The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-four chapters greed

The latest website: people outside don't know what people are doing. It is completely unknown to the outside of Clinton. Also thought that the two are really communicating in the development of the future Internet. But I didn't think that Clinton enjoys the whole body "horse killing chicken" in the two women's eyes. That kind of refreshing is broken. This is better than going to paradise Island. Going to Paradise Island, Clinton is much less concerns if those women will tell the outside world. Although Epstein is spending money. But always known as yourself, this is a bit hidden. Nowadays, the other party is completely impartial, not only don't know who we are, but also gives a new experience of Clinton. Especially flying. This makes Clinton enjoy more. After some enjoyment, Clinton was satisfied. "How, what is this service?" Qin Feng grinned. "Let's talk, what do you want me?" Clinton is not vague. Qin Feng enjoys him like this, this is certainly a lot of money. These two women, the body, and the color are very good, and the service is particularly good. This money is definitely spent. He has no money to give Qin Feng, naturally, it is to help Qin Feng. "I want a bulletproof clothing!" Qin Feng said, "I am here, the tree is stroke, I am afraid that someone is targeting me. And the highest level, can be worn." "Well, I will later I will Let people send you a few pieces. "Clinton nodded. This kind of thing is a little thing. Normally, Qin Feng can get through some legal channels. After all, it is a contraband. But it is mainly for the vast majority of people. I am afraid that these people are easy to buy, they will be social. And Qin Feng, this kind of person, I want to buy, it is not difficult. Go to some security companies to apply normally. But then take a lot of processes.

Obviously, Qin Feng directly found him. This is to wait for people, but in fact, it is also a channel between the relationship between the two sides.

"Right, Russia, the current progress is very smooth. It seems that Fragkimir Jacobrev will do it." Clinton took the champagne from Lin Feng.

A cup of champagne, a cigar, and a good winner.

"Which two inside?" Asked Clinton.

"It doesn't matter, they will not move, keep the current posture to sleep for a while. If they move, I can't get money." Qin Feng smiled.

This world, what can people wear eye masks, break and do not move, money!

As long as the money is enough, nothing is a problem.

Clinton thumbs up.

"I will come later." Qin Feng smiled, "give you more exchanges."

Clinton laughed, toasts, and got God.

Some things, don't say more. Everyone knows that it will take the same thing.

"Russia really has to do it, will it be?" Qin Feng asked, "will it succeed?"

"Russia will continue to chaos." Clinton said more. Because this is related to the state confidential.

He told Qin Feng, but also because Qin Feng also involved. But even if so, there will be too much. Said too much, it is not suitable.

Point until

Qin Feng did not ask more. Just asked if you have. I really want to ask, Qin Feng is not willing. That is too deep, and finally it will fold it.

Subsequently, the two really talked about the future Internet development, Clinton sorted out the case.

Qin Feng once again appeared in the second floor, and waved his hands.

There are not many people in the outside world. Subsequently, Clinton continued other inspections.

At this time, Qin Feng entered the room and took the two women's masks and earmuffs.

"Qin Master, just now ..." Mani curiously asked, but was interrupted by Lun.

"Let's take money, and don't ask more." Larna glanced at Mandi.

Qin Feng nodded.

This is better so that you will be fine.

I am afraid of being unclear. That's trouble. There is no next time.

"Okay, this is 40,000 US dollars, one person is 20,000." Qin Feng smiled from 40,000 US dollars from the safe.

The second female light sweeps over, the dollar of the safe. That's probably a few million dollars.

Hey, this is really much.

The second woman took the dollar and naturally excited.

This is 20,000 US dollars, what is more easier than this?

"Qin master, do you want us to serve you again, free!" Lina wrapped around Qin Feng.

Qin Feng slightly sideways, the face revealed some slight unsatisfactory.

Lina naturally knows this is. Qin Feng This is the taste of someone who is disliked. This is also the past, Qin Feng said that she is going to serve, and must be tatched, and it is clean.

Qin Feng does not mind that she is waiting outside, or mixed with other men. But today, it must be a clean.

Everyone is transaction, clearly.

"That time. When I owe you once." Lina smiled and greeted Many to leave.

Qin Feng's eyes smashed.

This Lina is good, it is a person who is clever. I have a chance in the future, you can take it more, let her a mother's mulberry. But that Mandi is very greedy.

20,000 US dollars don't seem to make it satisfied. She is very memorable to her money in her safe.

Just, Qin Feng saw greed from his eyes. But this is also Qin Feng hopes to do it. However, Lina is very satisfied. However, it doesn't matter, just a person greedy.

The second woman leaves.

"Larina, how much is his safe, so full of money," Mani is amazed.

It is still a bit.

"Okay, that is his money, and we have nothing to do. We will always earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. Do you still have a good enough? In the past, you can earn more. You can make our money, other minds don't want to think about it. Lina warned.

"I know! I am just thinking, how much is it!" Manti smiled quickly.

However, it is a bit a bit of the heart in Lina. Too much ambition.

Every time I serve a man, I can earn this. If you grab the money in the safe, how much you can make!

I am afraid it is a few million dollars. That is how many times she wants to serve.

You don't want, I want! Manti is turning, thinking, how to make this money.

After all, she can't do it. Looking for someone. But people looking for it, I have to be trusted. Otherwise, finally make a wedding dress for others. That is not worth it.

She is not stupid. I have to find a trustworthy person.

At this time, Daniel Picad is looking for the door to stop the two people.

"Lina, find you for a long time! You this is a good goods!" Daniel Pikada angry.

When the beginning of Lina left, let him lose his face. During this time, he has been looking for the trouble of Lina. However, Lina has been moving. Let him can't find it. Today, I finally met.

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