The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second one hundred and thirty-eight chapters

"Rebirth of the wealth ()" Find the latest chapter!

When there is no money, the biggest dream of people is rich, just enjoy life.

However, often when you have money, there is no time to enjoy.

Qin Feng, I just wanted Lina to come over to serve, enjoy it.

As a result, it was called by Cros Pichkad.

"Qin, I am very glad that you can come over. Calling you, is a little thing in Africa!" Cros Picad sorry.

"What?" Qin Feng frowned.

What happened to Africa? Not just getting it. Be prepared there, and build a base to exploit gold?

"This is the case, Africa has burst into chaos, and several countries are a war, the situation is very confusing. So I specially sent Daniel to the past." Cros Picad said.

Originally in the eye of Cross - Pichder, Daniel Pichia is just a soyman, soy sauce. So, he never intended to make a performance of this second.

In his eyes, this subtrane can be safe for a lifetime.

Anyway, he also gave it a rich trust fund, enough to ensure that he had a happy life for a lifetime.

But I didn't expect that Daniel had a great progress under Qin Feng.

At once, it can be alone.

However, the company has arranged this, and the family has arranged.

The long order is not chaotic.

This is true in Western countries.

Western countries, and the same as Huaxia is almost the same.

Unless the performance of young people is better, and the eldest son is not angry, you will choose the young child to inherit.

Otherwise, it is generally eldest.

After all, the first born is born, and the care is more, and the various parties involved are more. And from genetics, the gene of the eldest is generally better.

These situations will make the long-peanuts recognized by all parties.

So, Cross Pichkad will not choose the decision of the successor because Daniel Pique is excellent.

But you have to hold Daniel-Picad, this ability is greatly rising, and it will never give up. His burning ambition will also let him compete with the brothers.

This competition is natural is a good thing. But malignant competition can not be. Especially, the giants are the most hurt of the family. It is easy to lead to family decline.

Often, a luxurious diet is not caused by external strikes. It is often in contrast.

Just, recently, Africa, Daniel Picad was sent.

This is also solving the problem of trickhand of Cross-Pikadard.

Of course, he finds Qin Feng, not to say this.

He, very ambition.

His ambition is also picked up by Qin Feng.

A gold mine, this is a gold mine.

But around this gold mine can do too much things.

He, naturally does not waste the value of this gold mine. Especially, recent African chaos.

This makes him breed some ambitions.

And this ambition is to need Qin Feng to help it.

"I don't know what Pelica Hand wants to do?" Qin Feng also couldn't know what Cros-Pikadeware!

What is the big chaos of Africa, what do he want? Is it hard to build a country there?

But this is absolutely impossible.

Although Africa is very chaotic, it is also very backward, and the fighting power of countries is extremely poor.

It can even be said that you give the China Regular Army a group of troops, guarantee the situation of the logistics, and a group's force can sweep the entire Africa.

All the way to push past.

For the ability of Lei Shen Company, it is absolutely found in Africa.

But you really want to build a country, there will be many countries that do not agree.

Western countries will not agree.

At that time, Raytheon can't hold it.

This is absolutely can't stand.

Which is not so stupid?

"This is a chance. Africa, has countless resources. And this continent has no powerful forces. All countries are inclusive, but give us these corporate opportunities. This time, Ethiopia once again broke the civil war, directly swept the surroundings. We can fully promote its momentum. "

"Promote momentum?" Lin Feng doubt.

"Yes, we are arms, this war is more enthusiastic, we naturally make money. I let Daniel's past, let him pick all countries. Let the war expanded." Cros Pikad said.

This is the case.

Qin Feng secretly tones. Before Qin Feng, I thought they were going to build a country in Africa. If so, Qin Feng will not play with them, that is, it will not play Qin Feng.

That is really a big thing.

You a Western company, run to Africa to build a country, isn't it to play.

All countries will join you.

Do you have to live?

Now, the other party is not to build a country, but to provoke the power of African countries, let it chaos.

In this way, Raytheon can sell more arms.

This is really a good idea.

Just like this, then the spirit is tied.

"I want to ask, this, what is the other party to transaction?" Lin Feng curiously said, "With gold, it is not good to exploit. Use diamond, but the diamond is more, not worth money."

This diamond is the biggest scam in the world.

I really want Africa to trading with diamonds. Results, the diamond itself is worthless.

This really has too many diamonds, and the price of international diamonds is getting down.

"No. The world's diamond mining is controlled. African is chaos, the drilling of the mined is very small. Value will not fall." Kros Pikada smiled.

Now the diamonds in the world are mainly in Africa.

If Africa is chaos, then the mining work will stop.

At that time, the diamonds that flow out do not affect the price of diamond itself.

Of course, the diamond itself is indeed the largest scam.

It is also the most successful advertisement in the world. After binding it with love, diamonds become invaluable treasures.

"What do you want me?" Qin Feng curiously asked.

What do you need to do?

This thing seems to be thunder.

Although, Daniel Cross is a horse, but is it really horse?

Qin Feng now does not dare to get the Daniel-Pichia, who is recognized by Raytheon.

This is still this thinking, then it is true.

"Our company will not come directly, so we need an agent. We want to cooperate with Mr. Qin to jointly develop African markets." Kross Picad is lighter, "We want to come, will be martedly by all parties. On the contrary, If Mr. Qin came out, then there was no such problem. When we have a backing, Africa will become the fame and fortune of our fishing. "

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