" Qin Feng said.

"What do you guarantee, recording, or a file, I can guarantee you!" Bill is fast.

Qin Feng faced a slut, but thought about it, as long as there is evidence in hand, he is not afraid.

Subsequently, Qin Feng made Bill recorded a voice, proved that all things and Qin Feng have nothing to do with Qin Feng, Qin Feng is only simply cooperated with the US government, anything, Qin Feng is not informed.

Second, a guarantee was written again. Subsequently, Bill wrote his own name: Clinton.

All of this, let Qin Feng expenses.

Subsequently, told the joint location and told the person of Bill.

"OK, subsequent things I will arrange. If you want to rest assured, I will let you continue to follow together. This is safe, my people, I am afraid it is too official." Bill thought.

Qin Feng nodded.

There is a little wind blowing grass, you can know it.

At this moment, Qin Feng has not realized that politicians are fart.

Never believe in politicians.


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