The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first nine hundred and eight chapters refer to the sky

Latest Website: There is no extra nonsense, go straight to theme. After a refreshment, Brandone was in Qin Feng Hua. "Teacher, where are you going?" Brandi's finger painted in the Qin wind chest. "Return to China for a while. A little thing." Qin Feng smiled. "Oh." Brandi didn't say more, "Teacher, in case I didn't take the first, would you think I am useless, give you a face?" This competition is unprecedented. Britney, Avril, Christina Aguilera, Beyonse, plus Katie Perry (fruit sister), this competition is too intense. "When you are all told by them, what are you afraid!" Qin Feng smiled and pinching Brani, very handsome jade rabbit. "Because, I heard that Madonna will also have a new song. She is more famous than me." Brandi's concern, "I heard that her new song is also a teacher." Qin Feng squad. " This is Britney holding "small Qin Feng", slightly, expressing his little dissatisfaction. Qin Feng embarrassment. This reason, Qin Feng can't say it. Otherwise, Brandi will be angry. After all, I am also because of the temptation of Madonna, I wrote the song for compensation. "Teacher, she wants to come, I am afraid to lose." Brandi held "Xiao Qin Feng" and uneasy. Said, I also put Xiao Qin Feng in a certain place. In an instant, Xiao Qin is anger. It's really anger. This is an exciting person. Is there such a stimulating person. However, calm, calm. Not an adult.

"Don't worry, the teacher gives you the songs, you are the best. Don't worry, you will definitely win." Qin Feng quickly said, "and you don't forget, you are the teacher's student. Students, this life is inseparable from you. "

"Really?" Brandi is surprised.

Qin Feng pinched Britney's chin and kissed it deeply.

After a long time.

"Teacher how might leave you. Little stupid, believe in teachers, you will win." Qin Feng said.

"Hey, I have a confidence now." Brandon suddenly became a cloud of clouds, and a smile has been connected.

"Teacher, do you really want it to taste it?" Britney said.

"Well, don't tempt to your teacher. Not for how long it is. After the end of the year, you will be on your birthday." Qin Feng smiled.

"Then I will prepare a grand adult birthday party." Brandi said.

"Well, all according to you." Qin Feng smiled.

"That now, I will help the teacher to disappear." Brandi smiled and lowered.

When Qin Feng bid Brani, when returned to the airport, it was a bit tired.

But it is good, after Qin Feng and other boarding, call it to sleep directly on the plane.

I slept all the way to the capital.

After the capital of Beijing, Qin Feng did not alarm anyone.

After all, this time I returned, this is a low-key act.

Otherwise, the world is shocked, then how do you come back?

Therefore, Qin Feng changed the ordinary clothes, then adjusted for one night, the next evening, boarded the green peel train to Changan.

This era, there is no high-speed rail, and it is very headache.

Not only speeds slow, but the environment is not good. And, the most critical is that it is still noisy.

Of course, the most deadly is that during the National Day, Qin Feng did not buy the sleeper ticket.

Originally, I want to be my own ticket, the result, eventually still hard seat.

Qin Feng spit tongue.

This former world is the hard seat, the taste of the way, don't mention it.

But I'm endure.

Qin Feng directly squeezed the hard seat train.

Why is it squeezed?

Because of the real people.

This era is not only selling soft sleeper, hard sleeper, soft seat, hard seat, and station ticket.

If the sentence is not appropriate, and the India is compared to India, it is not hanging outside.

But India is still very clean in the carriage. There are tickets, it is still relatively comfortable in the car.

Just hanging outside the car.

Domestic, it is not allowed outside the car. Because not like India, most places are plains, so the train will not pass what tunnels.

And there are too many mountains and mountains, and there will be many tunnels.

Therefore, the train plucking is not working.

However, it is possible in the compartment.

There is a ticket in the car, this era, it is full of people.

That is full of dangling.

Including your seat, some people are lying.

People will come to this point.

Qin Feng once again experienced this scene, could not help but feel thousands.

What about this?

Really nostalgic.

But very quickly, Qin Feng did not miss it.

This taste is too difficult.

It is extremely noisy, eats melon seeds, eats melon seeds, eats roast chicken, drinking wine, and even in that punch.

Compared with the high-speed rail, it is really a height of the world.

The high-speed rail to eat bowl of bubble faces complained, let her come to this era to experience the green tip car to see.

Not only you can't make trouble, the key is that you can hardly act.

Because your feet are not free, you can't put it, or you will really step on people.

You are lying down under your seat.

And you want to go to the toilet, ok, that is to try to kill a blood road, then wait for a long time, finally I am going to you, then I will enter the convenience, and then kill a blood road return.

This taste is not mentioned.

Moreover, everything is in the compartment.

And this era, the people who have stealing in the car are particularly many.

Many passengers have a knife to avoid accidents.

Especially after this day, after the middle of the night, the crowd came to sleep after being sleeping, and the thief began to act.

Qin Feng found a few thieves.

After these thieves found that they were seen by Qin Feng, they lit up the blade in the hands, and after a warning, continue to steal.

In this regard, Qin Feng also does not want to get a lot of things.

This era is the same as the later generation.

You hurt the thief, it is to take responsibility, even sitting in a secure.

Moreover, usually is not your thief, it is a small stealing you.

The thief gang made a crime, but also guys, you have to get a lot of things, that is basically self-discipline.

In this respect, sometimes it is a legal issue.

The law does not severely punish such a person, and that is, it is a indifferent society.

Of course, severely punish such people, encourage all kinds of bloody. This has a bloody, it will inevitably make trouble, not to manage.

Therefore, after a variety of choices, people make a succession, which is very conforming to the interests of a person.

Sure enough, when I arrived at 45 hours, everyone woke up.

I came in the sound of mourning.

People who lost their property, in the mourning, referring to the sky, crying.

Qin Feng has a heart, but this kind of thing is too much.

The land of the motherland, this kind of thing is really too much, too much.

I can't help yourself.

Perhaps, with the advancement of scientific and technological progress, the IT era will make this phenomenon less, and even extinct.

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