The wealth of re-birth is in the air

There are more aircraft in the second thousand ninety-three chapters.

Qin Feng took a special plane with a bodyguard.

Naturally, because many bosses discuss some sensitive topics, they know each other. However, it is not good to listen to the bodyguard.

Although it is said that the bodyguards of the black water company have always been the most strict mouth, never leaked the secrets of any customers.

Otherwise, you have to disclose the client secret, then you are not a qualified bodyguard.

However, after all, some topics are discussed, and they are not suitable to be heard.

So, this bodyguard is arranged to the previous business seat.

Everyone chats with the bar behind, while drinking, while talking some gossip messages.

Don't look, this is all big rich, but it will gossip.

Only the content of their gossip, and the content of ordinary people gossip.

The content of ordinary people gossip, no more than some star's gossip, or some wonderful things that happen in society.

These rich gossip have failed some of the same level of rich investment, or there is still not known to have a circle.

The social class of both sides also determined that the goals of each other gossip were different.

From these gossip information, sometimes everyone can find some business opportunities.

After all, they have the opportunity to make money, it will never miss it.

Sometimes, you can't ask them directly. The best is to show some information in gossip, then find out the information useful to each other and exchange resource interchange.

Epstein is tight today.

He knows that after the plane, the people of the CIA will start actions.

Of course, not immediately grab the Qin Feng.

There are so many rich people present, they will not do it.

Unless they have arouse these rich.

But so many rich probes are also missing, and that's a lot.

At that time, the CITIES can't gain a field.

Therefore, in a program he hosted, Qin Feng caught.

That talent is the key to arresting Qin Feng.

There will be a game link with a quadruple in tires tonight. In this link, Qin Feng will be in the first day.

The CITIES will start in this process. Then God didn't know, the ghost did not take the Qin Feng away.

As for the trend of the next foreign world, the situation will make an accident because of too greed, and cause accidents. Then, Qin Feng will miss.

As for the fall of Qin Feng, it will look at the decision on the future.

The CIA can only do this.

You can't let Qin Feng die, because it is afraid of Bush to put it out. You can't let Qin Feng have never appeared.

Therefore, accidental and missing is the best result.

At that time, Epstein will explain the cause of Qin Feng disappearance to the outside.

Of course, Qin Feng is missing, inevitably provokes the attention of the outside world. When I arrived, Epstein will make trying to cover up, but it is obviously can't hold.

In the end, it will explode Qin Feng and Four Tour Things to play the situation.

At that time, the reputation of Qin Feng can be said, it is completely stinking.

This trick is a trick, it is completely corrupt to Qin Feng's reputation.

Of course, they also launch a vaccination in advance. After the future, Qin Feng will come out after the brilliance, Qin Feng will bite them.

After you defeat the reputation of Qin Feng, Qin Feng said what, the outside world will not believe.

This trick is not to be poisonous.

Epstein is all in the heart. In the future, don't have any handle falling in the handle.

Otherwise, I really don't know how to die.

Soon, the plane arrived in paradise island.

As always, the beauty is like a cloud.

One person two beautiful women welcome.

As for the bodyguard, natural decline. Of course, it is also blocked.

Bodyguards are arranged in a comfortable private room, and the tea fruits are served, so that they wait.

As for Qin Feng and others, they entered the banquet hall tonight.

However, Qin Feng's bodyguard is a black water company.

Although he listened to the arrangement from Epstein and went to the box. But after the service personnel left, they did not enjoy those fruits, but started to investigate around.

Qin Feng is in hiring them, and if he is, he must ensure his safety. This is the reason for Qin Feng is willing to spend $ 1,000 per day.

You know, the bodyguard of the black water company, although it is the most expensive in the industry.

After all, the most professional and most expensive.

The black water company is built by several retired soldiers in the US Navy Special Forces "Sales Association".

Its itself is the top special forces, and then adds some special training on the security project. Their commission is naturally the most expensive.

However, noble, you will not expens them to have a price of 1,000 dollars now.

You know, Americans' average annual salary is only $ 29 million.

They reached $ 365,000.

This gap is more than 10 times.

The reason is such a high salary, that is, the requirements of Qin Feng, that is, whenever and where, be sure to ensure the safety of Qin Feng.

Including Qin Feng subjectively neglects the safety, the bodyguards of the black water company must protect Qin Feng safety.

This is an initiative security facility.

And the word of mouth of the black water has always been very good. Although I said, there have been many negative news.

For example, in Iraqi abuse events, trafficking in arms, etc.

These negative news, and its security business is independent. In terms of security, Black Water has never had any negative news. They are absolutely standard for employers.

Of course, the premise is your money in place.

They are very expensive.

Therefore, this black water company bodyguard began security inspections.

This is an island, from the external environment, except for the airport, there is no other entrance.

Therefore, he gives priority is the security of the airport. Whether there will be possible to turn around Qin Feng.

Although this possibility is very low. After all, so many rich came.

But safety hazard investigation, this is its duty.

Paradise Island is not big, and its bodyguards pay attention to the two aircraft on it.

Of course, this plane is still very normal.

However, this plane is very weird.

The aircraft used by Epstein is a civil bay flow aircraft.

This kind of aircraft belongs to the rich people.

And another, is not a bay flow. It is a C-141 "transport star" transporter.

This is one of the US military main transporters.

Why did a military main transport machine appear here? And it has just landed.

This is not normal.

This makes the black water company's bodyguards.

Although it doesn't make sure it is hostile to the Qin Feng of your employer, he must be vigilant.

However, he is thin, one person, is unable to fight a force.

Therefore, he immediately contacted the company and reported to the company.

"I need a aircraft reinforcement, there is a fast response team." He said the black water company bodyguard report.


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