The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand eighty-five chapters are not good to deal with

Cross Pikadewat frowns.

"Mr. Qin, 50% shares, is the bottom line of our family. This is Daniel's use of life, and the reason for Daniel can use the life is the mercenaries hired by our family. And you just enjoy it." Cros - Pikad has started a single knife.

Don't face your face.

This is a gold mine, worth billion dollars.

It has to be accepted all, then the Pikad family is, it is a big wealth.

Of course, this is not just the problem of wealth.

After all, the gold mine will be completed. This billion dollar, Picard family can earn back in ten years.

What truly let Pikad move, this gold mite at the junction of Uganda, Ethiopia, etc., if they mined, this is equivalent to let Pikad company, in east, it can influence the surrounding countries. .

This is very important.

Pikad is a military company, although it is serving the US government, but Picard will also sell some other arms.

After all, the US military's orders are not so gentle.

You can make money, but you want to make big money from the US military order, it is impossible.

The US military is not stupid.

I find these companies every year, but the price given is not high.

Don't look at the procurement list of the outside world. In fact, the cost of these military companies, although making money, but is in a very reasonable range.

This is not proportional to the profit of the arms orders.

This is the case, that is because there is a US military support, you can sell some orders to other countries.

Some unique orders, you can sell it easily to other countries.

Just, in this respect, the US military is to divide a small piece.

However, everyone has its own.

Orders with military orders can support these companies to develop new technology to keep them the top strength of the world. It can be said that these companies themselves do not require additional spending funds to develop.

Because there are military orders, you don't have to worry about it.

With the military background, you can better dumping some products with large production lines.

This is a complementary thing.

Everyone is mutually beneficial.

This world, only mutually beneficial trading can only last long.

Unilateral profit, it is not.

However, Qin Feng's gold mine can bypass the US military, directly let Pikad impact in Africa.

In that, they can dump more arms out.

Conservative estimation, with at least an additional increase of about $ 100 million in an additional profit.

So poor in Africa? Can you sell so many arms?

Don't look at Africa.

Indeed, Africa is very poor.

Like Ethiopia, the per capita GDP last year is only $ 111.

A very exaggerated number.

One year is only $ 111.

What can this?

However, African system is not a modern social system. Although, many countries have batch the skin of modern society, but actually still the chief system.

Between the two, it is completely different.

Therefore, Africa is very poor, but some people are very rich.

These chiefs, in order to consolidate the forces, they must have a military to continue their power.

The army is a need for weapons.

That naturally has the necessary these arms companies.

And you can raise the army, I can also raise.

I have no money, and I also bold the army. I will kill you, I have money.

In this case, it is worth 100 million a year.

To know, there are not many Africa, and there are many resources.

These resources will be sold by these warlords and chips.

When you arrive, turn your hand, the arms can make a big pen.

And this golden mine is a bridgehead with Piccad bypass the US military and earns money.

As for saying, will the military will not be happy?

That concern is extra.

You have the ability to make money yourself, the military will not be embarrassed.

After all, the military is not the company.

"50%!" Qin Feng nature knows this is Cros Picad in the sky.

The other party's bidding has explained that the other mentality is in the range.

The two parties negotiated, in fact, from the first price, you can see what the other party's rough bottom line is.

Of course, some people like the lion to open, and shout.

However, that is the city of Jingshi.

In fact, you can't shout at this point.

You call the price, just don't respect each other. Then it may lead to the rupture of negotiations. It is impossible to negotiate again.

So, like them, this will be restrained and will not be chaotic.

"Although it is said that everything needs to be relying on the family. But the problem is that I am not airs!" Qin Feng smiled.

At first, Qin Feng took out the king.

Cros Pikad's face.

This guy is so incisional. Going directly to Wang, but also let them talk.

It is indeed like Qin Feng said that he is not anxious.

What is he rush?

"We are not in a hurry!" Kros Pichia said.

Are they anxious?

Not so urgent.

The value of this gold mine, they natural is good.

But no, they can accept it.

Anyway, this gold mite, this is no born.

"It's not anxious. But this is Daniel's use of life, and it is also the people of the valley to reach. This is not developed, after a three or five years, then completely and the family have nothing to do." Qin Feng smiled , "When the expectations you want to come in, you can't. This person loves, too, you can pass."

Cross Pikadel was in Qin Feng.

Is this guy, is it a genius? You said that reading is amazing, how to negotiate so old.

This is completely unlike a young man who is only 19 years old this year.

Too late.

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"I don't care, but this gold mine, after all, I am mine. I don't want to be branched in the future, so if the expensive family is sincere, then we can talk about it." Qin Feng smiled, "Sincerity "

Cross-Pichard is too vigilant, this guy is not good to deal with.

It seems that you want to take advantage of it.

Subsequently, both parties began to enter formal negotiations.

This time, in the case of the two parties, it is a commercial development negotiation.

In the end, Qin Feng gave 35% of the gold mine ownership and took 10 million US cash to use in gold mine development.

As for the Pikad family, it is responsible for all transaction processing of the gold mine.

Such as repairing road, paving, gold mine mining, security, dredging, etc.

In this regard, conservative estimates should be invested at least 30 million US dollars.

It can be said that both parties are very satisfied with this result.


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