The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-seventh chapter

The latest website: soothing music, the slightly after red wine, there is a skin after the milk bath, crystal clear beauty. This night, Qin Feng has tried to control himself, but he still sang a three-night plum flower. (Helpless review is too strict, ............ more plot) One night, Sand grows up. When the sun rises, shock in the bed, the glaring sun is awake, Sand is like a bear with the bear, and the extreme sweetness of sleeping is very sweet. "Good morning, sand!" Qin Feng said softly. "Good morning, wind!" Response of Sand Sweets. However, it is slightly moved, but it is a sound. Hurt! The pain of melon. Of course, it is also because Qin Feng's plum flowers, leading to a bit of pain. The obvious feeling is a bit swollen. "Sorry, I blame me." Qin Feng apologized. This is the Qin Feng really unable to control himself, it is too beautiful to meal. Especially after the milk bath, the whole body sprayed, the milk flavor, realized the Qin Feng index finger. I can't control myself. "Nothing, I will take a break." Shar shy said, "Nothing. It may not be there!" "" "Well, you have a good rest. In the few days, don't go, just here. Rest. "Qin Feng said. Sand nodded. Calling the room service, with the sand with a hearty breakfast, Qin Feng went to the hotel lobby. "Qin ... Mr. Qin is good!" The hotel manager is slightly awkward, I don't know how to call Qin Feng. This poor student,

It became a master of Richard-Clyman overnight, which made him unaffected.

In the face of Qin Feng, the heart is still contempt, but it does not dare to have any representation.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Qin Feng took his mentality and didn't say much, but took out his own black card, put it on the counter.

"All my bills have been drawn from this card." Qin Feng said faint.

Black ... black card! The manager saw this card and smashed the sound.

As a family of five-star hotel, he naturally appreciates the level of various credit cards.

Qin Feng this black card, that is the highest level of the world.

He is just a training, and he has seen some relevant information and pictures. But there has never seen it.

Today, he saw it in your own eyes.

Black card, this poor student is actually a black card holder.

God! Who is he?

and many more! You are a black card holder, then you don't take it yesterday, don't you use the playing piano? Is this not a player?

They want to know that Qin Feng is a black card holder, will it treat Qin Feng as?

I want to come now, it is really shameful. Too much glance.

This looked at Qin Feng, which was more embarrassed.

I thought for a long time.

"Sorry, Mr. Qin, yesterday is that our words are not correct, I apologize to you." Manager is also aware of people.

Qin Feng is like this, he wants to apologize. In one sentence, he will have a knock.

Black card identity holders, the hotel is never dare to confirm.

Qin Feng is not more than.

The lion will never go to the contemin of the bunny.

"I will live in this a few days. Every day, the room cleans, it is necessary to clean. Especially the bathroom. You must clean and disinfect, and the employee operation must wear a disposable glove, everything must be used. Related fees from me This is drawn on this. Then, there is not allowed to go in the room. Then I need 24 hours of all catering services. "Qin Feng told.

In general, a five-star hotel has 24 hours of catering services.

However, usually in the night, many catering is not available. Because the chef gets off work.

In these few days, Shar's situation is more special, so Qin Feng is specially inspected.

This is the privilege of the black card.

"Yes, everything follows Mr. Qin's instructions." The manager did not hesitate, immediately agreed.

For rich people, services are very quality.

As long as you spend money, in this world, you can't buy it.

If so, please spend more.

Qin Feng satisfied some heads.

"Now give me a bowl of ice sugar red jujube to the room." Qin Feng told him.


Subsequently, Qin Feng went to see Richard Clayderman.

As early as early, Richard Clayman got up. After practicing the piano, just look at the score, prepare tomorrow's performance.

Of course, the heart is waiting for Qin Feng.

"Teacher is good!" When I saw Qin Feng, Richard Claydeman immediately got up.

Qin Feng nodded.

"You worship me as a teacher, what do you want to learn?" Qin Feng asked directly, "You are already known as international, so you have to learn what, just say it directly."

"Teacher, I want to play" Girl Fantasy "." Richard Claydeman said, "I have tried many times, there is no success, if you play, you can not be burst by cramps Do not give up. Even once hurt their hands, I was forced to take a while. "

For "Girl Fantasy", Richard Clayderman is a magical barrier.

There is no way to do not Magic. In the face of this song, as a well-known international pianist, it is unable to play. This is like a person who is hungry for three days, seeing a plate of hot, just out of the pot.

I want to eat, but I am too hot, I can't eat it.

This mood is really difficult.

"This song is very difficult, because the speed is too fast, so it is not only high for the speed, but also high for mental requirements." Qin Feng said, "I want to play, it is not simple. I am going to you, I am afraid it may not be possible. Play out. "

"Girl Fantasy" is too high for physical strength.

This is a very consumable film.

"I am not expected in this life?" Richard Clayderman has a face.

"So, you can re-consider the teacher." Qin Feng said that "I can be a misunderstanding."


Richard Clyman shook his head.

"Since I have already worshiped, I will be my teacher in the future, I will never repent." Richard Clayderman said.

Although it is said that Qin Feng did not give him any help. However, Qin Feng's accomplishment in piano is still what he looks up.

Teacher Qin Feng, he did not regret.

Qin Feng nodded. This is a person who keeps a promise.

"Of course, you don't have hope. Although you have a big age, we can step by step." Qin Feng smiled, "the original version could not play, but you can play simplified version."

Simplified version?

"Well, don't look at the simplification version is still very difficult. Just relatively, it is not so difficult. But before that, you have to exercise, let your body become more strong, have more powerful heart and lung function." Qin Feng said, "Only this, you have the opportunity to play the simplified version" Girl Fantasy "."

"Everything listened to the teacher," Richard Clayderman said respect.

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