
Qin Feng is also too abnormal.

You have to give money, say it early. As soon as it makes it.

Of course, so, that is, Qin Feng is appreciating them to give money.

This is indeed different.

But for their group, there is no difference.

For them, important money, not others.

What is the name of it, Qin Feng gives money.

This is the most critical.

At this moment, the boss of the black water company is also for a long time.

This is not lost.

The company will pay 10 million US dollars, not only can fill the various expenses of this trip, but also make a big profit.

As for these bodyguards, they also have a $ 100,000 reward, which also meets their individual needs.

100,000 US dollars, it is not a small number.

Moreover, the duration is not long, and there is almost no dangerous battle for hours.

To know, these agents opposite, basically difficult to cause damage to them.

These agents are in the dark, they are dark, the combat power of both parties itself has a gap. Naturally, this is almost a massacre.

Of course, it is very troublesome.

"Mr. Qin, what advice do you have after the good?" Black water company boss asked.

In this kind of thing, he doesn't know how to be good. What he is doing now is just the ability to go.

As for, how to do not let the CIA bureau to find them trouble, he is also a heart, do not know how it is good.

Qin Feng wants to think.

"Do you sure you won't catch what handle?" Qin Feng asked.

"All our traces do not leave, he can't lock our identity. Moreover, we use the rapid growth of bamboo to destroy the scene of the scene. They will suspect that they are on us, but they can't lock us." Black water company The boss said.

"But they will still find you!" Qin Feng said.

The black water company boss thought, hilarious.

This is true.

Even if there is no evidence, the CITIES will also find them trouble.

If you die, so many agents, if you don't worry, then it is not a CIA.

In this case, they may have been subject to various monitors, and even possibly, the CIRCO is illegally interrogated with them. Even, it will use all the means to use to retaliate.

In this way, they will be very sad in the future.

"So, this time, I left the United States directly, to avoid the limelight." Lin Feng said, "I have died so many people, if I can't find someone, there will be someone in the middle of the situation. You will avoid Help. I don't have to treat you, so many people, divide two people, one person, I hire you to go to Brazil to help me see the mining area. On the other side, I went to Africa to help me see the gold mine. Of course, everyone's rewards are 1,000 US dollars a day, with an additional $ 500 out of public aid, how do you see? "

$ 1,000 for a day, plus $ 500 subsidy.

That is 1,500 US dollars.

This goes out for at least two or three months.

According to the minimum 60 days, it is $ 90000 income.

You know, this is still a year of per capita income of $ 28,000 a year.

Two months, you can earn $ 90,000, they are willing to be willing.

Moreover, it is also necessary to avoid the limelight.

This is very good.

In this way, the natural people agreed.

"So, you will send me back. Send back to Paradise Island." Qin Feng said, "Of course, Jerry is still following me. How do I go, how to go back."

"You are not afraid of the Credities for you to find you?" Everyone was surprised.

"Let me trouble? They act illegally. How to find me trouble!" Qin Feng grinned, "What more, I have an identity. I am relieved, I don't have anything.

Everyone thought about it, it is really so truth.

Subsequently, everyone put Qin Feng behind the paradise island, got directly to Brazil.

The United States is not far from Brazil. After they arrive in Brazil, they will divide the two ways to protect the two mining areas of Qin Feng.

As for Qin Feng, with Jerrymi, arrived at the villa of paradise island.

It is kidnapped by Qin Feng by the Creditory Bureau before the past day.

At this time, Epstein has not left.

Because Qin Feng did not appear. This has provoked the suspicion of other people.

Although Tag Tower is fascinating, Qin Feng cannot do not appear.

If this time, Epstein leaves directly, and the many rich suspicion is big.

Therefore, Epstein can only announce Lin Feng, and there are some islands around them. He is waiting for Qin Feng. Let many of the rich leaves first.

After all, these riches are all things, it is impossible to stay in the island.

What's more, they don't think that Epstein has guts to make some things that hurt them.

This guy is not so bold. Moreover, there is no conflict between the two sides, and he will not do this.

Therefore, many people will leave.

I haven't specifically speaking that Qin Feng did not appear. He feels that this is not strong. Qin Feng has never played in paradise island. Even if the other party is Tower - Whatei, Qin Feng has no reason to have no reason for this day.

Tower - Whatei is even more charm, but can be compared with Branti?

Qin Feng Lian Britney can stand by side.

What's more, a Tower-Wan Tiis.

However, under the Rapidan's Rapidity, there is no reason to believe in Qin Feng.

After all, there is no significance for Epstein, hurt Qin Feng completely.

This is not.

So, I have fallen.

After sending a lot of rich, Epstein is also asking for a long breath, lying in a huge jacuzzi, enjoying a pair of twin beautiful women, relaxing.

He is thinking, how to let the outside world believe that Qin Feng is not from him.

Otherwise, there will be no longer accepted him in the future. I will even stay away from him.

Because, he is too dangerous, and it is very unsatisfactory.

Just when Epstein thinks, slight water.

Epstein doesn't care, these models will occasionally go to some ice and fire two days.

However, soon he felt that it was not strong.

Because a big hand grabs his neck and press it in the bathtub.

, , , , panic.

Just when he almost died, the other party got it, but it didn't wait to breathe, and was once again pressed into the water.

Only a few times, Lepenstein was qi, no intake.

Here, he is elliptical, and finally see who is.


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