The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand one hundred and forty-seventh chapter

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Criminal immunity!

Qin Feng put down the phone and suddenly hesquered the music.

In front of the boss, it doesn't matter, don't care, it is just a forced.

Young people are not forced, what person is installed.

Now, only yourself left, Qin Feng is happy.

What is this?

Criminal immunity! In the next five years, you can exempt all punishment.

In other words, no matter what, it is impossible to punish it.

Can this people get it?


At least it is currently not available in China.

Even those big boards, although they are actually the same. However, in a manner, no one can get this exemption.

And yourself is the only one.

This makes Qin Feng uncomfortable.

In the routing, the sound of the mountain calling tsunami.

This is the sound of Qin Feng.

The teenager is proud to be mad!

Otherwise, is it still a teenager!

It is good to have an excellent sound insulation effect, so the black water company outside the outside is not heard of Qin Feng's song. Otherwise, they will definitely doubt their current employers, and they have always been Qin Feng, which is a super genius, the general character, is not crazy.

For a while, Qin Fengfang was exhausted.

Subsequently, I started calling.

This is certain, definitely can't put it in Weibo.

You know, this people will not be illegal.

Unfair, uniform, is one of the tax ideas proposed by Confucius.

Confucius pointed out in "The Analects of Minshen": "Smell state-owned family, unless you are suffering, not affected, no, no, no, no widow, no widow. "The meaning is that there is a country's princes or the scene of the doctor, should not worry about the wealth, just worry about wealth distribution uneven; don't worry, just in the territory, the wealth allocation is flat, it doesn't matter of poverty; The people live in harmony, they don't think there is a small number; there is no danger of landing in the country.

Qin Feng has to be posted out, and that iron is sprayed. At that time, Qin Feng was embarrassed.

Of course, the most embarrassing should be the boss.

I will feel that I am a mud, I can't help the wall.

Therefore, the first one of Qin Feng, I will call Lin Yu.

"How are you so space, give me a call?" Lin Yu is curious.

Between Qin Feng and Lin Wei, it will not call almost every day like a fairy, or I. Although it is said that there is not much time.

But it will talk.

There is a call between Qin Feng and Lin Yu, and occasionally call a call.

Of course, there will be a lot every time.

"Hey, sister, what rewards you guess?" Qin Feng smiled.

"Reward?" Lin Yu stunned, "School? What evaluated again?"

"No! It is a boss to give me." Qin Feng smiled.

"Ming boss? Give you a top ten youth? Or example?" Lin Yu guess.

"Not. Sister, do you still reward? Do you need me to fight?" Qin Feng helpless.

"Listen to this tone, it seems to show off!" Lin Yuyu.

"No, no, I dare to show off in front of my sister. I am here to share." Qin Feng smiled.

"Let's talk, don't hide." Lin Yuzhu.

"Sister is a criminal immunity within five years." Qin Feng said.

"What?" Lin Yu listened to a glimpse.

"Criminal immunity within five years!" Qin Feng repeated.

"God!" Lin Yu exclaimed, "I gave you this! God, God!"

Qin Feng ha launched.

"Sister, I am awesome!" Qin Feng smiled, "Ming Bo gave me this."

"He can give you this, this is incredible." Lin Yu is amazed, "this, I have never heard of it."

"Sister, I didn't think it was."

"This kind of love is big. You don't have to worry about five years." Lin Yu is also happy for Qin Feng, "Especially for three years, Ming Bo will retire. At this time, you still have two Annual exemption. You can do a lot. "

Two years, enough to let Qin Feng find a big tree.

In the past two years, the situation will become very clear. This is really unexpected.

"Sister, thank you!" Qin Feng smiled, "You said, whoever is sin, let you not be happy, I will go to him!"

Lin Yu smiled and shook his head.

"Ming boss gives you this exemption, not let you take it for me. It is to let others hurt you with some trips." Lin Yu said, "You have to fight this Hulai, Ming Bo It is not possible to collect it. "

"Hey, this thing, there is right to have no expires. Sister, rest assured!" Qin Feng smiled, "In short, whoever is sinned, you will tell me, I must help you."

"Okay, okay, I know, who is bullying, I must tell you." Lin Yizhen warm.

The first of Qin Feng, I thought of her, and she felt that her heart was full of joy.

Woman, always hopes to be protected.

No matter how good, a woman, I hope someone can protect myself.

"Okay, hang. You will show off with your fairy. I still have anything." Lin Hao smiled and hangs.

Qin Feng smiled, once again dialed the phone of Tanabata.

"Hey, squad leader, who is sin you now? I will help you ventilate. Now I have a monk sword in my hand!" Qin Feng showed off.

"Shangfang Baojian?" Tanabata fairy is curious, "What is a bird sword?"

"Ming Bo gave me a criminal immunity for it! In these five years, no matter what I do, I will not be prosecuted. I will not be detained!" Qin Feng said.

"Ah? This is all!" Tanabata fairy can't believe it.

How can there be such a thing.

This is too incredible.

"Hey, that is what I have!" Qin Feng smiled, "How, your boyfriend is big. Say, who is not happy, I will help you vent."

"Just a person is very angry. I hope you can help me learn about him!" Tanabata fairy said.


"But I am afraid that you can't play him!" Tanabata fairy suddenly said, "I still have to be more angry. Nothing!"

"What! I am playing him !! I am afraid that he! Say, I will go to him now! I fly in the past!" Qin Feng was angry.

"The name of this person, surnamed Qin, famous wind, more than three!" Tanabata fairy ,, "Go to him, I am waiting for you to give me!"

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