The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Two hundred and forty-chapter missiles

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"This is our contract." Cros Picard delivers a contract for Qin Feng.

This contract is much thicker.

Qin Feng frowned.

This, I am afraid I have to be optimistic about a few days.

"Mr. Qin, no hurry, you can slowly." Cros Picad smiled and handed over a cup of coffee. "We have time."

Obviously, this is the meaning of this contract, that is, this contract cannot be announced.

It belongs to private trading. Then I can't find a lawyer to help.

Qin Feng took over.

Although the contract is thick, the things set forth are very clear.

In this regard, Qin Feng has a domestic contract.

Or, I have to spit a deep profession of Chinese characters. Many contracts, playing a text trap, you don't want it.

For example, the difference between deposits and deposits.

There is also a difference in force majeure and human force majeure. Between the two, the difference is too big. The former is just a single earthquake, flood, war, etc. The latter will extend it.

Also, when the transaction, a receipt does not prove anything. For example, the number of detailed quantities and funds are indicated above, and it has been indicated by it. But this is just a sentence: thank you for a certain one.

That is completely different. It can be recognized as a gift in law.

Of course, there are many similar examples.

The Chinese characters are profound, resulting in a slightly one word on the contract, will cause complete reversal.

In contrast English is too dead, one board is glance, all the traps are at a glance. As long as you are careful, you will not be routed.

Qin Feng looks one by one by one.

Everyone does not understand, will discuss with Cross-Pikada. Cross Pikad will explain in detail each of them.

At this point, Cross-Pique is not an impatient place. On the contrary, it is very patient.

In the end, when the day, Qin Feng read all the terms.

There is no problem.

This is mainly related to some relevant permissions and mutual responsibilities.

In short, Qin Feng, which is the company's partner, is also a legal person, and the Pikad family is signed by Daniel Picad.

Obviously, what happened, this matter will be blamed to the Picardian family of Daniel-Pique. The absolute and Pikad family have nothing to do.

You know, in the eyes of the outside world, Daniel Pichia is a super-son, do not study. What is the wonderful thing he made, it is possible.

And his recent changes are hidden by Picad family. There is no such banquet for it.

not at all.

Cross-Pique is hidden.

Because of an outside world, the famous children, but suddenly changed, becoming a material that can make a top beam pillar, which is too useful.

Such a person, it is necessary to make the family in an invincible place.

Therefore, this contract is Daniel Picad signed in the name of the individual and Qin Feng.

If you have something, you will never drag down to Raytheon, and Pikad family.

Qin Feng sighed an old fox.

Sure enough, it is sophisticated.

However, Qin Feng is also acceptable.

After all, behind the family is a big family, you can't really play with you.

Qin Feng finally signed a refreshment.

Everything pays, there is a price, there is a reward.

"Mr. Qin, really there is a distant person." Cros Picard smiled.

This contract has no pit Qin Feng.

Of course, if you really have something, the Qin Feng still has to pay the price.

This is can't run.

However, there is a lot of Qin Feng.

This contract,

Qin Feng has a hand, naturally there is also a gain.

Soon, Daniel-Pique will list a company's product list.

Qin Feng looked at it and scared a big jump.

"I can sell it above this?" Qin Feng asked.

"No, you see, these radars, the sensor cannot be bought, and it is marked with red characters." Cros Pikad smiled and explained.

"Then you still listen out?" Qin Feng unexplored.

"Because we are now a partner, I said, give you a list, naturally will give you all. Of course, there is a list, it is not important. In fact, if you really want to get this In order, I don't want to be difficult. "Cros Pikady clouds lightly said.

This list, there are in the United States. Moreover, it is not a top secret information.

Because the list is just a name. Just just a name, ordinary people may not know. But I really want to get it, I want to get it.

Therefore, Cros-Pique does not have any places that can hide.

"Hey, wait, you can sell these missiles?" Qin Feng was a bit horrified.

This is above, but there is a list of patriot missiles. Can you sell this?

Don't be so exaggerated.

"Yun!" Kross Pikada smiled, "But, it will be approved in large quantities, it needs to be approved. Small, you can! However, you can't trade in the United States. And, the distance is short-range. We will not sell the long run "

Short-range missiles, as long as they are not in the United States, they can't get the United States.

Middle long running missiles, this Qin Feng wants to sell to terrorists, the threat is big.

Therefore, it can only sell short rules.

Qin Feng nodded.

Subsequently, there is nothing to do with the rest. At least it is needed. Perhaps the country has a demand, but he is not required.

Only, Qin Feng is very interested in this missile.

"This, how much can you sell?" Qin Feng pointed to the AGM-65 calf miles.

Cross - Picad is a smile.

AGM-65 calf missile, also known as young mallowers. It can accurately combat point-like targets, mainly used to attack tanks, armored vehicles, airports, missile launches, artillery positions, field commanders and other small fixed or active goals, and large fixed targets.

Of course, this is usually carried by aircraft and air attacks.

However, Leihe Company can modify it.

Change it into a ground missile.

This land missile requires a car, then you need extra money.

"The money is good, how much can you sell?" Qin Feng asked.

"This, you have too much, I don't have so much goods. After all, I mainly supply to the US Air Force. In this way, give you 10!" Kross Picad said, "But Delivery location You choose? As long as it is not In the United States, we can help you send goods. First transaction, free delivery fee. "

Qin Feng wants to think. Where can you use it?

Brazil! This is over, not. However, it will expose yourself in Brazil's assets and some attempts.

I thought about it, it seems to have only one place.

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