The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Chapter 1116, I will have a woman.

Latest Website: After reading a photo. Sand is playing two tiger teeth, looking forward to Qin Feng, waiting for Qin Feng's praise. The same is true for the past. At that time, Qin Feng said that he was so cute. This makes the sand a little less dispel, because Qin Feng is a bit too much. Now, Qin Feng directly holds the face of Sand, kisses. After a breathing disorder. "I hate, who makes your loved ones! People ask if you are a child?" Sand is ashamed. "Action shows my attitude. My cute sand, let me feel free, I can't explain my love, charm!" Qin Feng smiled. "I hate, sweet words, my mouth, honey," Shather whispers the chest of Qin Feng. "My mouth is so sweet, I have to come back, let the sand are sweet." Qin Feng kissed again. After a long time. "I hate, I don't care, always take advantage of people." Shar doodle. "Then I want to interview this childhood, I'm more cute, I grew up in the country of the country, the city of Shader, may you have a man who has been famous for a man, you are happy?" Qin Feng took a one The pen is doing a microphone-shaped interview. "I hate!" Sand's face is thin, and the hands and delicate, Qin Feng. "This Sander classmate, I am a reporter, please respect my career, this is in an interview. Can you be happy?" Qin Feng thought seriously. "Bad guilty, even bullied people." Shar doodle, spit out two words, "Willing." "Who is willing?" Qin Feng asked. "I am willing!" Sand's face is more shameless. "Then you are willing to marry the wind as a wife, love him, loyal to him, no matter what he is poverty, sick or disability, until death. Are you willing?" Qin Feng looked at Sha. "I wish ... I hate,

What questions do you ask, I will hit you! "The answer of Shaer's ability is in the last word, suddenly awake, and the shy is directly chased.

"Hey, you can't fight, you promised, I can hear it!" Qin Feng jumped to a smirk.

"I hate, people have not promised yet." Shar chased.

Two people have a group in the bedroom.

At this time, there was a sudden coming to the boiling boiling boiling.

"Who will bring boys into the dormitory. I will come out!" The booth is aunt, and then the sound of the stairs shock.

Serve, come up.

"Ah, what should I do? I will know it by aunt, I will be dead!" Sand is afraid. "

"Don't be afraid, give it to me." Qin Feng gently patted the shoulders of the sand, "I went down, you will pick it up, let's eat."

"Then you are careful." Shather said.

"Ann, your style is still there." Qin Feng smiled and smiled in the head of the sand and strolled out of the door. The past is not found. After all, Qin Feng said: It is very cute to let Shar don't have much interest. Naturally, there is no fight, there is no alarming aunt.

Just went out, I saw the accommodation aunt from the stairs.

"Who are you? Which class! I don't know if this is a girl's dormitory? From which room comes out? Who is looking for!" Sui Auntie fierce.

This is a girl's dormitory. Although this school is nothing famous in the country, the school is also smoked, but for the management of girls' dormitory, it is still very strong.

After all, these boys and girls are all sentimental periods of youth hormones, this is not good, it is easy to have some scandals. So, she never allows any boys to enter the girls' dormitory. Anyone dare to steal, she will ask the class, girder dare to put the girl coming in, and then tell the principal, the whole school broadcast criticism.

Severe, will also remember.

"Auntie, I am looking for you to buy something. I just came to see you, I thought you were here. I have an urgent use." Qin Feng said.

"Buy something, what do you buy ... Less than I have these things, say, your class, and who is just that girl?" Sui Auntie eyes.

"Auntie, I want to buy 10 boxes of soda, there is a bunch of snacks, ready to open a tea party." Qin Feng seriously said, "You see, these two days are estimated will rain, and our school school is not placed, I Preparing to organize a tea party, everyone is playing with fun. This is not, it must be eaten, drink. I am ready to find more. I am afraid that you are not enough. "

Buy so much? The booth is aunt.

This make money.

She is a bisteland, naturally opened a small sales department, the only small selling department of the school, selling some snacks, instant noodles.

There are also more than a thousand income this month. It can be more powerful than salary.

Now Qin Feng wants to buy so much, this less is a few hundred, even thousands of yuan. That profit is at least half.

However, the responsibility is still there.

"Who are you looking for? This is not allowed to enter and leave. No matter what reason." The aunt of the booth still asked, but the tone is weak, no longer ask Qin Feng's class. Instead, ask the girl's name.

In this way, she will pay attention to the next time, stare at this girl, so that it is so excused. As for the report, the principal is in this money, even if it is.

"Auntie, you have heard it wrong, just I sing!" Qin Feng said.

"Sing? I obviously heard the girl, you are less confused." Auntie face pumping. If you don't look at this batch of buyers, she really wants to smoke this.

I said my eyes.

"Auntie, you don't believe, then I sing it to you!" Qin Feng Qingqing scorpion:

The snowflakes of that year

There are too many next to Huaqing Pool that year.


At this moment, the room has been tense to pay attention to the Sand of the outside situation, hear the two lyrics of Qin Feng, unobtrusive.

Good and listened melody, beautiful lyrics, good and sad artistic conception.

At this time, it was interrupted by the accomplished aunt.

"This is a male voice, the female voice?" The booth is aunt.

At this moment, Shather wants to kill the heart of the aunt. Such a good song, you have broken it.

"Auntie, you can then listen!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and continued to sing.

Don't say who is who is wrong and right

I just want to be drunk with you with you.

The jade jade head is your gift for me.

Neon Battle, a few reincarnation

Swordsman is your deep thinking about me.

Marshow wished to love the soul of love

"What about female?" Sui Auntie glared in Qin Feng, she can't listen, this guy, actually dare to make her. That is to be a big sale of a few hundred yuan, can't hold it.

Qin Feng did not take care, but the right thumb buckled in the middle finger, pressed in the waist, the scorpion became clear:

Love happiness is in an instant

Toasting the moon

Love hate two people

Ask when

Chrysanthemum Taiwan Refreshment Ming Moon

Who knows that my love is cold?

Drunken in Jun Wang Huai

Dream back to Datang love ~~~

When the last tail is landed, suddenly the whole girl's dormitory is called, "it is too nice!"

"Sha, you are really happy!" A voice came from the bedroom in Shar's dormitory.

"Yes, Sand is really happy!" All girls are called.

Sand smashed.

Qin Feng was stunned.

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